Watermelons in Greenhouses: Proper Growing

Watermelons are light and shade-loving plants. Therefore, growing them in a greenhouse seems more than appropriate. This method may be acceptable both in central Russia and in Siberia. Watermelons in greenhouses, as well as in open ground, are best grown by planting seedlings. This is the most acceptable option. The fact is that in May at night the air temperature may not be sufficient for the good growth of this crop, even in a greenhouse.

watermelons in greenhouses
Seedlings are planted about a month before being transported into the ground, not later than May 1–2. The soil mixture under it should consist of one part of garden soil and three parts of humus. When sowing, watermelon seeds are placed on their side. This will facilitate the germination of cotyledon leaves. They are buried in the soil by 3 cm. When caring for seedlings, it must be borne in mind that a lack of illumination will lead to its strong extension.

Planting watermelon in a greenhouse can be made next to other crops - tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, etc. In the spring, the bed must be dug up and fertilized with manure. The most suitable for growing this crop are sandy and sandy soils. On clay to get a good crop will not work. Dig holes under the bushes. When planting, make sure that the roots of the watermelon do not come in direct contact with manure.

Watermelons in greenhouses are often infected with a spider mite. At the first signs of its appearance, plants must be treated with appropriate preparations. A good oven ash is also suitable for this purpose.

planting watermelon in a greenhouse
Harvest in the greenhouse depends, first of all, on how correctly the watermelon variety will be picked up. It is best to choose early ripe plants.

Watermelons in greenhouses, like any melons, are not afraid of drying out, but at the same time do not tolerate excess water. Therefore, you need to pay attention to such an important indicator as air humidity. Ideally, it should not be above 60%. With a sharp drop in air temperature on the street, seedlings need to be covered.

The formation of a watermelon in a greenhouse will be faster if this plant is not watered with ordinary water, but a solution of some nitrogen fertilizer is used. It must be warm. This should be done carefully so as not to fall on the leaves and stems. After ten days of growth in the greenhouse, the bushes will need to be tied up. Of great importance is such a procedure as the formation of a plant.

watermelon formation in a greenhouse
Those shoots, on which the ovaries appear, pinch, leaving no more than two leaves over the fruits.

The main stage in the harvest of melons and gourds can be called fruit tying. Fruits are placed in a grid and suspended at a small distance from the ground. This must be done after they reach the size of the apple. Watermelons in greenhouses, as well as in open ground, are removed from the bush only when a characteristic sound appears when tapping the fruit.

Subject to all the above recommendations, it will be easy to get an excellent crop of this crop in the greenhouse, diversifying your table with delicious and healthy fruits. Cultivating this culture is a simple matter, but it requires a responsible approach. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that the greenhouse itself should not be obscured by trees and buildings, since watermelons need a large amount of light when forming.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C45011/

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