Classification of ski runs. Skiing down and down

Skiing is very popular with lovers of mountain resorts. However, today it is not only entertainment for tourists, but also a real job for professionals. Training in this sport is a laborious process of improving the technique of movement. This includes skiing, and lifts, and turns, and braking. Nevertheless, the main element is the move to which professional athletes pay special attention.

Downhill Basics

Crossing the terrain on a slope requires the ability to quickly navigate in this situation. Roughnesses and obstacles that need to be circumvented can meet on the way. It is worth noting that skiing meets the basics of biomechanics, so for safe movement you just need to follow specific rules.

When moving along a slope, various forces, including internal ones, act on the athlete. Any descent requires muscle effort and a lot of energy expended to maintain the desired balance and trajectory. Fundamental is gravity, which depends on many components. It is always directed down the perpendicular. Classic skiing involves balancing the center of gravity with the reaction force. If you equalize them, then the movement will be much faster. During the descent, still rolling and relative forces are added.

The greater the steepness of the slope, the less pressure on the track. Also, the friction force is noticeably reduced. That is why materials such as plastic and solid wood are used to make skis. Without roughness and fibrillation, the surface acquires the perfect friction-slip balance. For improved interaction of the coating with snow, special lubricants are often used.

When descending, it is important to be able to navigate the weather. At temperatures from -4 to -6 degrees, the slip increases by an order of magnitude. The reason is that a dense water film is formed on the snow, which prevents friction. In a thaw, the speed of descent depends on the hydrophobic properties of the track. The rigidity of the equipment plays an important role. If the track is not elastic, then maneuverability will decrease to a minimum, and this is already fraught with injuries. During the descent, it is worth considering the strength of air resistance, so it will not be superfluous to think about the most tight-fitting suit.

To date, 212 km / h is the speed record on the prepared slope. Nevertheless, for beginners, this figure should not exceed a threshold of 60 km / h.

Sustainability factors

Any kind of skiing requires a perfect balance of movement. This applies to the position of the body, limbs, support variations and other nuances. On a sharp slope, the risk of injury depends on how well the person knows the description of the ski runs, that is, on the level of his training.

Therefore, to begin with, in theory, it should be understood that during descent stability is a combination of the following factors: support area, body position, limb mobility, track relief, equilibrium angle, dynamics of possible speeds. Each of these components is important for the overall balance during movement.

Nevertheless, the angle of equilibrium will be decisive. It is formed by the perpendicular from the center of gravity to the surface of the track and the line that connects the ski center with the ends of the skis. Thus, the rear and front angles of stability are distinguished. Their amount will ultimately reveal the so-called balance level. This is a dynamic value, which at the initial stage depends on the length of the track and the height of the athlete.

It is important to maintain stability while driving. This can be achieved by balancing all the forces acting on the athlete and ski. Therefore, you should pay attention to the perpendicular from the center of gravity passed to the support at an appropriate angle. For each person it is different, so the value is a kind of individual.

classic ski runs
When maneuvering, the values โ€‹โ€‹of internal and external forces change, so it is necessary to move skis and body parts to maintain balance. For this, the athlete must have a well-developed muscular system. The higher the descent speed and the steeper the maneuver, the more effort is required. In this case, it is recommended to maximize skiing or use a slight lunge one foot forward. To improve depreciation, it is necessary to bend your legs, bend over and swing your arms. Allowed to use racks. If at the moment of descent the force of attraction attracts to the side, it is necessary to carry out the opposite attack of the body.

Ski Classification

Movement on snow can be carried out on rough terrain, on a plain, on a slope or ascent. Each of these species differs in the number of steps per cycle, the variability of the hands, the position of the body and the angle of stability.

The traditional classification of ski runs involves only 2 groups: simultaneous and alternating. In the first form, the push should be performed with both hands at once. In alternating movement of the limbs is carried out alternately.

There is a more accurate classification of ski runs: stepless, one-, two-, three- and four-step. The last two species are not widespread due to their complexity. This classification of ski runs takes into account the number of sliding steps in one push with sticks, that is, the degree of the cycle.

