How to lighten blonde hair? Four most effective ways

Jokes about the intelligence of blondes have never stopped the fair sex. Many girls and women, who by nature have dark hair color, dreamed of light curls.

Unfortunately, even blondes are not always happy with their appearance. How to lighten blond hair and give them a golden shine? You will find the most popular recipes and reviews in our review.

Hydrogen peroxide

Some beauties go to a beauty salon for a luxurious shade, while others go to a pharmacy and a grocery store. We decided to talk about non-traditional means of clarification, which will require a minimum of financial investment, a little free time and patience.

Smooth and beautiful shade of a blonde can be obtained using hydrogen peroxide. Use a concentration of 3-5% so as not to worsen the condition of the curls.

So, preparation. Wash your hair with shampoo before the procedure and do not forget about the conditioner or nourishing balm. Dry your hair in a natural way, refuse styling with a hairdryer or ironing.

how to lighten blonde hair

Pour hydrogen peroxide into a spray bottle. Divide hair into small locks and start spraying. Let the curls dry completely (about 30-40 minutes) and rinse with cool water, apply the conditioner again.

The effect of burnt strands

The most daring girls make peroxide lightening at night. However, for the first time we do not recommend experimenting.

This tool was well known to our mothers and grandmothers, when in the shops there was no choice of cosmetics. With the help of peroxide, the antennae and body hair were clarified. Today, time-tested recipes are no less popular.

According to reviews, after a night of "rendezvous" with hydrogen peroxide, the hair really becomes brighter. However, you should not get carried away, do not forget about oil masks and balms. Sometimes this lightening is compared with the effect of hair burnt out in the sun.

cinnamon lightening


If you do not know how to lighten blonde hair, read our next recipe. For the next experiment on your own curls, you will need a lemon and beautiful sunny weather.

The acid of the wonderful fruit destroys the natural pigment, but, unlike the chemical compounds, makes it softer. However, there is always a risk of overdrying curls.

Option number 1. Mix a quarter cup of warm water with lemon juice (from the whole fruit), and then spray the hair with a spray. Use only half of the prepared mixture, because this method involves two steps. Next, you have a long walk in the sun (at least 1.5 hours), after which the remaining liquid is applied to the head. We fix the result for another 30 minutes.

lemon for hair

Option number 2. Lemon for hair can be used to prepare a mask. Instead of water, add a quarter cup of conditioner to the juice, and then use a brush to spread the mixture along its entire length. Leave on for 10-15 minutes.

After the clarification procedure, you need to wash your hair with shampoo with a moisturizing mask or balm.

Chamomile or vodka?

Lemon for hair, according to the girls, goes well with other folk remedies. For example, infusion of chamomile or vodka.

Here is a recipe for you. To prepare the lemon-camomile mixture, you will need the following ingredients:

  • lemon juice;
  • 3 drops of lavender essential oil;
  • one glass of water;
  • 2 tbsp. l chamomile pharmacy.

Mix all the components of the mask and pour boiling water. We insist half an hour and apply on strands. Twenty minutes later, wash off with shampoo using additional moisturizers. The procedure can be repeated every other day.

Reviews of the fair sex note that lemon will help only fair hair. The combination β€œlemon + sun” works best, and in the winter season you can spray curls before visiting the solarium.


How to make blonde hair lighter without professional colors? Among the tips on the Internet you can often find recipes with cinnamon.

In addition to lightening, cinnamon "promises" accelerated growth and additional care, which will be especially useful for oily hair. For weakened curls, our recipe is suitable.


  • ground cinnamon - 4 tbsp. l .;
  • lemon;
  • liquid honey - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • hair conditioner - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • mineral water.

In a ceramic bowl, combine honey, oil, cinnamon and lemon juice. Add the conditioner, and then water to a liquid sour cream, apply on the hair.

peroxide clarification

Cinnamon lightening requires a preliminary allergy test. Apply a little prepared mixture to the elbow and observe the reaction. In any case, the mass with cinnamon should not be actively rubbed into the scalp.

The mask must be kept for at least three hours and then rinsed thoroughly with warm water. Wet hair may seem a little stiff - it will pass after it has completely dried, so put off your comb and do not injure your curls again.

It is best to buy cinnamon in sticks and grind in a coffee grinder, because ground mixtures may contain harmful additives. The aroma after the procedure lasts until the next shampoo and invariably attracts the attention of others.

It is important to remember that this method of changing the color will not suit the owners of light blond and platinum curls. Lightening with cinnamon gives a copper tint. So be careful.

How to lighten blonde hair?

In people's councils there are many recipes and methods. One of the most beloved and universal remedies is apple cider vinegar.

lightening agents

It can lighten, strengthen, restore shine, wash off the paint and solve the problem of hair loss. The unique properties of vinegar have been known to the fair sex for a long time.

The method of preparation of the solution:

  1. Combine water and apple cider vinegar at the rate of 1 tablespoon of vinegar per 1 liter of water.
  2. For 5-6 minutes, dip your head in a container, and then rinse your hair for another 5-7 minutes.
  3. Dry your curls naturally.


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