Background. What it is? Free background generators for the site

Background (in translation from English. - "Background") - this is the background of the website. It is the external design of the body of the web resource, which makes it possible to concentrate the attention of visitors on the main details, without being distracted by the background content. The image for the background of the site makes the latter more individual and gives it a special meaning. The mood of the site is its background. What does it give? Many people know that the background color affects consumers and users, and choosing the right one will help attract traffic to the site. Of the most famous meanings: yellow is the color of joy, happiness and warmth, white means purity, faith and peace, red is the color of marketing, black is able to dampen the influence of bright colors and is a symbol of power.

background what is it
About website backgrounds

So, what is the background, we found out. The whole perception of the site by users depends on such seemingly trifles. After all, this helps to distinguish it from many similar resources on the network. It is worth noting that earlier webmasters created backgrounds for websites manually. Now there are many special services that help create a beautiful background. Of course, no one forbids doing it manually, but modern background generators will help you do it quickly and for free. You can find examples of ready-made backgrounds for the site in the article.

What should be the background of the website?

The background for the site (in other words, the background image) is selected by the webmaster at his request, but it must be taken into account that the perception of the whole resource will depend on it. You shouldn’t darken everything too much or highlight it with bright colors. The text should be well read and visible. No need to put black on the background. What is the reason for this? According to statistics, site traffic in black is most often low, although this color extends the life of the monitor. Images with light tones are more suitable for the background.

Ways to add a background color to a web page

background pictures

In order to set the background color of the site, you need to add a parameter called BGCOLOR to the line with the <BODY> descriptor in your HTML document and assign it the desired value (this will be the name of the color in English, for example, GREEN, RED, YELLOW, etc. e.) or the color code (# oo8ooo - green, #FFoooo - red, etc.). The browser recognizes both of these options. The color code can be found in special programs or editors, such as Photoshop or Macromedia Dreamweaver.

The whole design will be as follows:


You can use the color code in the same way:


As you can see, this is easy. Consider the methods for creating a background image for a web resource.

Ways to add a background image

As already mentioned, the meaning of the word “background” is the background of a web resource. Its role can be played by a large graphic file (but then the page will load more slowly) and even a fragment of it, which is more practical in terms of loading time. If a fragment of an image is used, then it automatically multiplies by the browser over the entire field, therefore it is better to choose a piece that fits with itself on the edge. You can insert a background image into an HTML page like this:

<BODYBACKGROUND = images.gif>

what is the background

In this case, the BACKGROUND parameter is set to images.gif (file name with the extension .gif). Of course, the file name can be anything. It is expected that the picture is located in the same directory as the HTML document, otherwise it will be necessary to indicate the path to it. Let’s take a look at how to add a picture to the background. What kind of process this is can be seen in the example of images.gif.

Two levels down are indicated:

BACKGROUND = FolderA / FolderB / images.gif

Two levels of directories up indicate:

BACKGROUND = .. / .. / images.gif

Full path (URL) - BACKGROUND = (full image URL)

It is advised to indicate the full let to avoid confusion. The main thing is that the background image is not too pale, but also does not attract too much attention. As you can see, we examined the meaning of the concept of "background", what it is, you now know. Now let's look at some free background generators for the sites mentioned above.

meaning of the word background

Free Background Generators

Among the free background generators for websites are the following:

  1. On you will find many free background images of any color and texture. Here there are TOP of the best backgrounds, as well as the ability to create thematic backgrounds from the finished ones.
  2. At you can create your own background. It offers a choice of different patterns on a specific background color, which you can choose.
  3. The generator is somewhat more than a simple generator. After all, this is a whole project, it has some social highlight. Here you can often see links to the blogs of designers and developers. You can share your drawings, as well as edit them to create a beautiful background.
  4. On, you can generate a beautiful background from dots of different colors.
  5. allows you to create a beautiful gradient for the background with different colors.
  6. differs from all generators in some minimalism. It offers backgrounds for children's sites.

Using such a service will save you time, but create a beautiful background image for the site.

background for the site

Background Images for WordPress Sites

The most popular platform for websites is WordPress. This is not surprising, because it is free, and a team of strong programmers is constantly engaged in its improvement. And the main thing is that on it you can automatically "try on" a picture for the site:

  1. To do this, select one of the background generation services mentioned above.
  2. Save the resulting image on a computer.
  3. Go to the WordPress admin panel and find there: “Appearance” - “Background” - “Image Upload” - “Save”.

Just three steps, and the background is ready! As you can see, adding a beautiful background is not such a difficult task, the main thing is to choose the right color scheme and image of the background.


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