Tinted shampoos for hair: reviews, review

Since tinted shampoos do not contain oxidizing agents and ammonia, you can use them completely without fear. Unlike paints, these products do not penetrate deep into the hair, and therefore, do not corrode them, and also do not dry. In a certain way, these tools can even be useful. The film created by them protects the hair from exposure to UV rays and wind.

Features of use

Of course, it is impossible to radically change the color of hair with tinted shampoo. This cosmetic product is used only to adjust the existing natural or artificial color. Such tinted shampoos for hair are applied (the palette of which can be very diverse) in about the same way as paint:

  • They put on plastic or rubber gloves.
  • Hair is slightly moistened with water.
  • A small amount of the product is squeezed out of the tube.
  • Then it is applied to the head and massaged in a circular motion gently and evenly distributed over the hair so that there are no untreated places. Particular attention should be paid to the tips. You can finally comb the hair with a frequent comb.
  • Covering the head with a cap, the product is kept for 5-7 minutes, and then washed off with water.

If you need to get a more saturated shade, the shampoo should be left on the hair for 25-30 minutes. In the event that the color is still not as saturated as we would like, the procedure can be repeated.

tint hair shampoos reviews

What remedy to buy

Hue shampoos for hair, the color palette of which is very, very diverse, you should choose the right one. For blondes or light-haired ladies, a light remedy is more suitable. For example, it is possible to remove yellowness from white hair with its help, and make brown strands more expressive.

Brunettes and brown-haired women can afford to use shampoo of absolutely any color. Dark and red strands painted using the tone-on-tone method look very good. Light shade shampoo will give such hair a golden hue. When using a red or copper remedy, the strands will acquire a more effective, expressive look.

Of course, when choosing a tint shampoo, you should definitely pay attention to the manufacturer. The most popular shampoos are brands such as Loreal, Schwarzkopf, Kapus and Rokolor. Next, we will consider what advantages all these varieties differ in and what disadvantages they have.

Loreal funds

This manufacturer produces shampoos for both blondes and brunettes. The main advantage of this brand is a rich shade of color. It can be cherry, copper, chocolate, golden, ash, etc. Tinted hair shampoos “Loreal”, the palette of which is very diverse, can be used both for dyeing hair and for neutralizing oxide residues and accelerating growth. Also, the products of this brand add shine to the hair and restore their structure.

tint hair shampoos loreal palette

The composition of this shampoo includes standard cleaning and coloring ingredients. The only expensive component is Cocamid Mipa, used as a thickener. In most shampoos of other brands, ordinary table salt is used instead . Cocamid Mipa is believed to have a much milder effect on hair and scalp.

Reviews about Lorel shampoos

Opinion about the means of this brand among Russian women has developed quite well. Yellowness, for example, with the right choice of shade with their help, can be completely painted over. Unfortunately, they deal with gray hair a little worse. In general, Loreal shade hair shampoos, whose palette is very wide, are estimated as pretty good. However, most of our compatriots believe that they do not justify their value by one hundred percent. Before buying shampoo of this brand, I advise many to think about whether it is worth overpaying for a brand.


Shampoos of this brand are produced by the famous French company L'Oréal. It was founded a very long time ago - in 1907 - by the chemist Eugene Schueller. Currently, the branches of the Loreal company operate in many countries of the world. This company began to supply cosmetics of good quality to the Russian market right after the collapse of the USSR - in the 90s. The means of this brand were then very expensive and not everyone could afford. Even in those days, unfortunately, these tinted shampoos for hair reviews were not too good. Loreal, of course - the brand is very good. But the hair products of this company of the other perfumes produced by it (for example, creams), unfortunately, are slightly inferior in quality.

Shampoos "Capus"

The composition of this brand includes many useful natural ingredients. They not only cleanse, but also nourish the hair, as well as perfectly level them. Among other things, “Kapus” shade shampoos contain special UV filters. Using the means of this brand, you can change the shade of hair by 1-2 tones. Shampoos “Kapus” are usually used simultaneously with balms of the same brand that support the color of colored strands. The range of funds for this brand is also quite wide. If desired, you can choose both light and dark shampoo color.

tint hair shampoos reviews capus

Reviews for "Capus"

In most cases, lovers change their appearance by dyeing hair in new colors shampoos of this brand are praised. The shades they give are very pleasant. In general, these tinted hair shampoos have good reviews. “Kapus” is an effective brand, including in terms of caring for strands. Hair dyed with shampoo from this manufacturer takes on a healthy, well-groomed appearance and begins to shine. The disadvantages of “Capus” include only the fact that these funds slightly dry the strands. Therefore, it is better to purchase them for women with oily hair type.

Gray hair - if there is a lot of it - these tinted hair shampoos, reviews about which are pretty good, unfortunately, do not paint over. But you can still try to hide a small amount of it with the help of “Capus”. The first gray hair, according to the manufacturer, this shampoo makes it much less noticeable.

