Do-it-yourself homemade cognac drinks

For many, cognac is a strong alcoholic drink with the addition of exclusive extracts. So it is, if it is produced using the right technology. It is always light or dark brown in color with a pleasant smell.

What is the main indicator of quality? Often people think that the richer in color cognac drinks, the better. It's not like that at all. Even if manufacturers make this alcohol from high-quality alcohol, then it can be painted over with soaked oak chips or burnt sugar. And for the taste, herbal flavors are added. Only true connoisseurs can recognize a fake.

real cognac

A bit of history

According to legend, when a certain French merchant went to distant countries to trade, there were several barrels of white wine in his holds. While he was floating, the contents deteriorated; it was no longer possible to sell it. But the stingy merchant did not pour the wine, but brought it back. At home, he planned to overtake the drink in order to get rid of the unpleasant odor and taste. The resulting product has since been considered cognac. There is such a legend.

The first mention of this drink dates back to 1411. The then naming of cognac is eau de vie, which means "water of life" in translation. This ancient designation accurately reflected its properties in those days.

Many years later, the now famous cognac “Armagnac” appeared. Its origin originates from the city of the same name in the French province of Gascony. Near this settlement, the best dry white wine was produced at that time.

Cognac Armagnac

In the years of an overabundance of the drink, in order to protect it from spoilage, winemakers began to apply distillation of it in an accessible way then. The resulting alcohol was stored in oak barrels. From prolonged storage, he absorbed the aroma of wood, which also painted it brown. So cognac appeared. And this is not a legend, but a story.

How to get cognac distillate

What is cognac distillate is not difficult to guess. But only specialists know all the subtleties of its production. The recipe has always been kept in the strictest confidence, which is even protected by the internationally recognized technology protection law.

In general terms, this process is a double distillation of dry white wine to a certain strength. In addition, an important factor is the variety of grapes from which wine is made, as well as the time of harvest. Particularly scrupulous are the technology for obtaining juice, its fermentation and distillation. A significant factor is the storage of the drink and its exposure to specially made containers for this.

Legal production today

A true and now well-known alcoholic beverage is produced by French winemakers in only six of its regions. But only the one that is produced in the Charente region has the right to be called cognac. During production, the strictest technological process is observed. All cognac drinks produced by this technology in other places are called brandy.

Cities such as Cognac and Zharnak are internationally recognized centers of cognac and cognac products. Their lands are rich in various minerals and a favorable climate contributes to the fertility of special grape varieties:

  • Uni Blanc
  • Folle Blanche
  • Colombard.

The climate of Charente, as the French say, is without a doubt granted by God. Unique soil, non-hot summers and warm winters without strong winds. This contributes to large yields and plant resistance to diseases of the vineyards.

DIY homemade cognac

Not everyone can afford to buy real French cognac. But you can yourself put several components together and let them brew a little, then brandy or cognac drink will be no worse than an expensive store. And definitely safer than a cheap fake.

The rest of the article presents a recipe for cognac home-made drinks.

homemade cognac

Classic alcohol technology

This is the simplest recipe for a cognac drink. All ingredients are designed for 1 liter of edible alcohol diluted to 40 °. Optionally, all ingredients can be increased in proportion to this basis.

For cooking you will need:

  • alcohol - 1 l;
  • sugar - 1 tsp;
  • tea - 1 tsp;
  • bay leaf - 1 pc;
  • vanillin - 1 pinch;
  • black pepper - 2 peas;
  • carnation - 2 inflorescences;
  • lemon or orange zest.
Oak barrel

A few simple manipulations with the ingredients:

  1. Pour sugar and vanillin into alcohol. Stir until the additive is dissolved.
  2. Then we throw tea, cloves, bay leaf, black pepper and zest into this solution. Shake the container tightly.

The container must be placed in a dark, cool place for at least 10 days. If you stand it for 30 days, you will get a good cognac drink with a delicate aroma and light brown color.

Moonshine cognac on oak bark

This recipe maximizes the taste of homemade alcohol to cognac. After the completion of the process, the smell of moonshine is not felt at all, and the taste is difficult to distinguish from good cognac.

moonshine cognac

Prepare the following ingredients:

  • moonshine - 3 l;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • oak chips - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • cardamom - 1 pinch;
  • ground nutmeg - 1 pinch.

Now proceed to combine the ingredients:

  1. Dissolve sugar in a small amount of moonshine in a three-liter jar. Add the remaining ingredients and fill them with the remaining drink.
  2. Close the jar tightly and shake everything well. Place the container in a dark place or carefully cover it. Insist no more than a month, otherwise moonshine will absorb too much tannins.
  3. Then filter and bottle. Close them tightly and hide again in a dark place for at least six months.

After such exposure, you will get a cognac drink of excellent quality. It will acquire a rich taste, aroma and softness.


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