Basma hair dye: reviews, application features and effect

To update the image of a woman, staining is often performed. But chemical paints damage hair, impairing appearance. Therefore, natural components are considered to be in demand. Basma hair coloring is popular. Reviews indicate the effectiveness of this tool. It is a vegetable black dye. But so that the curls do not turn out green, you also need to use henna. Details of the use of components are presented in the article.

What it is?

Basma is a natural paint created from the powder of the dry leaves of an indigofer tree. Naturalness is considered an advantage, due to which the natural acid balance of the scalp is not disturbed. Using the dye is safe, and the result of the procedure can please even lovers of professional paint. According to reviews, Basma goes well with other natural dyes, giving beautiful shades.

basma reviews

Beneficial features

According to reviews, basma is much better than chemical dyes, since it does not damage the hair structure. It’s enough to use effective recipes to get the right shade. Basma in comparison with artificial dyes has the following advantages:

  1. It contains vitamin C, which strengthens and nourishes the strands. With it, the hair will have a healthy shine.
  2. Natural substance has a nourishing effect, accelerates hair growth.

basma gray hair coloring reviews

Using a natural dye strengthens the roots, eliminates dandruff. The coloring of gray hair with basma is favorable. Reviews indicate that after the procedure, the curls become elastic and soft. This will produce a natural color with an attractive sheen. Using henna and basma will eliminate the problem of hair loss. Dry and cut strands appear healthy.

Application features

Not everyone knows how to get the right color. To do this, you need to know the rules of hair coloring. The positive effect depends on the implementation of simple tips. Vegetable paint is a landscaper. In order not to turn blue or green, painting with henna and basma should be performed in a complex. It should be remembered that if a vegetable dye has already been used, basma staining will give an unpredictable result.

If the hair is dry, care must be taken. Coloring gray curls with henna and basma should be done with olive oil (1 spoon). Otherwise, the strands will be overdried, become brittle, lose color brightness. After coloring, hair should not be washed for 2-3 days. This is necessary to consolidate the result and reveal the shade. Plant dye has a drying effect, so you should not wash your hair every day. It is advisable to dye one strand first, and if you like the result, you can proceed to complete dyeing.

Useful Tips

How is henna and basma staining performed ? Reviews confirm that you first need to decide on the shade. The proportion of added substances and the duration of the procedure will depend on this. To get a light shade, staining should be done for half an hour. And for gaining black color, the duration of the procedure is 1.5-2 hours.

basma hair coloring reviews

To obtain a coloring composition, you must use porcelain dishes. It is undesirable to use metal utensils, it is difficult to wash them. Gloves must be used, since dyes are eaten into the skin and difficult to wash. A cream is required for the procedure. It is applied to skin to protect against dyes. Paint is applied by brush in layers. A bag or cap of polyethylene is put on top.

Water should not be higher than 80 degrees, otherwise it will adversely affect the dye. After putting on the cap, it should be fixed with a towel. If after the procedure the result is not pleasing, it can be re-performed after 14-21 days. To get a light shade, rinse with water and lemon juice.

What affects staining?

According to reviews, hair coloring with henna and basma will have a positive effect, if the proportions are used correctly. Also the result depends on:

  1. Natural hair color.
  2. The temperature of the water to create the mixture. If it is cold, then the process will be lengthy.
  3. Curl structures. Thin, dry, bleached curls are easier to stain.
  4. The duration of the procedure. The longer the staining, the brighter the shade.
  5. The ratio of natural ingredients.

The brightness of the color is reduced with the help of masks based on olive oil. It is necessary to apply them on dirty, dry curls for 30 minutes, and then rinse with shampoo. To get the desired result, you need to perform repeated procedures.

basma hair coloring reviews

To eliminate the red tone after henna, you need to perform staining with black powder. To maintain color saturation in 1.5 l of boiling water add 50 g of basma. The product is filtered and cooled. You can rinse.

Component Matching Options

According to reviews, henna and basma can be used separately and together. These 2 methods give different results. When stained separately, henna is used first, and then black vegetable paint. All components are prepared before the procedure. But by consistency, the mixture of ginger should be thicker. After the procedure, the curls should be washed with warm water. Hue depends on the duration of painting:

  1. Light brown - 20 minutes.
  2. Chestnut - 60-90.
  3. Black - 2-3 hours.

Separate staining

The mixture must be prepared before staining. The powder must be ground, pour hot water. The product must be thoroughly mixed. Then it must be put on a small fire, stirring, it is required to bring to a boil. Immediately after boiling, the composition must be removed from the stove. If everything is done correctly, the consistency of the mixture will be similar to liquid sour cream.

