What to eat after training for muscle growth? Nutrition Features for Muscle Gain

Today, not only men but also some women dream to find a sports body with embossed muscles. Muscle gain is especially important for athletes. To achieve the desired results, it is necessary not only to train regularly, but also to adhere to a certain diet. Professional athletes are well aware of this. What to eat after training for muscle growth, we consider further.

Diet - the most important factor in weight gain

muscle nutrition

Muscle mass increases some time after a workout, and not during it. About 4 hours after it, the body begins the processes of metabolism and recovery.

Many people believe (alas, mistakenly) that eating certain foods after training for muscle growth is not necessary at all - just taking sports supplements is enough. However, experts say the opposite. Without the required amount of natural products, muscles will not increase in volume.

Proteins in the diet are necessary, any experienced athlete will tell you about this. But you need carbohydrates, which become the main source of muscle work. It is important for an athlete to get proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. We must not forget about vitamins, macronutrients and trace elements. They act as catalysts that stimulate the conversion of proteins into muscles.

Studies have shown that the post-training window (during this period, the body most fully assimilates nutrients) is open within a day after training. During this period, it is necessary to actively consume proteins, carbohydrates, fats and vitamins in the correct ratio.

Drink water immediately after a workout. Preferably mineral, to restore the loss of water and minerals. An hour or two after training, you can fully eat.

The main mistake is a lot of carbohydrates, not enough water.

muscle water

Firstly, many mistakenly believe that the first meal should contain a large amount of carbohydrates like fruits, gainers and marshmallows in chocolate. Such nutrition is acceptable if you want to increase the strength or endurance of muscles, but their volume is more affected by proteins.

Muscle enlargement is an anabolic process only, and water is the main anabolic. Drink plenty of clean water. It is advisable to do this regularly so as not to confuse thirst with hunger. Experts recommend drinking before meals, because after eating water slows down the digestion process.

And now we will go directly to discussing what to eat after training for muscle growth. The diet should include certain vitamins necessary for muscle growth. These are B12, B2, A, E, B3, B1, B6, C.

Milk and Dairy Products

kefir and milk

Milk is almost 100% absorbed by the body and provides it with all the essential amino acids. It also stimulates tissue repair. However, be careful, too much milk is also harmful to the body.

Its use after strength training increases muscle hypertrophy and lean muscle mass. Whole milk provides the body with threonine and phenylalanine (these are essential amino acids involved in building muscle protein).

Curd is full of calcium, which is necessary for muscle development. It also consists of 70% casein - a complex protein. That is, the level of amino acids after its use rises slowly, but remains so from 6 to 8 hours. Therefore, it is recommended to eat before long meals, for example, at night.

After training, cottage cheese should be eaten regularly for muscle growth. Do not add sugar or honey to it. There are practically no restrictions on the use of this product if you want to build muscle. However, remember that cottage cheese itself is heavy food for the pancreas and should not be eaten in unlimited quantities.

Kefir for muscle growth after a workout is good to drink before bedtime. It will quickly eliminate hunger and fill the muscles with lost energy. It is often added to protein shakes along with juice and milk.


15 g of egg protein contains 1300 mg of leucine. It is he who causes the maximum anabolic response in skeletal muscles. That is, protein can have a huge effect on weight gain, so eating eggs regularly is very important.

In addition, it reduces the rate of breakdown of muscle protein. It also contains zinc, which is very useful in weight gain. A 2016 study showed that he is involved in the formation of an insulin-like growth factor - it is he who provokes muscle development. Of course, there is still an opinion that it is impossible to eat more than four eggs a week, as this is harmful to the heart and blood vessels, however, nutritionists still have not come to a consensus on the dangers of this product.

At the same time, Jose Miranda notes in his article that only 30% of the world's population is hypersensitive to dietary cholesterol. In their vessels, its elevated level is observed, so eggs can really harm their health. To everyone else, it does more good than harm. Miranda indicates that nutritionists are allowed to eat one egg daily.

