Lean manufacturing and its tools. Lean manufacturing is ...

Lean manufacturing is a special company management scheme. The main idea is to constantly strive to eliminate any kind of costs. Lean manufacturing is a concept involving each employee in the optimization procedure. This scheme is aimed at maximum orientation towards the consumer. Let us consider in more detail what constitutes a lean production system.

lean manufacturing is

History of occurrence

The introduction of lean manufacturing into the industry took place in the 1950s at Toyota Corporation. The creator of such a management scheme was Tahiti Ono. A great contribution to the further development of both theory and practice was made by his colleague, Shigeo Shingo, who, among other things, created a quick changeover method. Subsequently, American experts explored the system and conceptualized it under the name lean manufacturing (lean production) - "lean production". At first, the concept was applied primarily in the automotive industry. After a while, the scheme was adapted to process production. Subsequently, lean manufacturing tools began to be used in health care, utilities, services, trade, the armed forces, the general government sector and other industries.

Main aspects

Lean production at the enterprise involves an analysis of the value of the product that is produced for the final consumer at each stage of creation. The main objective of the concept is the formation of a continuous process of eliminating costs. In other words, lean manufacturing is the elimination of any actions that result in resources being consumed, but as a result, no value is created for the end user. For example, he does not need the finished product or its components to be in stock. In the traditional system, all costs associated with marriage, alteration, storage, and other indirect costs are passed on to the consumer. Lean manufacturing is a scheme by which all the company’s activities are divided into processes and operations that add and do not add value to the product. Thus, the systematic reduction of the latter acts as the main task.

lean manufacturing tools

Lean Production: Losses

In some cases, the term muda is used as a synonym for costs. This concept means various expenses, garbage, waste and so on. Tahiti Ono identified seven types of costs. Losses are due to:

  • expectations;
  • overproduction;
  • transportation;
  • extra stages of processing;
  • unnecessary movements;
  • defective goods release;
  • excess stocks.

The main type of loss of Tahiti Ono considered overproduction. It is a factor due to which other costs arise. Another item has been added to the list above. Geoffrey Liker, who studied Toyota's experience, cited the unrealized potential of employees as a loss. Overloading capacities, employees during activities with increased intensity, as well as uneven execution of the operation (for example, an interrupted schedule due to fluctuations in demand) are called as sources of costs.

lean manufacturing


Lean manufacturing is presented as a process divided into five stages:

  1. Determining the value of a particular product.
  2. Establishing the value stream of a given product.
  3. Ensuring continuous flow.
  4. Providing the consumer with the opportunity to pull the goods.
  5. The pursuit of excellence.

Among other principles on which lean manufacturing is based, it is worth highlighting:

  1. Achieving excellent quality - delivery of goods from the first presentation, the use of the “zero defects” scheme, the identification and resolution of problems at the earliest stages of their occurrence.
  2. Formation of long-term interaction with the consumer by sharing information, costs and risks.
  3. Flexibility.

The production system used by Toyota is based on two basic principles: autonomy and "just in time." The latter means that all the necessary elements for assembly arrive on the line exactly at the moment when it is needed, strictly in a quantity determined for a specific process to reduce inventory.

lean manufacturing system

Compound elements

Within the framework of the concept under consideration, various components are identified - lean manufacturing methods. Some of them may themselves act as a control scheme. The main elements include the following:

  • The flow of single products.
  • General equipment care.
  • 5S system.
  • Kaizen.
  • Fast changeover.
  • Error prevention.

Industry Options

Lean healthcare is a concept of reducing the time costs of medical personnel that are not directly related to helping people. Lin logistics is a pulling scheme that brings together all the suppliers involved in the value stream. In this system, partial replenishment of stocks takes place in small volumes. The main indicator in this scheme is the logistic aggregate value. Lean tools are used by the Danish Post Office. Within the framework of the concept, a large-scale standardization of the services offered was carried out. The objectives of the event were to increase productivity, accelerate shipments. “Stream value formation cards” were introduced to control and identify services. A system of motivation for employees of the department was also developed and subsequently developed. A special strategy has been formed in construction aimed at increasing the efficiency of the process of erecting structures at all stages. The principles of lin production have been adapted for software development. Elements of the scheme under consideration are also used in city and state administration.

lean manufacturing


The idea was formulated in 1950 by Dr. Deming. The implementation of this principle has brought great revenue to Japanese companies. For this, the specialist was awarded a medal by the emperor. After a while, the Japan Science and Technology Union announced a prize to them. Deming for the quality of manufactured goods.

The Benefits of Kaizen Philosophy

The advantages of this system were evaluated in each industrial sector, where conditions were created to ensure the highest efficiency and productivity. Kaizen is considered Japanese philosophy. It consists in promoting continuous change. The kaizen school of thought insists that constant change is the only way to progress. The system focuses on increasing productivity by eliminating unnecessary and hard work. The definition itself was created by combining two words: “kai” - “change” (“transform”), and “zen” - “towards the best”. The advantages of the system quite clearly reflect the success of the Japanese economy. This is recognized not only by the Japanese themselves, but also by experts from the world.

lean production loss

Objectives of the Kaizen Concept

There are five main areas in which the development of production is carried out. These include:

  1. Waste reduction.
  2. Immediate troubleshooting.
  3. Optimal use.
  4. Teamwork.
  5. The highest quality.

It should be said that most of the principles are based on common sense. The main components of the system are improving the quality of the goods, attracting each employee to the process, readiness for interaction and changes. All these measures do not require complex mathematical calculations or the search for scientific approaches.

Waste reduction

The principles of kaizen philosophy are aimed at significantly reducing losses at each stage (operation, process). One of the main advantages of the scheme is that it includes each employee. This, in turn, involves the development and subsequent implementation of proposals for improvement at each level of management. Such work helps minimize resource loss.

Immediate troubleshooting

Every employee in accordance with the concept of kaizen must counteract problems. This behavior helps you quickly resolve issues. With immediate troubleshooting, the production cycle time does not increase. Immediate problem solving allows you to direct activities in an effective direction.

lean manufacturing methods

Optimal use

Resolving problems quickly frees up resources. They can be used to improve and achieve other goals. Together, these measures allow us to establish a continuous process of efficient production.


Involving all employees in solving problems allows finding a way out faster. Successfully overcoming difficulties strengthens the spirit and enhances the self-esteem of company employees. Teamwork eliminates conflict situations, contributes to the formation of trusting relationships between higher and lower employees.

The best quality

Quick and effective problem solving contributes to well-coordinated teamwork and the creation of a large amount of resources. This, in turn, will provide improved product quality. All this will allow the company to reach a new level of capacity.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C45070/

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