Basic certification schemes

Each product or service must meet certain quality standards. Those products or services that may affect human safety must be certified. They are included in a special list, reviewed annually.

Certification Schemes
Depending on the type and volume of products, goods, services, as well as certification objectives, there are several schemes for conducting this procedure. Each of them represents a specific list of actions. Undoubtedly, the choice of a certification scheme is agreed with the manufacturer (or importer), because it is from him that the desire to receive a certificate of conformity to quality comes from. It can be issued both for one batch and for serial production.

The following are certification schemes.

Product Certification Schemes
No. 1. It is used for products having a complex structure. It is used for products with a small volume of output. The sample is tested in a specialized laboratory with the appropriate permit. If the applicant seeks to additionally receive an analysis of the state of the investigated production, he is offered a certification scheme 1a.

No. 2. Inspection control is provided here. At the beginning, tests of products are carried out, after which the initiator of the verification can proceed to the issuance of the certificate. Inspection control involves checking these products at different points of sale. Tests are conducted in an accredited laboratory. A complement to the above certification scheme is scheme 2a, which includes an analysis of the state of the investigated production until the issuance of the certificate. Both of these options are recommended for goods imported into the territory of the Russian Federation regularly. A document of compliance with quality standards is issued for a period of one year.

No. 3. Testing of the sample is carried out in a specialized laboratory with the appropriate permit. After the certificate is issued, inspection control is carried out, and this procedure is performed before the products arrive at the direct consumer. Type 3a product certification schemes require mandatory product testing, together with production analysis and inspection control. These options for obtaining compliance documents are the most expensive and are recommended for goods, products and services, the quality of which does not change over a long period of time. The certificate is valid for 3 years.

Service Certification Schemes
No. 4. Tests are carried out, as in the previous versions, but the inspection control is carried out differently. Samples are taken not only from the warehouse of the manufacturer (or importer), but also at the facility for their sale. In scheme 4a, before issuing a certificate, an analysis of the state of production is performed.

No. 5. In this case, type tests, production analysis, and control are carried out, which are carried out not only through testing samples from the warehouse, point of sale, but also through checking the constancy of production conditions and the stability of the quality management system.

No. 6. The essence of this certification scheme is to exercise control over the quality system of the enterprise by a specialized body.

No. 7. A batch is tested here. The validity of the document is unlimited, control is not provided.

No. 8. This scheme requires the mandatory testing of all products manufactured by the enterprise. A certificate is provided if there are positive test results.

There are other schemes of certification of services, their numbers: 9, 10 and 10a. They are used for a batch with a small volume of production. Another condition is the presence of a contract.


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