Sample Psychologist Resume: Key Points and Recommendations

Resume is a business card, the "face" of the applicant for any position. It should familiarize the employer with the maximum professional skills and qualities of the specialist, not cause misunderstanding and additional questions, and also stand out from the rest of the resume.

Resume for the work of a psychologist: a sample

There are no strict requirements for compiling a resume, but still excessive creativity will also not be in place. The following psychologistโ€™s resume can be supplemented with points that seem necessary to you. The main thing is that they are directly related to the vacancy.

psychologist resume sample

So, the key points:

  • Fill out the heading of the sheet: F. I. O., date of birth, marital status, contact details: address, mobile phone, e-mail. Do not forget about high-quality business photos.
  • Clearly write down your goal: getting the position of a corporate psychologist, a school psychologist, a specialist in the rescue service, an employee of a crisis center, etc. The summary of a psychologist, a sample of which is presented in the article, should not contain vague wordings.
  • Introduce your employer to your work experience. Keep the list in order from last to earlier. Indicate the time period of employment, the full name of the organization, its location (if you worked in another city), your position. Any sample resume of a psychologist will include clearly defined job descriptions.
  • The next item is education. At the very beginning of the list, mention the higher, then, if there is, the secondary, at the end - additional, as well as courses, trainings. Do not forget to also indicate the time period for obtaining education, the name of the institution, faculty, specialty, as well as the names of all courses.
  • Indicate the professional skills that distinguish you, as well as additional information that speaks in your favor: knowledge of English, a number of office programs. Be sure to mention here your research activities and related achievements.
  • Personal qualities. List all your human qualities that will be useful in a future position.

psychologist resume sample

The summary of the psychologist, a sample of which will help you in compiling, will also be supplemented by cover letters and letters of recommendation. For some employers, their availability is a decisive factor.

Recommendations for psychologists with experience

Your main feature is an invaluable experience. Therefore, try to familiarize the employer with him as much as possible and at the same time concisely. A sample resume of a psychologist should take these points into account:

  • When listing responsibilities at a past job, focus on those that are close in the future. For example, for a psychologist-teacher: the development and conduct of training courses to combat childhood fears, the preparation of psychological portraits of children, classes for adaptation of primary schoolchildren, the development and conduct of psychological tests for the detection of domestic violence, etc.
  • But for a corporate psychologist, a list of completely different responsibilities will come in handy: structured interviews with applicants, the development and conduct of tests to determine the psychological climate of the team, the development of programs that counteract staff turnover, and the psychological support of new employees.

Both practice and theory

When listing professional skills, note your close acquaintance with the theory:

  • knowledge of the principles of psychoanalysis;
  • possession of certain methods or the development of their own;
  • skills in the development, conduct and analysis of certain tests;
  • participation in professional conferences, round tables;
  • publications in scientific journals.
    Resume for a job psychologist sample

Psychologist Resume: A Pattern Without Experience

For the employer to pay attention to your resume, be sure to consider these points:

  • Set the real salary of a novice specialist.
  • Do not leave an empty column "Work experience": describe in detail all your duties performed in educational and industrial practice at the university. It would be nice to attach a letter of recommendation from your supervisor.
  • Stay in touch - in rare cases, the recruiter will call back to a novice specialist.
  • Do not forget about the photo - it should have to itself, give the impression of a serious, responsible person.
  • A sample resume of a psychologist shows that the column "Professional Skills" must be included in the document. Enter here subjects, practices, key points of your studies at the university, but only those that are related to the vacancy.
  • The section "Personal qualities" is very important for you. Fill it with attractive, but relevant information: self-control, sensitivity, responsiveness, attentiveness, poise, etc.
  • If the resume is short, do not overload it with unnecessary information - it will not give weight.

psychologist resume sample without work experience

A sample resume of a psychologist is just an example plan. Create your original peculiar version, not forgetting the general recommendations, because it is precisely such resumes that โ€œcatchโ€ the employer.


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