Is it possible to make hair reservations at home?

hair coloring
Summer, sea, sun, beach ... Such memories (and for some they have remained dreams) haunt most of the population of our vast country with the onset of autumn. Worst of all, the end of the summer season is perceived by women: no longer sunbathing on the beach in a fashionable swimsuit, no walk on a warm evening along the line of the surf, you will not defeat fans and friends with a chocolate tan and bangs sun-burnt when you return home ... Although, if you think about it and make a little effort, then everyone’s envy can save the “post-holiday” appearance throughout the year.

What is needed for this?

First, of course, is not to “lose” a tan. To do this, you can visit the solarium or use tanning beds, of which there are a lot of varieties on store shelves now. And secondly, the correct hair coloring - reserving will help you out. This is not a new, but still quite fashionable technique. She became popular five years ago, when the Brazilian model Gisele Bündchen first appeared in public with such a “beach” shade of hair. The secret is that due to multilayer dyeing (coloring and highlighting), the hair acquires a natural look of strands burnt out in the sun.

hair restoration at home

Blonde? Not! Brondinka!

A woman with any hair color can become an armored woman. Indeed, thanks to the new sparing means of dyeing, it is possible to equally conduct both bronzing of brown hair, and red, and any dark: from chestnut to charcoal black. The cost of such a procedure can vary significantly depending on how many colors there are, and how many tones the strands will differ from each other. But even the most budgetary painting in a good cabin can make a dent in the family budget.

However, after all, no one said that it is impossible to make hair reservations at home. Of course, it is possible, and in some cases (there are no necessary funds to visit the salon or there is no place at all where this service is provided) it is even necessary.

light brown hair

As mentioned above, bronding is multi-staining, which is based on multi-color highlighting. Therefore, having prepared the base and armed with the necessary materials, you can safely begin hair restoration at home.

Both for coloring or highlighting, and for bronding, you will need several hairpins, foil, a thin comb and a brush for coloring. Under the basis refers to the reduction of the entire mass of hair to one shade. Most often it is, of course, medium or dark blond, since this color is easiest to work with. However, it can be red and chestnut, it all depends on personal preferences.

When making hair bronzing at home, it is necessary to use paint a couple of tones lighter or darker. Ideally, you should apply both options, make the locks both light and dark. And whitening a few curls on the face, you can achieve a stunning effect: the features will become more expressive, the oval is sharper, and the eyes are brighter.

Although there is an opinion that highlighting, coloring or bronding of hair at home is a practically impossible task, but, as you know, a great desire and perseverance work wonders, including with looks.


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