Can I eat raw potatoes?

It's no secret that in times of crisis everyone is trying to save money and try to feed their pets “off the table”. Farmers, in principle, always try to feed their animals with natural products. This saves money, and also helps to fill the diet of animals with useful vitamins and substances that are found in vegetables.

is it possible to eat raw potatoes

At the same time, veterinarians and owners have been constantly arguing about whether it is possible to give raw potatoes to pets. Let's figure it out together.

Raw Potatoes: Pros and Cons of a Pet Diet

What is the use of raw potatoes in the diet of pets, is it possible to eat raw potatoes? A question that interests many modern farmers. According to the generally accepted opinion, potatoes as a vegetable do not carry anything useful in themselves, being a source of a large amount of starch and carbohydrates. But at the same time, in its raw form, potatoes contain natural enzymes that help the animal’s body work faster. It is also known that in potatoes there is an increased content of potassium and fiber, so it is useful for many animals.

can rabbits have raw potatoes

With all this, some animals are contraindicated in copious amounts of raw potatoes, as it can cause frustration or even poisoning. It also has little protein and mineral salts, which can adversely affect the health of the pet.

One of the reasons why it is also not recommended to give raw potatoes to animals is a chemical treatment during the growing process. Now that the general picture of potato consumption by pets is approximately clear, let's try to understand each of them.

Raw Potatoes in a Dog Diet

The disputes of dog handlers and veterinarians do not fade for a minute. The fact is that everything is individual - whether it is possible to eat raw potatoes depends on each dog breed and its digestive characteristics. Many breeds from potatoes do not experience harm to the body, quite the contrary. Others suffer from diarrhea and even inversion of the intestines, which adversely affects their health and leads to serious consequences.

Is it possible to give raw potatoes

Potatoes contain a lot of starch, therefore it is poorly digested and can negatively affect the gastrointestinal tract, and in some cases even creates the threat of parasites.

However, some nutritionists believe that nothing critical can happen to a dog’s body from a single potato per day. On the contrary, the pet’s body will be saturated with essential carbohydrates and fiber. Is it possible to eat raw potatoes darling? The main thing here is not to overdo it and approach this issue wisely. First of all, after taking potatoes, it is necessary to check the chair of your favorite animal. If everything is in order, then you can safely give a little bit of raw potatoes.

Can cats eat raw potatoes?

Many veterinarians categorically forbid giving cats potatoes. Therefore, the question of whether it is possible to eat raw potatoes to cats, disappears by itself. The fact is that the poison solanine contained in it can cause poisoning of a pet with a fatal outcome. Also, raw potatoes and starch in it damage and clog the cat's digestive system, so it is by no means recommended to give them raw potatoes.

You can give it in a ready-made boiled form, but at the same time it is absolutely useless and does not bring any benefit to the animal, it only adds weight. At the same time, you should not even give ready-made potatoes more than twice a month. Otherwise, there is a risk of clogging the intestines.

Rabbits and raw potatoes

The situation is different with rabbits. There is no question of whether raw potatoes can be used in rabbits. It occupies an important place in the diet of these animals.

Is it possible to feed rabbits raw potatoes

Raw potatoes are good for rabbits during the fattening period, as starch is quickly processed by the body, turning into fat. Raw potatoes are also rich in vitamins and perfectly diversify the daily diet.

However, raw root crops must be gradually introduced into the diet of rabbits. At the same time, it is important for farmers to know that young potatoes are not allowed to put up young potatoes up to 4 months old. With special care, you need to give tubers to lactating rabbits, since starch clogs the milk vessels, which is very dangerous during feeding.

Rabbits are almost the only animals that can be given raw potatoes without worrying about the consequences.

Raw Potato Rabbit Feeding Tips

Farmers agree on whether raw rabbits can be fed rabbits. If rabbits do not eat raw potatoes well or refuse it at all, then the potatoes should be excluded completely from feeding. After a month, you need to try again to give them raw potatoes, because often rabbits do not eat it in the summer, and in the winter gobble "for both cheeks".

Using raw potatoes, one should take into account that in a year large males need to eat no more than 40 kg of raw potatoes, and females - no more than 36 kg of raw potatoes.

In this case, fresh potatoes should be no more than 1/10 of the daily diet of the pet. Before putting the tubers into rabbits, they must be thoroughly washed and cut into several small parts.

In no case do not give green raw potatoes as food . It contains a large amount of solanine, a toxic substance. It is capable of causing acute poisoning right up to death.

can goat raw potatoes

Can goats get raw potatoes?

Another category of domestic animals, where farmers are well aware of the use of potatoes in the diet of animals and actively use it. Can goats be given raw potatoes? Many farmers come to the conclusion that it is not only possible, but also necessary. Goats are first-class eaters, they really love raw potatoes and gladly absorb it. At the same time, according to farmers, not only milk yields increase from the use of potatoes, but also its properties increase. It becomes tastier and richer, since due to the substances contained in the potato, milk fat increases.

However, here, as in the case of rabbits, it is necessary to rinse the potatoes and cut into several parts. Then the resulting mass should be sprinkled with compound feed and mix to get a homogeneous mass.

So we figured out with you whether a goat can have raw potatoes. True, there is one of the safer methods of feeding goats raw potatoes. Many wait until the potatoes sprout. All the supposed poison goes into sprouts, thereby the potato becomes completely safe for consumption by goats and other cattle.

can goats be given raw potatoes

Pigs and raw potatoes

Potatoes are good feed for pigs. It is well digested, up to 97% dry matter. Boiled and steamed potatoes can be given to all pigs at any age.

But here an eternal dilemma arises - is it possible for pigs to eat raw potatoes? At the same time, veterinarians recommend giving raw potatoes as a fortified supplement in an amount of not more than 10% of the total daily diet. The thing, again, is a large amount of starch and solanine, which adversely affect the health of animals.

is it possible for pigs raw potatoes

Many farmers add hay, wheat, legumes and gourds to raw potatoes for better absorption in the pig's body.


Potato is one of the most controversial vegetables. One animal, such as rabbits and goats, can and should be given, while others are not recommended. It's all about the controversial properties of raw potatoes. On the one hand - vitamins, fiber and carbohydrates. On the other hand, a small amount of mineral salts, protein and the presence of solanine.

Also, one of the factors restraining the widespread use of raw potatoes in animal feed is a number of anti-nutritional substances in its composition. They contribute to the development of disorders of the digestive tract in general and the development of diseases.

Can pets be given raw potatoes? It is possible, but gently and in moderation, as a fortified supplement. Otherwise, there is a risk of harming the health of pets.


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