Hair grows crazy - a recipe for a mask and the expected results from the application

In search of a remedy from which hair grows like crazy, most of the fair sex consider all kinds of balms and masks. In fact, regardless of the cost of the elixir and its composition, it is impossible to achieve a real effect only with cosmetics. To achieve this goal, you need a set of procedures, starting with proper nutrition, ending with masks, shampoos and even massage.

What should be in the diet?
hair grows like crazy

In the pursuit of slimness, many women refuse protein and fatty foods. Undoubtedly, an excess of calories will not benefit anyone, but in order to look good, you still need to use oil, even vegetable oil. Skin, hair and nails are the first to respond to a lack of protein, vitamins, minerals and other vital components in the diet.

To have an attractive appearance, you should fully eat. In particular, vitamins of B, E, A, calcium, zinc, and iron are necessary for hair growth . For this reason, to improve their appearance and accelerate growth, meat and fatty fish (at least a little), vegetables and fruits, nuts and dairy products are necessarily included in the diet. Only if all the necessary elements are obtained from the inside, the effect of the use of masks, rinses and other external agents will be noticeable.

hair grows like crazy reviews

Folk remedies

Since ancient times, girls used decoctions of various herbs for beauty. There is a very simple and affordable recipe for everyone. Hair grows like crazy after applying such a tool, even during spring vitamin deficiency. You just need not to be lazy and rinse them with infusion after each shampoo.

For its preparation take birch leaves, hop cones, nettle and burdock root in equal quantities. A glass of boiling water will need a tablespoon of the mixture. The grass is insisted for an hour, after which it is filtered and diluted with warm water 1: 3. The resulting liquid must be rinsed after shampooing. Literally after a couple of weeks of use, you can notice changes for the better, and after a month the hair grows like crazy. It turns out inexpensively and efficiently.


hair grows like crazy recipe

Most people perceive this herb as seasoning. In principle, the way it is. But if every time 10-15 minutes before you wash your hair, rub its infusion into the skin, your hair grows like crazy. The recipe is very simple: a glass of boiling water - a spoonful of rosemary. Moreover, you can use both fresh twigs and dry grass. In addition to an excellent cosmetic effect, the plant has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body: it improves blood circulation and acts as an aromatherapy agent. No less useful is a decoction of basil, get and use it in a similar way.

Egg Oil Masks

This is not to say that their hair grows like crazy, but split ends and loss can be eliminated after 2-3 applications. There are a lot of recipes based on eggs and oil (olive, burdock, castor, etc.), but there are several of the most popular among them.

The first version of the mask is not recommended for blondes, because after applying it, hair can get an undesirable shade - from red to chocolate. For 2 egg yolks, take 2 tablespoons of honey, burdock oil and brandy. All components are thoroughly mixed and applied to the hair, starting from the roots. After 30-40 minutes, the mask is washed off with shampoo. It is advisable to keep your head warm all this time (wrap with foil or use a shower cap, wrapping a towel on top). Honey and yolk nourish the hair, oil saturates with vitamins and gives shine, and cognac improves blood circulation.

mask hair grow like crazy
Another mask, more complex in composition, is suitable for owners of light shades of hair. For 2 yolks take 30 ml of unrefined olive oil, 2 tablespoons of honey, lemon juice and half a ripe banana. Apply and hold it the same way as the mask from the previous recipe. And for greater uniformity, it is recommended to mix the ingredients with a blender.

Vitamin Oil

After using such a tool, hair grows like crazy. Reviews of those who at least 2-3 times used a similar mask, speak about improving the structure of the hair.

Olive, burdock or almond oil is heated in a water bath so that it is noticeably warm. Vitamins (A, E and B7) are added there. They can be purchased in liquid form or squeezed out of gelatin balls by piercing the latter with a needle. Vitamins will be needed literally a drop each. The hair oil and scalp are lubricated with the obtained oil mixture, kept warm for 15-20 minutes, and then thoroughly washed with shampoo.


A hair mask using the juice of this plant is also very effective. You can add chicken eggs and honey, olive oil and cognac to it. To improve the effect of the effects of the components contained in the plant, it is necessary to use an ingredient that improves blood circulation.

In equal proportions, aloe juice, honey and cognac are mixed. The latter can be replaced with crushed garlic or chopped onions to avoid hair coloring. However, one should not forget about their pungent smell, which will not be easy to get rid of. The resulting mask is applied over the entire length of the hair and, wrapping his head in a towel, hold for about an hour. Then washed well.

Hair Mask

Burning mask

Hair grows like crazy if they have enough trace elements necessary for this, but subcutaneous blood circulation plays an equally important role. Strengthen it with the help of so-called burning masks - products that include garlic, hot pepper or mustard. They enhance the effect of the remaining components and tone the skin.

Does your hair grow like crazy? A mask based on hot pepper may well lead to a similar result. A tablespoon of its alcohol tincture is mixed with the same amount of olive oil and honey, the yolk is added, it is slightly warmed in a water bath and rubbed into the roots. They walk with her for half an hour, but with a strong burning sensation, it is better to wash off earlier.

hair grows like a crazy mask

Another option is a mustard mask. It is prepared from a powder, 2 tablespoons of which are combined with the same amount of water, a spoonful of sugar, yolk and a little burdock oil (about 40 ml) are added. The resulting mask is applied to the roots, covered with a shower cap and wrapped in a towel. Keep it better for about an hour, but at least 20 minutes. Repeat the procedure once a week, and after a month the result will be noticeable.

Other means

To improve the structure of the hair and accelerate their growth, a lot of ready-made masks, rinses and lotions are used. Some of them are quite effective, but natural ingredients are better and safer, although their use is more troublesome.

In addition to the ingredients listed above, various oils (shea, shea, grape and peach seeds), herbs (nettle, chamomile, lime blossom), garlic, onions, hot pepper contribute to hair growth.

Cosmetic clay (white, blue, pink, green) is often used as a component for masks. It is applied to the hair, simply diluted with water to a thick sour cream, or added to other ingredients (honey, lemon, olive oil).


This is another tool to accelerate hair growth. Moreover, it is good both on its own and in combination with any mask. Massage significantly increases the effectiveness of its use. You can do it with the help of special brushes and accessories, or just with your hands.

Before applying the mask to the hair, you need to comb it with a massage brush, and then walk along the entire surface of the head with your fingers, pressing and performing rotational movements. A mask applied to thus prepared skin will bring a much greater effect.

recipe hair grows like crazy

Daily use of a special brush and massager will normalize blood circulation. As a result, the intensity of hair growth will increase, and the general condition will improve. But if you act carelessly and too harshly, there is a chance of damage to both the hair itself and the scalp. So it’s important not to overdo it.

Among the huge number of all kinds of masks, lotions and rinses, there is hardly a single universal remedy from which hair grows like crazy. However, there are many ways to improve their condition, eliminate brittleness and loss, increase the density. Growth rates can undoubtedly also be affected. To do this, you must act in a comprehensive manner. Proper nutrition, masks and lotions made from natural ingredients, as well as massage, sometimes do real miracles.


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