Lotus fields in Astrakhan: description, attractions and interesting facts

During the lotus bloom, many tourists make a trip to Astrakhan, where in the Volga delta you can see with your own eyes this amazing miracle of nature. Lotus is one of the most wonderful plants on our planet, growing in vivo in Russia here. This is the northernmost place on earth where in the wild you can find this plant. In our country, a similar colorful picture can be observed in the Far East, and on a small scale - in the Krasnodar Territory.

You can learn about this fabulous phenomenon and about the lotuses themselves, about when the lotus fields bloom in Astrakhan, and about much more by reading this article.

general information

Lotus belongs to relic plants and has been known since the Cretaceous. Astrakhan (or Caspian) is slightly different from a typical lotus, which is why it was isolated in a separate form.

Until now, scientists have not figured out how these flowers got to be considered sacred in the East. The following versions exist about their appearance in Russia - birds transferred seeds or migrated Kalmyks. But the main version - the seeds during the existence of the Great Silk Road were brought in by trade caravans from China or India.

Lotus fields in Astrakhan

Lotus Fields in Astrakhan: Valley Description

The lotus valley located in the Volga Delta extends over more than one thousand hectares, and it is considered the largest in the world. It’s just impossible to even imagine the endless sea of ​​pale pink and white flowers blooming right on the water. This is truly a bewitching sight!

Due to favorable water and climatic factors for the lotus, optimal conditions for growing and further spreading in such a huge water area are created in these places. Phenomena when the size of the leaves exceed one meter in diameter and the size of the flowers reach 0.6 meters are not rare here.

By right, lotuses blooming in Astrakhan are one of the main attractions of the region. This is one of the most beautiful natural phenomena. Among the many rare plant species that the Volga River Delta is rich in, lotus fields in Astrakhan attract special attention.

Rest on the lotus fields in Astrakhan

Legends and myths about the lotus

There are many legends and myths about the sacred lotus flower created in ancient times by the peoples of the East. This flower seems to be a symbol of all the best that exists on Earth - life, health, longevity, immortality, fertility and wealth, glory and purity.

Its roots are in the silt, and magnificent flowers are always located above the water and stretch to the sun. It speaks of health and the desire for life. Leaves and petals, covered with a thin waxy coating, repel water, and the dirt does not stick to them, that is, they have the ability to clean themselves. It turns out that the lotus is a symbol of purity.

Lotus fields in Astrakhan when blooming

This plant symbolizes and all existing times: present, past, future. After all, this plant also has buds that have not yet opened, and flowers, and fruits. It has a lotus and a connection with the elements of all: its rhizome is located in the ground, the stem is in the water, leaves and flowers are in the air. In general, this plant represents the whole world. That is why people strive for this sacred plant. Rest on the lotus fields in Astrakhan is very popular, since it brings undeniable benefits to people (more on this below).

From the story of the lotus: interesting facts

These flowers were discovered by a scientific expedition in the lower reaches of the river at the beginning of the 20th century (1912). A group of scientists at that time was studying the natural resources of the Volga delta. At that time, this site was very small, occupying only more than 1/4 hectare. Since then, in order to preserve this rare plant, a biosphere reserve was created here.

The area of ​​lotus fields in Astrakhan in 1967 has already become equal to 67 hectares. At some point, in connection with the launch of the Volga Hydroelectric Power Station (there was a decrease in water flow), during floods, the territory was overgrown with water plants of various species, among which there was a lotus. Therefore, it was not without redistributing the thickets. In 1970, the area of ​​the fields amounted to 200 hectares, and today it has reached 5000 hectares and continues to grow further. This unique plant for Russia now grows in ilmeni, bays, on the seashore and along the banks of numerous Volga channels.

Lotus fields on the ship Astrakhan

Lotus description

The lotus fields in Astrakhan attract many tourists with their unique beauty. What is this amazing flower that attracts people to itself?

On average, the plant grows to a height of 2 or more meters, flowers in diameter reach 15 cm. The very short flowering time of this unique flower is only two to three days, after which its petals fall off. However, this beauty lasts for a long time, which seems endless, because every day new flowers open up again and again.

Trips to the lotus fields from Astrakhan

After flowering ends, a small egg is formed at the place of the flower, inside of which lotus nuts ripen, first having milk ripeness with a green shell. Then the skin hardens and turns brown. According to people who have tasted this fruit, it resembles peanuts in taste, but only birds here regale them.

It should be noted that the lotus leaves have a unique quality, called the "lotus effect." What does it mean? Leaves remain dry, because water rolls off them like mercury - balls.

Flowering season

Those wishing to see with their own eyes an indescribable sight (one of the main attractions of Astrakhan) are probably interested in when lotus fields bloom in Astrakhan. This happens once a year - from July to September. Most often it can be observed from about July 10 to September 10. Moreover, this time is considered the best for a good rest in the lower reaches of the river, and therefore, tourists from all over Russia come here at this time.

In addition, travel agencies during this period offer guests special excursion trips to the delta to demonstrate this amazing natural phenomenon - flowering lotus fields of Astrakhan.

Lotus fields in Astrakhan: how to get there

How can I get to?

The easiest and most convenient way to go to the fabulous valley of lotuses is to arrange a trip through a travel agency. Every weekend modern comfortable buses depart from Volgograd and Astrakhan.

Travel agencies are developing special excursion programs that are in effect at the very moment when lotus fields flourish. Typically, tourists arriving at recreation centers use the services of two-hour boat trips along the lotus valley, during which there is an opportunity to learn more about the fauna and flora of the unique Volga delta. There is an opportunity to go fishing in these places.

You can see the lotus fields of Astrakhan on the boat. He departs from the Astrakhan embankment. It is also possible to book a boat trip in the biosphere reserve. Those arriving in their own cars can take advantage of coastal camp sites where escort services to lotus fields are provided with pleasure. It should be noted that the most beautiful and largest thickets can be observed on the estuary seaside of the river delta. But you have to get there only on motor boats for two hours.

Lotus fields in Astrakhan: prices


Trips to the lotus fields from Astrakhan can also bring benefits in terms of improving health. Many references exist about the miraculous powers of the lotus. They are found in Tibetan medical records, as well as in medical books of Southeast Asia. This flower is also called the "flower of Buddha."

In Thailand, for a long time, lotus fruits have been used in cooking to increase the protein content in the body. There are opinions that the lotus is a universal affordable remedy for various ailments. Others believe that being near a person calms the nervous system, stabilizes the entire immune system of the body, helps rejuvenate the body, and also relieves stress.

Thai and Lao monks believed that lotus fruits increase the activity of the human brain, so they chewed them. There is also a rumor that lotus aromatic procedures and water baths contribute to the achievement of overall body tone. A person who spent about three days at the place of flowering of lotuses and breathing their aromas, as well as bathing in water with numerous flowers, can acquire a large charge of energy and vigor, strengthen immunity and get rid of depression.

It is worth at least once to relax in these beautiful places and just see the lotus fields in Astrakhan. Prices for such a pleasure range from 900 rubles for adults (450 rubles for children) and more, depending on how many people are in the group and the amount of time spent on the spot.


It is important to note that the Caspian lotus is protected by the state (listed in the Red Book), since, according to scientists, it is impossible to predict what area these amazing plants will occupy in a given summer. The fact that this plant will begin to disappear just as rapidly as it has grown cannot be ruled out. It is also important to note that it is strictly forbidden to pluck lotus flowers.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C4513/

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