The black colorant thickens quickly. Therefore, its consistency should be thinner. Regularly add a little hot water. Determine if the mixture is enough. If the hair is long and thick, then a larger amount of solution is required.

henna and basma staining reviews

The mixture must be applied to curls. Head wrapping is not required. You need to cover with a towel to get a black tone. Then everything is washed off with warm water. If the shade turns out saturated, then you can wash your hair with soap. It will be possible to lighten them by rinsing with citric acid. Dye is washed off for a long time. If the dye gives a green tone, then the hair should be washed with soap and rinse. For 15 minutes you need to apply henna.

Simultaneous painting

You can use henna and basma for hair together. Reviews confirm the effectiveness of this method. Pour components in an amount of 50-200 g into a container of phosphorus. They are poured with hot water until a homogeneous mixture is obtained . It should be a thick remedy. Hue depends on the ratio of components.

You can get the following tones:

  1. Chestnut is created with an even amount of components.
  2. Light brown is created at a ratio of 1: 2. And the duration of the procedure is half an hour.
  3. Light blond is obtained at a ratio of 1: 3, and coloring takes 60 minutes.
  4. Black tone can be obtained with a ratio of 1: 3, and the duration is 3-4 hours.

After staining, do not use shampoo for 3 days. This time is needed to consolidate the result.


With the coloring of black hair after henna, the tone does not change, it turns out copper. A chestnut color using henna and basma at home can be achieved with thick gruel. Duration of staining is 1.5 hours. Hard strands must be softened. To do this, in hydrogen peroxide 5% (30-40 g), you need to add liquid soap (1 tsp) and ammonia (6-8 drops). You need to moisten the strands, and after 30 minutes apply henna.

basma coloring reviews

According to reviews, Basma eliminates gray hair. First used red, and then black paint. If at the 1st stage a little vegetable paint is added, the result will be the most colored. To get additional shades, you need to use natural dyes with decoctions of various components. Onion peel allows you to get a brown shade of warm tones, and sea buckthorn and tansy - yellow, raspberries - red, linden - chestnut.

Recipes with Natural Ingredients

According to reviews, basma hair coloring allows you to get various shades if the component is mixed with other natural dyes. The following shades are considered in demand:

  1. Bordeaux. Beetroot juice should be heated to 60 degrees, and then add a package of henna to it. Hibiscus tea has a similar effect.
  2. "Red tree". Henna needs to be bred in warmed Cahors. You can get a similar effect with the addition of cranberry juice. Before the procedure, the hair should be moistened and dried.
  3. Chocolate. You will need copper and black dye in an amount of 1: 2. Staining lasts 1.5-2 hours. With light brown hair, the procedure should be carried out 2-3 times.
  4. Golden red. Henna needs to be filled with a decoction of pharmacy chamomile. In the water (1 cup) is added 1-2 tbsp. l plants. The composition should be infused, and then it must be filtered. It is better to warm up to 75-90 degrees.
  5. Chestnut. Ground coffee (1 tsp) per 25 g of powder should be added to the mixture. You can create a pale chestnut hue if you use cocoa instead of coffee.

Pros and cons

Reviews of basma confirm the effective action of natural dyes. In addition, they do not have a negative effect on the structure of curls. Staining with henna and basma is not harmful to the skin. Natural paint is much cheaper than professional, the main thing is to choose the right color and carry out the procedure in accordance with all the rules.

basma dyeing reviews

But, as reviews show, basma staining also has disadvantages. There is a chance of drying out the scalp if you do not adhere to the recommendations on the procedure. Not everyone gets the color they want. Chemical paint allows you to get an approximate tone, which is indicated in the picture. Therefore, you have to perform the procedure more than once, until you get the right shade. The procedure can only be performed on hair that has not been previously dyed.


Although, according to reviews, the color of basma is safe, still after dyeing the hair needs quality care. It is advisable to use tinted conditioners, shampoos and balms. With them, it will be possible to fix a new color for a long time.

Shampoos and balms hide the difference between regrown roots and colored hair. Since regular washing gradually eliminates the shade, therefore, do not wash your hair every day. It is necessary to choose shampoos with gentle components that will preserve the color saturation, and also cleanse the hair of impurities.

Always use professional tools. They can be used only the first 2 weeks, and then you can return to the usual. It is useful to use products with almond oil, flax, proteins, medicinal extracts and panthenol. Such a composition will strengthen the structure of curls.

In a week, 2 times you need to perform masks, thanks to which the hair structure is restored. It improves the effect of heat, so you need to put on a film over the mixtures and heat them with a hairdryer. If a curling iron is used to create hairstyles, then it is necessary to use thermal protective agents. An indelible protective cream will help from a negative effect on curls.

Thus, basma staining is effective, you only need to follow the elementary rules of the procedure. A suitable shade can be obtained after several procedures. Effective care products will help to consolidate the result and prevent the harmful effects of extraneous factors.


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