It is worth noting that both of the above signs are intertwined in reality. For example, there are two-step simultaneous and alternate skiing, etc. Each of these species has its own fundamental features and differences. It is worth noting that at the same time single-movement can be the main and high-speed. The first option relates to long distances. The second is called the starting one, that is, when an athlete with fresh energy only gains momentum.

Recently, another type of stroke has appeared in skiing - skating. It is used only by leading sprinters with good gliding on rolled snow. This view allows you to develop incredible speed in seconds. Skate moves are divided into alternating, swing and simultaneous. The necessary variation is selected depending on the degree of sliding of the track, ski grip, downhill terrain, the condition of the poles of support, the level of preparedness of the athlete.

ski classification
Beginners are advised to alternate the types of moves to save strength, even if it takes more time. For professionals, the main goal is maximum speed, so many of them prefer to use an alternating two-stage type of movement. It significantly saves time spent on the route.

Alternating two-step stroke

This is the most popular and difficult option for moving on a snowy track. In a simplified form, it is known as a classic alternating move. The cycle of movements here consists of two sliding steps. In this case, one needs to repel at each contact of the track with snow. Professionals distinguish 5 main phases of the course:

1. Reduce the loss of speed due to free sliding. To do this, it is necessary to reduce the friction force of the track on the surface, giving the muscles a break. The main mistake in this phase is time lag. After pushing with one foot, the athlete glides on the second track. However, both sticks do not touch the support. Moving any part of the body will increase pressure and friction, upsetting balance.

2. At this stage, speed increases due to sliding with a straightened supporting leg. At this time, all the muscles of the back are turned on. It is important to ensure the most rigid transmission of the support force. First, the phases of the stick should be set forward at an angle of 70 degrees. At the same time, the arm is bent, and the elbow is laid slightly to the side.

classic alternating stroke
3. Sliding is carried out simultaneously with the squat. The most important nuance here is the quick stop of the moving track. After this, the phase of the squat and the subsequent roll should be sharply accelerated. Hand movements will help to develop speed.

4. At this stage, it is important to ensure the highest lunge rate. Squatting phase ends with pushing back. At this point, the skis stop, the hip joints are straightened, the lower leg leans forward a bit. Stretching muscles during a push promotes powerful repulsion and a set of speed.

5. The final phase is the take-off position. The repulsion occurs simultaneously with the straightening of the jogging leg. In this case, the speed of movement depends on the correctness of the attack. The thigh should be as vertical as possible, and the fly leg extends forward 40-50 cm.

Simultaneous strokeless

This method of movement is used only with perfect glide. To do this, you need solid support for sticks. This type of move is suitable for beginner athletes. Nevertheless, professionals use this technique of movement with moderate and poor level of sliding, but only on medium descents.

It is advisable to use such classic ski runs on icy or rolled sections of the track, where even a minimal step leads to a significant loss of balance. Optimum gliding under such conditions is possible due to the simultaneous jerking with sticks. In competitions, the stepless move is very important, since it allows you to achieve the highest speed of movement in the snow, and at the same time saves the skier's strength. During this type of glide on the descent, the main burden falls on the muscular system of the trunk and arms, but the lower limbs get relative rest.

The silent move has its own execution technique:

1. Immediately after pushing back with his hands, the athlete glides on bent legs with his head slightly raised.

2. The movement continues, and the skier gradually begins to straighten up and slowly make sticks in front of him.

varieties of ski runs
3. There is a preparation for the push. The skier is fully extended so that the body weight is completely moved to the toes. Legs are slightly bent, sticks are put out for putting on snow.

4. There is repulsion from the surface of the track. The power of jerking with sticks is achieved by the degree of flexion of the body and elbows. Then the arms straighten.

5. Sliding occurs by inertia. The skier has to bend a little and keep his balance.

This cycle can be repeated several times if the slope allows it.

