Memory: the development of memory. Overview of best practices

Every day we get news. They come to us from acquaintances, from the pages of books, newspapers and from the outside world. We would like to remember most of this information. But it often happens that at the right time we are not able to remember what we learned before. To be less likely to encounter this difficulty, attention should be paid to the development of memory. For this, psychologists and scientists have created many techniques that help train your brain and learn to remember.

memory development

Types of memory

To memorize music, numbers, faces, the location of objects, the order of actions, and so on, we use various types of memory. It is divided into several varieties:

  1. Visual.
  2. Auditory.
  3. Motor or reflex.
  4. Verbal-logical.

memory development
Regular training can improve memory. The development of only one of its species (for example, visual) does not automatically improve auditory. It is proved that for each separate type of memory different areas of the brain are responsible. Therefore, it is important to identify your weaknesses and begin to develop them.

Visual memory

So that a person can recognize people, events, terrain, he needs a good visual memory. Its development really gives advantages, since it will help to become more attentive and, for example, reproduce important numbers and dates on paper. In people whose profession is associated with drawings, this area of ​​the brain is much better developed than in others. These lucky ones include artists, designers, animators. These people regularly consciously remember details, features and nuances in order to display them on paper. Those who would like to train their memory should carefully consider photographs, drawings, portraits. The development of memory involves more than just thoughtless looking. You need to strive to remember facial features , facial expressions and more. First, we draw up a general idea of ​​the seen image, and then focus on the little things. We spend no more than 15 seconds on each photo, after which we move on to the next portrait. We strive to remember more details. Over time, with regular training, the brain will be able to absorb more details in less time.

visual memory development

Visual memory in everyday life

It may be useful to us in carrying out daily tasks, various errands. To do this, connect the imagination. For example, you need to take out a garbage bag today, but you usually forget about it. So that this task does not fly out of your head, you can close your eyes and imagine how a huge garbage bag is marching cheerfully up the stairs towards the container. The bottom line is that it is more difficult to forget such an unusual picture than just a dry, mundane task. In the same way, you can imagine other images that will help keep in mind the daily affairs.

Auditory memory: development and training

The information we receive through our ears is very important in our lives. So we learn important information that helps determine what to do, what to do, who to remember. Therefore, the development of memory in this area will help to make our lives better, we do not have to spend a lot of time remembering important information. For training, you can use the following method. On the way to the store or to work, we can hear excerpts from conversations of passers-by. Try to catch these words and phrases and keep them in your memory for several seconds. In the evening, try to recall these proposals, or to begin with at least their content.

Auditory memory exercise

Include an audio recording of a poem. Listen to one line on the first day, while striving to imagine it in your mind, as if this phrase was written before your eyes. Try to remember the words. If you can’t repeat the line, listen first. All words should be clear and familiar to you. After you remember the line, repeat all the words in the reverse order. For example, "a golden cloud slept on the chest of a giant cliff" and vice versa - "a golden cliff on a chest a golden cloud slept."

auditory memory development

On the second day, in the same way, listen to another line and remember. Repeat the material in these two days. Every day, memorize one more line, while not forgetting to pronounce familiar words from memory. Start the next poem in two lines at once. Etc. Each time, try not just to memorize the material, but to remember, not forgetting that you need to scroll through the appropriate images in your head.

That is why we speak correctly

Verbal-logical memory is very important for a person . The development of this species is a very interesting process. Such a memory is responsible for folding words into the correct logical chain, the formation of clear, correct phrases from them. Here the basis is thoughts. They are transmitted in human language. There are several ways to put your thoughts into words. Firstly, you can convey the essence in a free style, as we can. Secondly, you can use the rules of verbal design. It is here that a good memory is required so as not to forget the construction of the sentence. But there is one caveat: we will not be able to train this area of ​​the brain if we just thoughtlessly memorize ready-made rules. It is necessary to reflect on their meaning, to reflect on why the proposal should be drawn up in this way. Only in this case will we begin to develop logical memory. As a training session, we can take a sentence and try to correctly interpret it, while not forgetting the rules for using vocabulary.

atkinson memory and its development

Memory Training Books

Many techniques have been created that help a person of any age to develop areas of the brain that are responsible for memorization. For example, the book that W. Atkinson wrote “Memory and Its Development” is popular. The American writer and psychologist gives specific advice on training this ability and on how to cultivate the ability to learn the necessary details. Atkinson talks about how to quickly remember dates, faces, numbers, and names.

Children's memory

The development of memory in children is very important, because how it will perceive information during their studies depends on it. It is necessary to deal with a child systematically, starting from preschool years. At this age, a young man works best at memory associated with images and emotions. Children react worse to characters or words. But it is worth determining which memory is best developed specifically for your crumbs. Maybe it’s easier for him to remember when he draws himself, or, conversely, when they show him ready-made pictures. Or is it better for him to tell and explain. In any case, at this age it is more efficient to use development games. Memory during this process is easier to absorb information.

memory development of memory in children

"Guess what it is!"

In this game, several children can be involved. Each kid is shown an object separately from the others, which he must then describe in his own words, without looking at him. One can only guess after the child has named the significant differences of a given thing. At the end of the game you can reward everyone with sweets. In order for children to be interested, those who tell can be given a flag or a pebble, which will be relayed to the next storyteller.

There are other development games. Memory (and not only) will train well if you conduct these classes regularly. For example, in the next game, the logic of the child is also involved. It will take a few sticks, pieces 20-30. Can be replaced with matches. An adult puts out a figure, it can be a Christmas tree, a house, the sun. The kid looks at her for 4 seconds and tries to remember. After that, the mother covers her creativity with a sheet of paper and asks the baby to make the same figure. An incorrectly positioned wand is a mistake. Gradually, you can complicate the task, laying out several figures at once. Of course, the task at first may seem difficult, but over time, the child will develop memory, and everything will work out.

verbal logical memory development

Another game is no less fun training this ability. 10 toys are laid out on the surface. The baby should try to remember in what order they are located, considering them for about 20 seconds. After he turns away, you can remove two toys or swap them. The baby's task is to understand what has changed and restore everything.


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