Spray "Alerana": reviews of men and women

Those who have experienced systematic hair loss know firsthand how expensive recovery drugs can be. Hundreds of articles have been written about them, and perhaps as many reviews. Some funds are touted, others openly hate. However, the most controversial reviews of the 5% spray "Alerana". What is this remedy? What are the active ingredients in its composition, and what does the manufacturer guarantee? What actually happens when applied?

What is Alerana?

This is a special complex of drugs and cosmetics that are aimed at men and women suffering from hair loss. The manufacturer has developed shampoo, balm and spray. In the product line there is a vitamin complex consisting of two formulas - day and night. They contain all the necessary vitamins.

If we talk about the spray against hair loss "Alerana", the most won 5% composition. There is, of course, a weaker one - 2 percent, but it is not used in difficult cases. Both drugs deserve respect. Why? At least for its composition.

Alerana Hair Growth Spray

What is included in the hair loss remedy?

The main active ingredient is minoxidil. It is its percentage indicated in the name. An analog of this substance, similar in structure, is aminexil. All drugs with this element are considered medicinal and can only be prescribed by a doctor.

It is curious that only a spray is able to stop hair loss. This is indicated by the manufacturer himself. There is no such information about shampoos, and this is true, because minoxidil is not contained in it. They are designed to care for hair, not to treat it.

Speaking about the other components of the spray, it is worth noting that there is nothing remarkable in them - ethyl alcohol, purified water and propylene glycol. It does not contain hormones, therefore, if in the reviews about the spray for hair growth “Alerana” the word “hormones” appears, there is no doubt that they have no basis.

Since water is the basis of the solution, and its effect cannot be negative, so let's look at other parts of the spray. First, let's talk about alcohol.


This substance, when applied directly to the skin, first has a cooling effect, but then starts the reverse process, and the skin temperature rises. This has a direct effect on the hair follicles. It has long been known that warming awakens dormant bulbs. This does not stop hair loss, but activates the growth of new ones.

By the way, it is curious that heating is the basis of many folk remedies for hair growth. So, some rub the pepper tincture into balding areas, from which the skin not only changes color, but also burns quite strongly.

Moreover, ethyl alcohol quite aggressively affects the work of the sebaceous glands. It is not known for certain, but according to some experts, this substance can help get rid of excess fat, which prevents hair from getting proper nutrition. Why? Fat is too dense, it simply does not allow air or useful trace elements brought by blood and lymph to the hair follicle. The alcohol content in the spray is by no means superfluous, but rather the opposite.

Propylene glycol

In many certification systems, it is propylene glycol that is prohibited in the manufacture of natural or organic cosmetics. True, there are manufacturers who do not see anything bad and harmful in a substance with a hard-to-pronounce name; on the contrary, they recommend it as the most harmless option. But all this does not apply to the spray against hair loss "Alerana", reviews of which we will consider later. The fact is that even the manufacturer himself does not call the remedy natural.

If you forget about the rules of certification, then propylene glycol is a substance that binds water and is an emulsifier. It is formed as a result of the synthesis of oil products, has no smell and color. There is no information about the taste.

Propylene glycol does not stay in the body; it does not even reach the liver. It penetrates the human body through the skin, where it completely disintegrates and is independently excreted in the shortest possible time. There is no influence on the hair, respectively.

The only problem with propylene glycol is that it can cause an allergic reaction. But this is also possible when using any other means with this substance in the composition. For example, cosmetic cream or therapeutic ointment. Therefore, before using the spray "Alerana" you need to carefully study the instructions.


As mentioned above, this is the main component of the spray "Alerana". Reviews of its effect on the human body, we will now consider.

Minoxidil is a vasodilator that stimulates hair growth in those who suffer from male pattern baldness. It was accidentally discovered back in the 50s of the twentieth century, but only in 1988 was approved for medical use. True, only for men. In order for women to use the product, it took a little less than five years.

Some experts were afraid that minoxidil would affect the hormonal background, while others did not even think about the problem of female pattern baldness.

The exact mechanism of work of minoxidil has not been thoroughly studied now. It is believed that this process is associated with vasodilation - the effect on blood circulation in the blood vessels. Under its action, the hair follicles from a sleeping state pass into the growth phase. Moreover, the substance slows the production and formation of 5-alpha-dehydrosterone - the substance "responsible" for baldness.

