Beer with whiskey: recipes for alcoholic cocktails

For the preparation of whiskey, various types of cereals are used. The production technology of this strong and aromatic alcoholic beverage involves distillation, malting and long aging in oak barrels. For example, a standard Scotch whiskey requires at least three years of aging. Malt matures for almost 25 years. Good whiskey has a unique taste and bright rich aroma.

whiskey cocktail with beer

Judging by the reviews, pretty good cocktails are obtained on the basis of this alcohol. With additional ingredients, whiskey is softer. Due to the fact that the most popular drink is beer, it is used as one of the ingredients. To try a whiskey cocktail with beer, you do not have to go to a bar. You can prepare this alcoholic drink and treat guests at home. Beer with whiskey provides several variations, which you will learn more about from this article.

A bit of history

According to experts, they began to mix beer with alcohol in the 19th century. The fact is that due to the lack of special refrigeration units, the hoppy product spoiled. Wooden barrels and cellars could not provide high-quality beer storage. To avoid too much of it, the drink should have been made tastier. That is why various spices, products and strong alcohol began to be added to beer. If it became sour, it served as a signal that it was time to season it with rum, whiskey and eggs. Additionally, beer was heat treated. Today there are various refrigerators. Nevertheless, for commercial purposes, beer is still mixed with strong alcohol.

Classic cocktail

Many lovers of alcoholic mixes are interested in the name of beer with whiskey, similar to "Ruff". This cocktail is known as the Irish Car Bomb. Unlike the Russian "Ruff", this drink is layered, since it is also added with cream liqueur. The cooking method is simple. A standard glass is filled to half the whiskey, and on top with liquor. To make the second layer smooth, pour it with a knife. Then the glass is sharply lowered into a glass half full of dark beer stout. You need to drink the drink in one gulp, until the ingredients are mixed with each other. This was the name given to a cocktail of beer with whiskey because Irish drinks were used in the composition, namely Baileys, Jameson and Guinness.

whiskey beer

Bitter beer with whiskey

Despite the fact that to prepare this cocktail, exotic ingredients are not needed, judging by the reviews, it is considered one of the best. To make an alcohol mix, you need the following ingredients:

  • Whiskey. 60 ml will be enough.
  • Bitter beer.
  • One teaspoon of sugar.
  • Lemon peels.

A cocktail is prepared in several stages. First, the shaker is filled with crushed ice. Then whiskey is poured there and sugar is added. After that, the contents are thoroughly whipped. Now, using a strainer, remove ice from the shaker and drop it into a glass half full of beer. There you need to pour whiskey. Lemon peel is suitable as a decoration for a cocktail. According to experts, bitter beer with whiskey contains 210 kcal.

Trinity college

The composition of this alcoholic cocktail is presented:

  • Irish whiskey (30 ml).
  • Raspberry syrup (30 ml).
  • Freshly squeezed orange juice. It will take 40 ml.
  • Dark beer (400 ml).

You need to prepare a drink in a beer glass. First, pieces of ice are put in it. Then pour whiskey, syrup and juice. Next, the liquid is thoroughly mixed. Only after this is beer added directly to the cocktail. Decorate the mix with a sprig of mint. If the syrup is not available, then it can be replaced with raspberry jam. Fresh berries are also suitable, which must first be crushed. When the bones come up, they are removed with a spoon. Judging by consumer reviews, at the very beginning of drinking, a cocktail to its taste practically does not differ from a carbonated compote with a mint flavor. The taste of beer is felt at the very end.

"Dr. Pepper"

This alcoholic cocktail is made from 200 ml of Carlsberg beer, 25 ml of whiskey and 25 ml of any liquor. However, if you follow the original recipe, it is advisable to use exactly "Amaretto". According to eyewitnesses, in bars mix is ​​prepared quite spectacularly. First mix liquor and beer. Whiskey is poured into a small mortar and set on fire. Next, the burning alcohol is lowered into a glass of beer. You need to drink this cocktail immediately in large sips.

beer with whiskey title


This alcoholic cocktail is made from 25 g of Amaretto liqueur, 200 ml of light beer and 25 g of whiskey. In order not to violate the correct consistency of the mix, experts recommend adding liquor to the main component, and not vice versa. Otherwise, the drink will turn out with undisclosed taste. As in the previous version, the whiskey is set on fire in separate small piles, and then poured into glasses.

Set fire to alcohol.

It is recommended to drink the fiery cocktail in one gulp. At the request of whiskey, you can replace 25 g of rum.


During the preparation of cocktails based on beer and whiskey, it is worthwhile to show imagination and experiment. You may be able to create a drink with a new unique flavor.


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