How to remove bangs: simple and beautiful ways

Fashion is changeable. This fully applies to hairstyles. In particular, the bangs then become relevant, then fall into the "List of what you need to part with this season."

If you like to change appearance often, we suggest you learn how to remove bangs when you grow your hair.


Before telling how to remove the bangs, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with its types.

Not everyone knows that such an element of a female hairstyle appeared in the middle of the 19th century. Prior to this, only men cut their forehead locks, and even Joan of Arc. Since then, many kinds of bangs have been invented. The most popular are:

  • Straight bangs, without thinning and with a clear cut. It can have different lengths and perfectly mask a large forehead.
  • Oblique bangs. Most often, such an element of hairstyle is worn by girls with straight or wavy hair. Such bangs are perfectly combined with both long and short hair. Often they are given volume by milling.
  • Graduated bangs. Suitable for round, square or triangular faces. Gives the face a more youthful appearance.
  • Volumetric bangs. Suitable for owners of lush hair. On thin hair it looks unpresentable.
  • Torn bangs. It is often subjected to thinning, which makes the image more fresh and youthful;
  • Arched bangs. It is used to create stylish hairstyles for ladies of mature age. She covers her forehead, masking wrinkles and making her face fresher.
  • Elongated bangs. Such an accessory can end at the level of the earlobe or reach the chin itself. Due to its length, the question of how to remove a bang of this type arises extremely rarely, since the problem is easily solved by constructing a high tail on the head (see below for more details).
  • Curly bangs. The extravagant decoration of the hairstyle, which requires regular correction, is suitable for girls who are ready for large financial expenses in order to stand out from the crowd. However, it’s worth it, as it allows you to create vivid images.
  • Layered bangs. It can be jagged or straight. Usually done on fairly thick hair, straight from nature.
  • Short bangs. It can have a different shape and allows you to create eccentric images. Most often, girls are interested in exactly how to remove a short bang. This is a rather complicated task, several radical solutions of which can be found below.
  • Asymmetric bangs. It can have a different length. With the correct filing, such an element gives the hairstyle an extra volume.
braided bangs

Who goes, and who better to abandon the bangs

Such an “accessory” is far from suitable for everyone. Therefore, having shortened the locks on the forehead, many begin to frantically search for the answer to the question of how to remove the bangs when you grow your hair.

So, who should not ask the hairdresser to make such an element of haircuts.

First of all, owners of extremely oily, thin or curly hair should refuse this step. In the first case, the strands will look even more greasy, and in the latter you will have to make incredible efforts to style the bangs. Moreover, even in this case, a presentable hairstyle will last extremely shortly. Bangs are contraindicated in fine features. Such an accessory is able to smooth them and make the face flat.

It is also important that the bangs fit the shape of the face. In some cases, it may highlight flaws, for example, make the square chin heavier or draw attention to a long nose.

In this regard, only girls with an aristocratic oval face can be calm. Any bangs will do. It is not recommended at all to take hairdressing scissors for chubby women. Any bang, regardless of appearance, will make their image rustic and not add charm.

In any case, do not engage in amateur performances. It is better to consult a stylist in advance or use special computer programs that offer various hairstyles based on a downloaded photo portrait.

bangs under the hoop

When you want to remove the bangs

This may be required for various reasons. For example, you need to remove the bangs in order to apply the mask to the face, while cleaning the house, visiting the gym, dancing class or during classes at school.

In addition, some girls from time to time want to give freshness to their image. Those for whom this is relevant, are interested in how to beautifully remove the bangs.

The easiest ways

Let's consider how to remove a bang without special tricks. For this purpose, you can:

  • Fix the bangs with gel, mousse or other styling products. Previously, you can comb it to one side or back, or create waves.
  • To stab with an invisible or a hairpin. Several options are possible. You can make a direct parting, or slightly slant the bangs in one direction invisibly. You can close the short “tails” of the bangs with longer strands and fix them with “crabs” to match the tone of the hair. Another option is to hold a side part, and then fold the strands back and stab.
two braids hiding bangs

Bandage or elastic

This is one of the easiest ways anyone who is interested in using bangs can use. Bandages with elastic bands can be of different widths and colors.

There are many options for wearing them:

  • the hairline remains open, and the bandage is worn slightly shifted back;
  • ears cover or do not hide under an elastic band;
  • the hair line is under a bandage worn exactly on top;
  • comb the bangs and press down with a wide elastic band;
  • All hair is previously separated by a straight or oblique parting.
bangs under the bandage


A similar accessory can also be a good helper for those who are interested in how to beautifully remove bangs. You can do it in different ways:

  • put the hoop on your hair, combed back exactly;
  • comb the strands, lay back, add volume and stab;
  • put the bezel a little back and move it forward so that a hump of hair is obtained.

How to remove bangs in hair style

Suppose you understand that you took the scissors in vain and you are not happy with the image that you see in the mirror. In this case, it will be interesting for you to learn how to remove the bangs when you grow your hair, creating styling such as a tail, babette, bun, bun, shell, etc. Any girl can make such hairstyles for herself. You will need to have at hand gum, invisibility, hair clips, “crabs” and styling products.

In the first case, it is necessary to comb the hair, making the tail so high that the ends of the entire bang are in your hands, and you can easily hold it. Fix the hairstyle with an elastic band. If the bangs are multilevel, then you should use wax or gel to remove the "cockerels".

This option is possible if the bun of hair on the forehead is very short. In this case, the bangs are stabbed and / or fixed with a gel. Do the same, laying a bun or shell.



Although the peak of relevance of braids is already in the past, they can be a great helper for those who want to know how to remove strands from their foreheads when they grow bangs.

It is easiest when it comes to a medium-length beam. You can braid the "spikelet" by picking locks from the forehead to the back of the head. Before you begin, it makes sense to apply a little wax for styling on your hair.

So that the locks of bangs do not fall out of the braid, weaving in the forehead should be made tighter than on the back of the head.

A way to remove the bangs


This option can be implemented on a bang with a length of eyebrows or more. To create a hairstyle you will need hair spray. From the bangs are separated strands located directly at the border with the forehead. The rest are combed. Comb back. Do the same with the bottom strand. Fill your hair with hair spray. Fix the ends of the bangs with invisible.

Crown of hairpins - "crab"

Such a festive styling is suitable for young women, younger schoolgirls and teenage girls who want to know how to remove short bangs. To create it, you will need miniature elegant hair clips - “crabs” in the form of flowers in white, blue, pink or any other light color. Please note that this option is not suitable for those who are interested in how to remove a long bang.


  • hair should be divided into parting;
  • right at the separation line, take one small lock from the bangs and twist it into a tight flagellum;
  • stab with a "crab";
  • do the same with the next lock from the bangs;
  • continue the process, trying to “crabs” are located close to each other;
  • if everything was done correctly, something will appear in the form of a wreath along the hairline.

To make this hairstyle more elegant, it is recommended to wind the rest of the hair onto curlers or curl it with forceps.

original way to hide bangs

Now you know how to remove a medium-length bang or make a smooth hairstyle. We hope that this information will help you create fresh images for every day or for holiday events.


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