Vodka Russian Diamond - premium alcohol

Vodka "Russian Diamond" appeared on the shelves of our stores in 1997. This product immediately attracted the attention of not only ordinary customers, but also many manufacturers. Why is the drink so good and why do even experienced professionals give it such a high rating?

Product Description

Russian Diamond vodka is a new development of technologists of Itkulsky Distillery OJSC, which is perhaps one of the oldest enterprises in Russia, and it is located in the village of Sokolovo in the Altai Territory.

vodka russian diamond

The product was launched into mass production in the late nineties of the last century. The company has already become famous all over the world in its time with such famous products as vodka "Mammoth", "Ambassadorial", "Altai" and "Living Voditsa". All of them belong to premium class products and have already received high marks at various international exhibitions. The new Russian Diamond vodka has become another drink of excellent quality. Not without reason, at a tasting contest in 2014 in Cannes, she received a high honorary award from the Master in the Premium category. Such a victory is worth a lot. Indeed, the jury included the best world experts in the alcohol industry, as well as well-known journalists, hoteliers and tasters. In their opinion, the new Russian product has become a real favorite of the season and a role model.

Secrets of Technology

Russian Diamond vodka is created at an enterprise equipped with modern high-quality equipment from Italy, Russia and Germany. For its production is used:

  • specially prepared artesian water;
  • rectified luxury alcohol made exclusively from rye.

The secret to the success of this product is its highest quality, which was achieved through unique technology. According to the recipe to create a specific blend, the drink is infused for 7 days. As a result, it acquires an exquisite deep taste with the aroma of fresh rye bread. The same notes are felt in a pleasant refreshing aftertaste. In addition, the drink passes 57 degrees of purification, is filtered using silver. This provides him with crystal transparency, which is one of the important indicators for products in this category. In addition, each bottle is necessarily rinsed with vodka before bottling.

Russian Diamond Premium

The real achievement in the field of alcoholic beverages production is considered to be Russian Diamond Premium vodka. For its manufacture, only natural components are used:

  • soft and clean water extracted from a well 138 meters deep;
  • malt alcohol;
  • sugar.

In accordance with the original recipe, an alcoholic infusion of fresh cucumbers and watermelon pulp is added to the semi-finished product. This makes it possible to slightly soften the taste of the drink. In addition, in the process of processing the drink is subjected to "freezing" at sub-zero temperatures in special vats. It also makes the taste of the finished product softer.

premium Russian vodka

For bottling the drink, a glass faceted bottle of the original form is used. It has a thick (2 centimeters) bottom, which provides maximum packaging stability. The front side of the bottle is equipped with a figured label made of a rough material resembling suede. It has silver letters bearing the name of the product, over which a red diamond is depicted. The label on the back is transparent and contains only the tare number. The bottle is corked with a glass stopper with a polymer seal. There is a special round sticker on the neck that says: β€œ57 degrees of purification”. For the filling of such a forty-degree product, containers with a capacity of 0.5 and 0.75 liters are usually used.

Customer reviews

What do ordinary customers think about such a product? Do they like Russian Diamond Premium vodka? The reviews for this product are different. Basically, buyers have a positive opinion about him. The vast majority of them note that the drink is really soft and is very easy to drink. In the morning, there is practically no hangover. This in itself says a lot about the quality of the product.

vodka russian diamond premium reviews

A bottle of such vodka costs from 300 to 540 rubles. Among alcoholic beverages in this price range, this is considered one of the best. Some experienced alcohol lovers even managed to catch a light cucumber flavor. True, some buyers believe that it is completely absent. But the main advantage of the drink is still its crystal purity. The factory technologists worked hard on this. With a bottle of such vodka you can safely go to visit. It is ideal for any meat, poultry or fish dish. And the owners will surely appreciate such a gift.


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