It sounds strange, but numerous studies prove that the tool will help only if the hair began to fall out from the top of the head. This is the so-called androgenetic alopecia. Symptoms are considered diffuse alopecia.

Is Alerana spray suitable for women? Reviews indicate that with any other form of alopecia, positive changes are also noticeable. Although there are other thoughts that "walk" on the Web.

alerana growth spray reviews

Grow or fall out?

Sometimes you can find a lot of controversy about the spray "Alerana" in the reviews. The photos that accompany them are often considered proof that the spray only exacerbates the problem. But is it?

In order to get an exact answer to this question, you need to analyze the life period of one hair, which goes through three phases:

  1. Formation. At this stage, in one of the layers of the dermis, a small follicle arises, from which hair will grow. Vessels are suitable for the follicle, through which the hair receives all the necessary substances. Depending on its inclination and location, you can find out how smooth the hair will be. The period lasts two years, all this time the hair grows and strengthens.
  2. Peace. During this period, the hair stops growing. It lasts just a few weeks, during which the hair gradually ceases to receive everything that is necessary for growth.
  3. Death. Hair falls out, making room for a new one. This process can last 3-4 months - this is the time required to prepare and separate the hair from the follicle. Hair falls out when a new one begins to form under it. One hair seems to push the other.

In order for the hair to grow healthy, you need to get rid of the weak and sick. This will take some time, so from the outside it may seem that the drug not only does not help, but also exacerbates the problem. In fact, work is already underway and will soon begin to bear fruit. You just have to wait.

Which spray to buy?

In the matter of choosing between the 2% and 5% spray "Alerana" for hair growth, reviews and photos after using this tool prove that it all depends on the severity of the problem. Only an experienced trichologist can accurately determine the degree of the disease.

In each case, the recommendations may be different. There are those who are prescribed the use of both male and female drugs. Others are prescribed a weak solution. What exactly will be assigned to you is a question that can only be decided by a specialist.

No one hides that if a 2 percent spray does not help much, you need to switch to 5 percent. This will allow you to achieve your goal much faster.

alerana spray 2 percent reviews women

Mode of application

After analyzing reviews of Aleran, a spray for hair growth, some experts are horrified. Why? Some consumers misuse the tool and complain that it does not work.

One bottle, regardless of the concentration of minoxidil in it, is designed for a month of regular use. Regular means spraying the product into the affected area twice a day - in the morning and in the evening.

Apply the drug by the method of seven zilch. Like this? It’s quite simple: after spreading your hair over partings, apply “Alerana” spray on the affected area in different parts by pressing the spray gun 7 times. The volume of the product, and this is approximately 1 ml, should be enough for any head. Those who apply the drug in larger quantities, not only irrationally use the tool, but also harm their body. There is evidence that this could exacerbate the problem.

Rinse off the drug is not necessary. It is perfectly absorbed into the skin, leaving no traces or an unpleasant odor, like other means against hair loss and to enhance their growth.

Important! Instructions and reviews about the spray "Alerana" prove that parts of the body on which there is no desire to let go of hair should be protected. Hair follicles are present on almost the entire body, so the girl will be clearly unpleasant if, as a result of the treatment of baldness on her head, she has increased facial hair growth.

Some interesting tips from users

Those who have already tested the 2% or 5% spray "Alerana" in their reviews share their experiences.

So, some note that the tool is not so quickly absorbed, so you should apply it an hour before sleep or leaving home.

Others emphasize that after and before applying the lotion, it is better not to take a bath for at least 4 hours. Apply the product exclusively on dry skin.

In order not to worry if there is a result, do not hesitate to visit a doctor and take tests every few months. To do this, you need to register with a trichologist.

alerana spray 5 percent reviews men


Like any medicine, the Alerana spray, which we will still review, has a number of contraindications. By the way, some reviews are based on the incorrect use of hair loss remedies.

Some complain of redness and itching after applying the spray. The reason for its occurrence is simple - an allergic reaction to one of the components of the drug, so before applying it to the scalp, make sure that there is no allergy to all the components of the drug.

