Neurosis - Symptoms Signs Consequences

The medical definition of neurosis is a disorder and dysfunction of the central nervous system. Such a concept means that there are no irreversible changes in the body with neurotic disorders, therefore, their successful treatment is possible. As a rule, such disorders occur after stresses, psychological trauma (conflict in the family and at work, loss of a loved one, illness of relatives, financial problems, etc.). Disorder within oneself can also cause a neurosis: impossibility of self-realization, dissatisfaction with one's social position.

The characteristic symptoms for all neurotic disorders are increased fatigue, a chronic feeling of fatigue, mood swings, lethargy, jumps in blood pressure, impaired appetite, drowsiness and insomnia, loss of interest in one's work, and apathy. Most of these symptoms are known to many people, so they rarely turn to the help of a doctor, especially a specialist psychiatrist, attributing all these symptoms simply to stress and malaise. There is a very important rule: if after suffering stress the symptoms do not disappear within a month, you need to seriously think about your health.

Neurosis - signs and symptoms of the disease.

Experts count more than four hundred phobias (a disorder associated with any fear). The most common is agoraphobia, this is the fear of staying in a large crowd of people or an open space alone. Patients with agoraphobia account for almost half of patients with neurotic disorders. This neurosis is characterized by anxiety, a feeling of increasing danger. A large number of unpleasant symptoms appear: muscle tension, trembling in the knees, weakness in the body, increased pressure, palpitations, chest tightness, dizziness, pain in the head, muscles and abdomen. With the worst development, the neurosis goes into a state where an acute panic attack occurs . This condition is very harmful to the body, although it does not pose a real threat to life and health. During an attack, a huge amount of adrenaline is released into the blood (as in extreme stress), a person is terrified, he believes that he will lose his mind that he will have a stroke or heart attack. The patient calls an ambulance, but doctors can not always navigate and determine the symptoms of neurosis treatment and the patient gets to neuropathologists and cardiologists instead of psychotherapists and psychiatrists. Naturally, the treatment does not help and people no longer turn to medicine for help, but go to quack healers. There are also neuroses of the heart, stomach, gastrointestinal tract, and genitourinary system.

Neurosis - consequences.

If there is no treatment for neurosis, then the most severe consequence of it becomes the neurotic development of the individual. People who suffer from them have a number of similar psychological features. First of all, this is increased vulnerability and resentment, self-centeredness, excessive attention to oneโ€™s health. A person is completely immersed in the disease, his quality of life suffers, he feels unhappy. However, with the correct diagnosis, neuroses are successfully treated. In mild forms, it may be enough to observe the regimen of the day, alternate rest and stress correctly, provide good nutrition and take soothing medications and herbs under the supervision of a doctor. In severe forms, compulsory treatment of the patient in a hospital is required. Particular attention must be paid to such a disease in children. The childโ€™s personality is still completely immature, so advanced neuroses in children can lead to much more serious consequences. The smaller the child, the more harm the neurosis can bring to his physical health.


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