Whey protein (isolates) for muscle growth: instructions, reviews

Sources of protein are more popular today than ever. They are used by athletes and ordinary people, those who want to gain weight, build muscle and even lose weight. In addition, whey protein (protein isolates) serves as an excellent support for the body in the most difficult periods: postoperative recovery of the body, when strength is very necessary, and there is still no normal food. Today we decided to focus on whey proteins, because they are the most popular on the market.

Pure protein

Surely at least once you've thought about how whey protein gets into a sports nutrition store. Isolates and concentrates, hydrolysates - all this, in fact, is one and the same. These products differ only in the subtleties of the technological process of production. In general, whey protein is a by-product that remains after milk coagulation.

whey protein isolates

However, a person who recognized its properties began to use it widely. It should be noted that this is not one, but a whole group of proteins, such as albumin and globulin, alpha-lactalbumin and beta-lactoglobulin. We will not consider them all separately, but simply combine them under the name whey protein. Isolates are obtained using membrane filtration, but more on that below.

What is this product?

So what is whey protein? This is a complete source of protein, that is, it contains all 9 essential amino acids. At the same time, unlike casein and some other relatives, it easily dissolves in a liquid medium, in any aqueous solutions, presenting an excellent basis for making homemade cocktails. Due to its properties, this protein is the basis for the production of skim milk, cottage cheese and cheese.

Popularity in the market

Indeed, the leading place among sports nutrition products is whey protein (isolates and hydrolysates). This is due to the fact that whey itself contains a lot of protein, lactose, minerals and practically does not contain fat. But it is the presence of fats that makes many dairy products undesirable on the athlete's table. Low-fat dairy products have a very positive effect on health and achievements.

whey proteins

Whey proteins are produced by passing raw materials through several membrane filtrations using various methods, the choice of which depends on the desired result. After filtration, the protein is spray-dried, resulting in a light powder, which serves as the basis for the preparation of various mixtures and is actively used by manufacturers of sports nutrition. Special flavors, dyes, antifoams and other additives are introduced into the product.

Types of Whey Protein

Today in stores you can find mixtures for sports nutrition, including three types of protein. The first is whey concentrate. It produces the cheapest protein solution that contains significant amounts of fats and carbohydrates. This is a big minus for the athlete. In addition, if you have lactose intolerance, then this option is not for you.

whey protein isolate

The second type is whey protein isolate. This is a highly purified form, which is slightly different in price, but it is the choice of most people involved in professional sports. This product is in demand due to the fact that it contains a very small percentage of fat and carbohydrates (about 10%), being an excellent source of protein.

Finally, the third form is a whey protein isolate hydrolyzate. This is an expensive luxury product that consists entirely of protein molecules. A special formula supplies the body with a semi-digested protein, which makes it possible for its immediate absorption. It is in view of the wide variety of protein proteins on the market that you need to understand well what each of them is.

What is the difference between isolate and whey protein

In fact, we have already answered this question. Whey protein, or concentrate, is the easiest whey to clean. It is absorbed by the body for two hours, which means it is perfect for evening use after training and before bedtime. This supplement will provide long-term nutrition for your muscles.

whey isolate

Isolates are the most purified proteins, the assimilation of which occurs in no more than 30 minutes. That is, they are recommended to be used immediately before class. And hydrolysates are completely broken down to the level of amino acids already in the laboratory.

Platinum hydrowhey

We were a bit carried away by theory. Surely our reader is interested in the rating of whey protein isolates, so that on the basis of this information it is possible to draw conclusions and make a decision on the purchase of a product. And the first on the list, based on the choice of athletes, will be Platinum Hydrowhey. The developers tried to make the cleanest and fastest protein of all previously created, and they succeeded to the fullest.