The second reason is a physical violation of the integrity of the skin (for example, scratches, dermatological diseases, peeling). A tool in which there is alcohol always causes discomfort.

The manufacturer emphasizes that the spray "Alerana" can not be used by pregnant women, breast-feeding women and people whose age has either not reached 18 years or has exceeded the mark of 65 years. To listen to the recommendations of specialists is the only way to protect yourself from violations and health problems.

Be sure to consult a specialist if you regularly take any medications. Incompatibility of the components will affect the result, and money for the treatment of hair loss will be wasted.

Manufacturer's words

Let's leave reviews aside for a while. "Alerana" is a spray for hair growth, the guarantor of the effectiveness of which is the manufacturer himself. What effect can consumers expect? Should I hope for a drug? What is the mechanism of the tool? The company advises you to pay attention to several key points:

  • Increased hair density.
  • Stimulating new hair growth.
  • Restoring the development of hair follicles and their functioning.
  • An increase in the first phase of hair growth.
  • Sealing the hair under the scales and, as a result, their thickening.

Moreover, the manufacturer’s website emphasizes that this is the best tool that can now be found on the market for androgenetic alopecia. As evidence of their words, they suggest studying the statistics that were obtained during their own research.

alerana spray 5 percent reviews

Manufacturer Statistics

There is nothing more reliable than numbers. They are given on the website of the spray "Alerana". Customer reviews confirm them. Let's talk about statistics.

According to an open study, after 6 weeks of regular use of the spray, 87 out of 100 people significantly reduce the amount of hair loss. In 80 subjects, the hair became much thicker, and in 66 people the number of gun hair increased.

As for a longer treatment, 73 out of 100 people showed progress and overgrowing of alopecia spots. Almost all have three times the volume of hair, each hair has become much thicker and stronger. There is practically no weak and sick hair on the head.

Programs developed by the manufacturer

It is known that men and women differ in everything, and the process of treating hair loss is no exception. That is why the manufacturer selected two courses of care and treatment for representatives of each gender.

Women are advised to use not only a spray. It is necessary to treat the problem of loss both inside and out. To improve the result, it is recommended to take vitamins and visit an endocrinologist. It is possible that hair loss is associated with hormonal imbalance. Shampoos and balms of the same manufacturer will help get rid of dandruff.

Interestingly, men are most often advised precisely 5% spray "Alerana". Reviews of men are mostly positive. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to use shampoos of the same brand. In rare cases, vitamins are prescribed.

How long to wait before the drug

As can be seen from the statistics provided by the manufacturer, the wow effect should not be expected immediately. Even after a month the situation may not change, how much then to wait?

Hair growth is a physiological process, in each person it proceeds differently. It is believed that hair loss should first increase, but after only two to three weeks, become barely noticeable.

The spray against the loss of "Aleran" has negative reviews - many do not like the long wait time. In order to see the treasured fluff, you need to wait at least a month. In some cases, hair growth began only after 6 weeks. But when will the full recovery come?

spray alerana reviews

Is the drug addictive?

After examining the reviews of the Alerana hair spray, experts noticed that many patients noticed the effect of the drug and spoke of obvious improvements. True, the effect persisted only during the use of the spray. After stopping treatment, the problem returned.

It is interesting, but not only the reviews about the Alerana hair spray indicate the need for constant use of the product. The manufacturer himself talks about this. The mechanism of action of the drug is a bit like the use of insulin, which does not cure, but only replenishes what the body lacks. For those who have diabetes, this is insulin, and who has allopecia is minoxidil.

Is there any addiction to it? The answer is no. How regularly you need to use the drug, the doctor will say. Alopecia, although not always, is treated. How? Eliminating the causes of its occurrence. For this, it is necessary to be thoroughly examined and get advice from several specialists. It is better to take tests several times in different laboratories to see the situation from all sides. This solution may not be the cheapest, but the most effective.

Can there be problems after applying the spray

Yes, the drug may not be ideal for everyone. Of the consequences that haunt everyone - a feeling of a dirty head due to the active work of the sebaceous glands. Hair becomes oily at the roots, so you have to wash your hair at least once every three days, or even more often.