Kapus Company

Cosmetics of this brand are produced at factories in Italy and Spain from high quality raw materials and undergo double control according to European and Russian standards. In our country, the sales company Kapous Professional is engaged in its sales. Deliveries are made in more than 30 regions of Russia.

Shwarzkopf shampoos

The funds of this brand are very popular among the fair sex. This is explained by their excellent quality. The Schwarzkopf tinted shampoos, among other things, include vitamins and minerals that treat and protect hair from adverse environmental factors. After applying the products of this brand, the hair acquires a neat, well-groomed appearance, becomes silky, soft and begins to shine. Shade hair shampoos “Schwarzkopf”, the palette of which, by the way, is very wide, nourish, moisturize the strands and protect them from UV rays.

Schwarzkopf tinted hair shampoos

Suitable shades of the funds of this brand will find for themselves both blondes and brunettes or brown-haired women. The price of Schwarzkopf shampoos is quite high - about 800-900 rubles (for comparison: for the same “Kapus” you will need to pay only about 300 rubles). But they justify their value.

Reviews about Schwarzkopf

According to Russian customers, shampoos of this brand are almost the best and highest quality on the domestic market in the middle and expensive category. These are just wonderful products, suitable for absolutely any type of hair. You can use them both blondes and brunettes. In particular, tint shampoos for hair (reviews about them are really excellent) “Schwarzkopf” of the Palette line are very popular among the fair sex. They are intended to maintain the color of already colored strands. You can use them to give a beautiful shade to very long and magnificent hair. Russians also like the line of products of this brand Brilliance, which gives the strands a particularly spectacular shine.

Manufacturer "Schwarzkopf"

Schwarzkopf is the third largest hair cosmetics brand in the world. This is the oldest company founded in the late nineteenth century by the chemist Hans Schwarzkopf. Today, it includes several brands involved in the creation of professional cosmetics. Shade hair shampoos “Schwarzkopf”, the color palette of which is extremely diverse, are very popular both in Russia and in Europe.


This is another well-known and popular brand in our country, selling not too expensive and at the same time quite high-quality cosmetics. In total, the shampoo palette of this manufacturer has 10 shades. Three of them are for blondes, three for brunettes and four for red-haired women. Shampoos "Rocolor", as well as products of other brands, not only dye your hair, but also look after it. They won’t be able to hide gray hair with their use, but they are very good for eliminating the unpleasant yellowish shade of white hair.

tinting shampoos for hair reviews rocolor

Reviews about the tool "Rokolor"

Shampoos of this brand ("Amethyst", "Pearl Ash" and "Milk Chocolate"), according to bright Russians, cope very well with their task of making hair attractive and neat. Representatives of the fair sex and products intended for the dark strands of this brand, in particular “Mocha” and “Chocolate”, are praised. But red tinted shampoos for hair, reviews of which are not too good, unfortunately, very quickly fade and rinse off.

Company "Rokolor"

These products are produced by a domestic company of the same name. She specializes not only in the production of shampoos. The Rokolor factory produces soap, detergents, perfumes and decorative cosmetics. The company has been manufacturing and selling such products for over 12 years. And, as already mentioned, these very tinted shampoos for hair have very good reviews. Rokolor is an inexpensive brand and at the same time quite high quality.

What tool to choose?

So, which manufacturer shampoo should be purchased for hair coloring? The answer to this question depends on several factors at once. Most likely, when choosing, you will first have to pay attention to the cost. Those who can afford to spend quite large sums on cosmetics will surely like Schwarzkopf. These tinted shampoos for hair reviews deserved really good. Women with a fatty type of strands can try using “Capus”. If it turns out to allocate only very small amounts for the purchase of cosmetics, it is worth taking a closer look at the inexpensive Rokolor. Lovers of shine in the hair should pay attention to the “Schwarzkopf” Brilliance, and those who started to make their first gray hair (not too much) should buy the “Caps”.

tinted shampoos for hair color palette

What you need to know about tinted shampoos

The composition of any such product includes a special coloring pigment. After application, the tint shampoo forms a thin film on the strands. Thus, these products are much more protective of hair than dyes. However, they are washed off much faster - usually after the head is washed 5-7 times.

tinted hair shampoos palette

Any tinted shampoos for hair (reviews from photos of bottles of the most popular brands are on this page), unfortunately, have strong allergens in their composition. Therefore, before proceeding with staining with any manufacturer’s product, it is imperative to conduct a small skin sensitivity test. To do this, a little shampoo is applied to the palm and kept for 10-15 minutes.

Gloves on hands when stained should be worn. Otherwise, then you will have to wash your hands for a very long time. For the same reason, shampoo should be applied to the head gently, being careful not to stain the neck and forehead, and also to prevent drops from entering the bathtub and sink. In order to determine the exposure time, you can conduct a preliminary test. To do this, shampoo is applied to one strand.

Do not allow shampoo to get into your eyes, nose, or mouth. Using this tool for dyeing eyelashes or eyebrows is also highly not recommended. To remove yellow hair from blond hair, you should choose a shampoo, which includes purple pigments.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C45121/

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