Hair polishing for women - getting rid of split ends while maintaining hair length

What girl does not want to own beautiful, healthy, well-groomed hair? Naturally, anyone wants it. And so that dreams come true, and the split ends no longer bother, the fair sex needs to be decided and a procedure called hair polishing machine. Reviews about such a session to restore beautiful strands are mostly positive, so you should allocate 3 minutes of your time and read this article, in which you can find the benefits, as well as the cost of such an event to improve curls.

hair polishing

About problem

Damaged hair can be along the entire length. These are the consequences of negative factors (poor water, sun exposure, ecology), it is the tips that are destroyed in the first place. They begin to get confused when combing, do not paint over and stand out sharply on dark curls, creating a sloppy appearance of their owner.

The effect of current hair restoration procedures will last a month. The only solution to this problem is a haircut. But not every girl is happy to remove long hair. So how to get rid of the problematic tips and keep the length? There is a solution - polishing hair with a machine, on which a special nozzle is put on.

This method is the fastest and most effective for the prevention and restoration of split ends.

hair polishing machine

Term designation

Polishing is an important procedure in which separately protruding, split ends are removed. For this event, you will need a machine with a special professional nozzle.

Pros of the procedure

1. Maximum length retention. When polished, the ends of the hair (from 3 to 10 mm) are removed along the entire length of their strands.

2. Healthy appearance for a long period (up to 3-4 months).

3. Polishing the hair in time takes no more than 40 minutes, and then if it is carried out on a very thick head of hair. If the curls are of medium length and not too thick, then usually this event lasts 20 minutes.

hair polishing clipper reviews

When to apply?

Hair polishing can be performed as a separate procedure and as additional after dyeing, chemical treatment of curls. And also it can be done after salon restorative events, which together gives the best and long-term result.

What are the differences from a regular haircut, where the ends of the hair are also trimmed?

And the difference is in the selected nozzle, because when performing the polishing procedure, a special tip is used. Thanks to the cut with the knife blocks of the machine, the tip of the cut hair has a smoother edge, in contrast to the cut with scissors, where it is more loose. Even hot scissors, which can do a similar procedure, simply dry out the curls due to their thermal effects. And this subsequently affects the ends, causing their destruction.

hair polishing reviews

Opinions of the girls

There are various views of the fair sex on such a procedure as polishing hair. Positive reviews are, of course, more common. But it is worth clarifying that this procedure has not yet proven itself, it is only gaining momentum. However, those who have already tried it on themselves, for the most part, approve of her. Girls like the result: when they come to the hairdresser with long, split ends of hair, and leave with almost the same length, but without these tearing and breaking ends. Hair, according to women, becomes soft, smooth, it is better to comb them. And what else do they like - long-term effect. After all, polishing the ends of the hair is done once every 3-4 months, so you do not need to run to the hairdresser again after 2 weeks and spend money again.

There are also disapproving responses about this procedure. However, all of them relate, rather, not to the event itself, but to the qualification of a specialist. Some hairdressers do nothing right before the session with the hair, but simply put the nozzle on the machine and begin to polish the tips. And in the end it turns out that the girls come out of such “professionals” with a shock of hair on their heads (especially those representatives of the weaker sex, who naturally have curly curls). But according to the rules, the specialist must first align the curls (with an iron or a hairdryer), and only then proceed with the procedure called hair polishing. Therefore, before leaving negative feedback about the event itself, you should first find an experienced hairdresser, find out what kind of experience he has and whether he has any, and only then trust this person with his hair.

polishing hair ends


Hair polishing with a machine, reviews of which are mostly positive, is an affordable procedure. The cost of one such event to restore curls and give them a healthy look ranges from 300–1200 rubles. This difference is due to many factors: the experience of the hairdresser, the location of the barber, as well as the length and density of the tips visited.

For example, on average, polishing hair, reviews of which are mostly positive, for a short haircut costs 500 rubles. For long curls to the waist, you will have to pay about 800 rubles. For the procedure to restore the ends of the hair reaching the buttocks, you will need to pay about 1200 rubles.

If you want your curls to be healthy and beautiful, it is better to give 800 rubles and enjoy the result than to save and pay 300 rubles, and then bite your elbows from an unexpectedly bad effect.

Now you know what a procedure called hair polishing is, you’ve read what are its advantages compared to a regular haircut. We found out in what price range this event is held to improve curls, and also learned reviews about it, which, by the way, are mostly positive. Now you know exactly what to do with problem split ends - polishing will save you from these difficulties.


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