Many itch. Of course, he is not something terrible and dangerous. When activating hair growth, strange sensations appear. Some people confuse itching from hair growth with an allergic reaction, so before making conclusions, it is better to consult your doctor.

But there are consequences that cannot be eliminated by simple bathing and self-hypnosis.

  • Dermatitis.
  • Peeling.
  • Redness.
  • Allergic reactions.
  • Seborrhea.

These manifestations should alert. . , - .

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, 5- «» ? Web reviews say yes. ?

The principle of hair growth on the face and head is not much different, so you need to apply the drug to the skin, dividing the hair by parting. You can help absorb the product by making a small massage in a circular motion. The main thing is that the movements are not aggressive, otherwise you can damage the hair germ and violate the integrity of the exit from the follicle.

The beard will not immediately grow quickly and actively. At first, nothing will happen, but later fluff will appear. Such as it was in adolescence, when the first beard was just beginning to grow during puberty. Over time, it will darken and become denser.

The course of treatment lasts at least a year. Use the drug twice a day. The skin on the face is quite delicate, so use a product that is not intended for a beard, you need to be careful.

Reviews about the spray for Aleran’s beard are often positive. And this is not surprising. In the light of the latest fashion trends, more and more men want to have a magnificent and beautiful beard. But, unfortunately, not everyone can brag about it. If previously a smooth-shaven face was attractive, now the lack of vegetation is no longer impressive. Of course, you can try on yourself and well-known folk methods of increasing hair growth. But why? Especially if the spray really works, and there is evidence for this.

alerana beard spray reviews

Why hair is so valued

And how did people save themselves from hair loss when there was no 5% Alerana spray? Reviews say that each of those who have experienced alopecia have tried a thousand and one ways to get their hair back, starting from traditional medicine and ending with new-fangled products. If you set a goal to restore health, a solution will certainly be found.

Over the long history of mankind, thick and long hair has been a sign of not only good health, but also a strong spirit. Even the Bible tells of male heroes who wore luxurious hair. A vivid example of this is Samson, who lost his strength with his hair.

Of course, there can be many causes of hair loss. Some have already despaired of finding a solution to this problem. Especially difficult for women. Reviews about the 2% spray "Alerana" are always full of joy, which is not surprising - bald women were attractive except in ancient Egypt. True, they still wore wigs. In our time, such a style is relevant only in the midst of bohemians and extravagant personalities. Now women can buy “Alerana” spray and restore their former beauty and attractiveness to their hair.

Analogs of Alerana

Photos and reviews about the 5% spray "Alerana" prove that this is really one of the best remedies for hair loss of all currently known. However, in the Russian Federation there are at least two other drugs that position themselves as no less powerful means to combat this problem.

The first is Revasil spray. It is somewhat cheaper than Alerana, but also smaller. It also contains the active ingredient minoxidil, but in a small dosage - only 2%.

On sites where people who really used the drug leave reviews, the remedy has a rather low rating. Many say that Revasil dries the skin very much and leads to seborrhea. Of the five points of the drug, only three deserved it.

The second remedy is Generolon. Available in the form of a spray, in composition and action it resembles the spray of “Alerana”. Many users note that at first there is good sense from the drug - cannon hair appears. But consumer joy usually ends quickly. Why? Together with ordinary hair, those that barely appeared also fall out.

Some conclusions

So, “Alerana” spray for men, whose reviews are often full of joy, is an excellent solution to the problem of hair loss. Appearing bald patches in the forehead and bald spots on the crown disappear, but, unfortunately, not at all. But this is normal, since many either use the remedy incorrectly or do not know the true cause of alopecia.

There are much more reviews from girls on the Web. Perhaps this is due to their desire at any age and in any circumstances to look young and charming. They are more likely to fight imperfections. It is pleasant to realize that many of them were able to solve the problem of hair loss with this spray. And reviews about the spray "Alerana" from hair loss are proof of this!

Unfortunately, not everyone won this fight. Perhaps the point is in the ingredients of the spray, in the individual intolerance of the components or hidden internal diseases. It is difficult and impractical to draw definite conclusions. Judging by the reviews, the tool works. It has only one drawback: as soon as the tool is no longer used, the problem returns.

Nevertheless, for those who want to restore their former density and beauty of hair, this spray can be a real salvation.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C45030/

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