This is essentially a hydrolyzate of whey protein isolate. It has a high assimilation rate, while it is distinguished by the purest and finest particles of protein. To understand the exclusivity of this product, you need to understand its composition in more detail. Pure hydrolyzed isolate enters the muscles almost instantly, providing material for growth and strength for training. Substances such as lactose, cholesterol and sugar are completely excluded from the composition. And for better absorption, the product contains digestive enzymes.

whey protein isolate rating

The cost of a large package (1590 g, or 40 servings) is 4440 rubles. To get one serving of protein, you need to mix one scoop of powder with 360 ml of water and beat in a shaker. Each serving gives 30 g of pure protein, and the consumption rate is calculated based on the formula: 2 g of protein per kilogram of weight. Judging by the reviews, this supplement is great as a means to nourish muscles during training and immediately after it.

Dymatize Nutrition ISO 100

Consider another great whey protein isolate that athletes have praised. This is a product of the highest quality with excellent biological value. In order to maintain the athlete's activity, a complex of amino acids with a branched side chain (leucine, valine, isoleucine) is included in the composition. In addition, an additional portion of glutamine and taurine was added to the composition. This makes the supplement a unique product with high biological value.

whey protein isolate hydrolyzate

Many novice athletes may say that cheaper protein supplements can be found on store shelves. This is true, however, comparing them with Dymatize Nutrition ISO 100, you will immediately understand the difference. This is the highest quality whey isolate, perfected. The composition contains 100% protein, which has passed five stages of quality control. The cost of a large package of 2.2 kg is 7300 rubles, but this is 81 servings, each of which is prepared by dissolving (1-2 scoops in water or juice). You can use the product 2-3 times a day. Reviews of professionals say that if you need sports achievements, then you canโ€™t do without such an additive.

The most economical option

Unlike the previous ones, this whey protein isolate is much cheaper, but it retains all the characteristics of the world's leading brands. It's about Syntrax Nectar. It is also characterized by excellent quality, high protein content in each serving and the complete absence of fats, carbohydrates and lactose. Judging by the reviews of leading athletes, this is a really good supplement, since it is based on Promina, that is, the highest quality isolate, which has proven itself among other additives.

Key Features of Syntrax Nectar

Today it is the most popular whey protein isolate. Reviews of athletes suggest that training with him becomes several times more effective. Each serving contains 23 g of the purest protein without admixtures of fat and carbohydrates. In addition, the powder instantly mixes and dissolves in water, and the drink has an amazing taste. Fruit supplements give you the full sensation that you are drinking aromatic nectar. Many suspect a sweet taste, although no carbohydrates are indicated. In fact, this comes from a precisely calibrated dose of sweeteners that have no nutritional value.

whey protein isolate reviews

A 957 g package contains 144 servings of protein shakes. The cost of one package is 2700 rubles. To prepare a drink, you must mix one and a half measured spoons of powder and 100-300 ml of water, milk or juice. You can take 2-3 servings per day, and it is better immediately after waking up. Judging by the reviews, this is the best value for money that can be found on the shelves of sports stores.

Zero Carb by VPX

This is the most advanced product to date, which is ideal for anyone who decides to take their own figure. While taking this drug, it is much easier to build muscle and lose weight, get rid of fat mass and support the body during periods of high physical exertion. The manufacturer offers us a truly excellent protein that meets all quality requirements. It does not contain any carbohydrates or fats. That is, this particular protein variant is the basis for a low-calorie and at the same time high-protein diet.

what is the difference between isolate and whey protein

Judging by the reviews of athletes, this is the king among proteins. Such a whey isolate allows you to quickly feel the changes in your body, while it is not at all expensive. Besides the fact that the supplement is a source of protein, it also saturates the body with vitamins and minerals, which are extremely important during high loads. These are vitamins A and B12, B2, B6, B2, as well as sodium and calcium, phosphorus and potassium, magnesium and iron. Dilute the additive in water, using one measuring spoon and 200-300 ml of water. The cost of one package is 4000 rubles. For a quality product today, this is the average price.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C45015/

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