How to connect a laptop to a laptop? Two wireless ways

Often, laptop users need to connect two devices. Depending on how well you understand this type of technique, there are several ways. Before connecting a laptop to a laptop, be sure to familiarize yourself with all the options to choose the most suitable.

how to connect a laptop with a laptop

Wi-Fi as a way to sync

Perhaps the easiest and most affordable way to connect two laptops is to connect via a wireless Wi-Fi network. It does not require special knowledge, you just need to follow the simple instructions step by step, even if you absolutely do not understand anything in this method of synchronization. It is noteworthy that if at least one of the computers has Internet access, then the second device connected to it can automatically enter the network.

1. Set up PC # 1 as for normal Wi-Fi connection. Turn on the router, open Network Connections in the laptop, create a new wireless network if it was not there. At all connection steps, accept what the system offers. Attention: if you want to access the Internet on device No. 2, then at the last step, check the box with the checkbox: "Allow other users to access the network."

2. On device No. 2, configure the following parameters in the “Network Connections” tab: “TCP / IP Internet Protocol” window, “Properties” tab IP; "Subnet Mask"; The "main gateway" should be like that of device No. 1 (you can see it in the same tabs on the configured laptop). Whatever the system tells you, select these values, agree with everything.

3. On device No. 1, create another wireless connection with any name (this will be the home network, that is, the place where both PCs are connected). Use any word or set of numbers as a key, but be sure to write it down so as not to forget. Before connecting a laptop to a laptop, check the “Direct connection” box and also turn off the automatic key entry (this is easier to do manually).

4. On device No. 2, repeat step three so that laptops have one common network where they can see each other. It is here that the created key will be required to connect them without any wires.

5. Test the visibility of devices with each other. This is not difficult: in the active Wi-Fi zone on each of the laptops a window should appear with a notification about the presence of a home network (current connections).

Possible problems include the following: Windows Firewall blocks a foreign network for it (the one you created), which means that it does not allow devices to synchronize. Just unplug it on both laptops.

how to connect two laptops

How to connect a laptop to a laptop in a couple of clicks

This method is simple, but there is no guarantee that it will be possible to access the Internet from both devices. For example, one will be connected to the network, and the second will act as a network storage. It will take a few simple steps and clicks to connect two independent laptops.

It is not so important what kind of company they are, with which operating system (if it is one Windows family, of course). This method is ideal for those who often need to transfer a lot of information (of any format) from one device to another. Before you connect 2 laptops, arrange information on them into folders. In the future, this will significantly reduce your time.

how to connect 2 laptops

Step 1: create a home team

On any of the laptops, go to the "Control Center" folder. For convenience, the main laptop will be numbered 1. Click on the “Network and Internet” tab, then “Home group”. If you have not previously created it (for any purpose), then you need to do this. Click on the button “Create home group”.

Step 2: define folders

Windows will offer you several folders to choose from that will be visible to your home group. Check the boxes where you require. If your personal devices are connected, then there is nothing terrible in making access everywhere. In any case, then you can still add folders for general viewing in your home group at your discretion.

Step 3: create a password

For security reasons, the system will give you a password, which can then connect the second device to the home group. Write it down. Your group is ready immediately after clicking on “OK”.

Step 4: inclusion in the home group

Before connecting a laptop to a laptop, make sure that they are connected to the Internet (not so important how). Without this, it is impossible to create an environment for the “communication” of devices. On device No. 2, go to the "Home group" in the same way as step 1, click "Join." Enter the password, allow access to the necessary folders, click "OK". After that, you can safely send files from one device to another, but in strictly specified places on your hard drive.

how to connect a laptop to a laptop

Of course, these are far from the only ways to connect a laptop to a laptop, but the simplest and most affordable, without extra costs. As, for example, in the case of a cable that you need to not just buy, but also choose the right one, otherwise there is a risk of spoiling both devices.


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