Simultaneous single-step operation

This technique is used by athletes to overtake rivals on the plain with an average level of glide. Simultaneous one-step skiing allows you to develop speed indicators up to 30 km / h. Some athletes use this technique even on gentle slopes. The stroke cycle is based on sliding after one step and at the same time pushing away with sticks.

To date, there are two variations of this technique of movement. The main move is bringing the arms and sticks forward before the start of the jerk. Then, after pushing away with the foot, a push is made by the support. Starting form - jerking with sticks - is carried out some time after the movement of the foot. Professional athletes use only the basic version of a single-step move, since the frequency of movements is much lower. This technique involves the following steps:

1. After pushing away with the hands, the skier begins to slide, gradually straightening and putting forward sticks.

2. The weight of the body is transferred to the pushing leg. There is a jerk of the tracks.

3. Immediately after the repulsion of the leg begins, a simultaneous push with sticks begins.

Gliding is done on both skis.

Simultaneous two-step operation

A similar technique is most often used on the flat part of the track with excellent glide. This move allows you to achieve a relatively high speed, but due to the high frequency of actions among professionals, it is not very popular. But children's skiing is just based on the study of the simultaneous two-step method of movement on a snowy surface.

For such a move, solid support is necessary. Thanks to just two sliding steps and simultaneous jerking with sticks, even children with an undeveloped muscular system can achieve high speed of movement without any problems. In one cycle, you can reach an indicator of 20 km / h.

two-step skating
The execution technique consists of the following actions:

1. Initially, there is a simultaneous repulsion by hands. Gliding takes place on two skis. The body straightens.

2. After pushing with the right foot, gliding is carried out on the left track. Then there is a similar jerk with a change of legs.

3. Sticks are brought forward. Preparations are underway for the next handshake.

Skate course

This method of movement is used on heavily rolled tracks with a high level of slip. It allows you to achieve maximum speed under difficult conditions. Two-step skating is the best option on gentle slopes, as it allows the skier to maintain balance. It is worth noting that this technique is not suitable for long distances.

To date, take to distinguish between alternating ridge course, simultaneous flywheel, single and two-stage. Each of these types is suitable for specific sections of the route. On steep climbs use the alternate option, on the plain - simultaneous, on turns - flywheel, etc. However, each athlete independently chooses for himself how he will move under certain conditions.

How to learn to skate? It is important to understand that the actions of a skier at the time of movement using this technique resemble ice skating. The repulsion is carried out by the inner rib. Then the body weight is transferred to the other leg, and a similar jerk occurs the second track. The cycle is relatively fast, as in speed skating. When moving, hands, legs, and body should work actively. It is allowed to combine variations of the course, for example alternating and simultaneous. In some cases, stick repulsion can be dispensed with.

Braking technique

Stopping is a fundamental element of skiing. Braking is most often necessary to reduce the speed on the slopes. This action significantly slows down, but allows you to bypass any obstacles and fit perfectly into the steep sections of the track.

One of the most common types is "plow" braking. It is ideal for steep descents. During braking, the skier straightens his legs, bounces slightly and with a strong sharp pressure spreads his heels to the sides. The knees are brought together, the body is slightly tilted back.

The second most popular is stopping braking. It is mainly used on slopes obliquely. When braking, the athlete transfers the body weight to a sliding ski when the rear is in the stop position. Socks come together. The rear track is placed on the inner rib.

Lateral braking is based on the turn of the skis while sliding. Trying on the slopes in case you need to quickly go on a bend. Braking is carried out due to the simultaneous bordering of two skis in one direction.

Lifting technique

There are several ways to overcome the high-altitude slope: sliding, alternating, ladder, herringbone. The choice of equipment depends on the type of track (straight, zigzag or oblique). Climbing requires serious physical training for the athlete. On snowy tracks, all muscle groups work as much as possible. For high-speed passage, skiers use a sliding type of climb. For a long high-rise area, an alternate method is better. When choosing a lifting option, the degree of adhesion of the skis to the snow surface should be taken into account.


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