How many eggs do you need to eat for those who want to gain muscle mass? It is recommended to consume from 2 to 5 eggs per day (although doctors do not recommend eating more than 10 pieces per week). It is advisable to boil soft-boiled eggs so that they retain useful substances. Thus, they are absorbed by the body in record time. In addition, eggs contain vitamins for muscle growth - B3, B2, biotin.


It contains high-quality protein in the same proportions as in human muscles. A study conducted in 2014 confirmed that its use contributes to weight gain without the formation of fat. Beef also increases stamina.

Chicken breast

This product is good because it contains high-quality protein and a minimum of fat. It affects weight gain in the same way as beef protein and whey protein. That's what eating after exercise for muscle growth is especially important.

This product is approved for use even by those who have high cholesterol levels. It is noted that if you include it in the food after a strength training for muscle growth, the athlete's body weight rises, as well as a one-repeat maximum in the deadlift and bench press.


The thing is that the body literally eats itself before the first meal after intense physical exertion. Omega-3s interfere with this process, even if the athlete ate a trout sandwich for breakfast long before training.

That is why the meat of tuna, trout, cod, salmon, chum salmon, pink salmon, mackerel and mackerel is very useful for those who want to gain muscle mass. They are low in calories, but at the same time they contain the necessary amount of unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids. Another advantage for athletes is the acceleration of muscle growth. The fatter the fish, the more beneficial acids in it.


Turkish peas, which are especially popular in the Middle East, are gaining more and more popularity in our countries. This is due to its benefits to the body. And most importantly, now it can be found in any supermarket at a fairly affordable price.

It is proven that it contains protein, fiber, as well as a large number of vitamins and minerals. It is also rich in zinc and other healthy substances. It is he who is an excellent source of protein for people who prefer vegetarianism.


It has less carbohydrates than other cereals, but there are a lot of amino acids needed for muscle growth, as well as substances that strengthen the circulatory system. For people involved in sports, the latter works in an active mode, so they need buckwheat at least several times a week. It benefits the whole body.

buckwheat and milk

Sunflower seeds

Yes, they are also an excellent source of protein. They have a lot of vitamin E, which is so important in the set of muscle mass, because it stimulates muscle recovery after training. They can be added peeled in a salad or consumed separately.

Natural yoghurts

We have every right to doubt the quality and transparent composition of store yoghurts. Therefore, experts recommend buying yogurt without sugar and mix it with fruits and berries at home. Sugar is better not to add. Remember that yogurts also contain bacteria that are beneficial for the intestines that eliminate dysbiosis, so their use is doubly beneficial.

What other foods should be included in the diet?

With any physical exertion, a significant amount of energy is consumed, which leads to the destruction of tissue and muscle fibers. Therefore, it is recommended to eat bananas, honey in moderation, white rice, bran-based bread, cereal.

In addition, throughout the day, athletes who want to gain muscle mass are advised to eat:

  • sweet pepper, which contains a large amount of important vitamin for muscle growth - C;
  • pineapple - canned fruit is useful after the main meal in a small amount;
  • Kiwi - the product helps to restore muscle fibers;
  • ginger - stimulates metabolic processes, has an anesthetic effect, and also contains many useful substances.

Eating immediately after a workout. Nuances

Many novice athletes are interested in what to use after training for muscle growth. The carbohydrate window opens immediately after class and remains open for half an hour. The body perfectly assimilates nutrients, but is not yet ready to absorb high-calorie foods. Those with a high glycemic index are perfect. It can be not only fruits and vegetables, but also cereals and even pasta (it is not recommended to get involved in the latter). Useful juice, it is recommended to give preference to grape.

An hour after training, you can start a more complete meal. The body is ready to digest proteins and carbohydrates. However, note that food should not be oily. Suitable chicken breast, eggs, low-fat fish and more. We discussed the athlete’s diet in more detail above.

Experts note: if 2-3 hours have passed after the second meal, but are not going to sleep yet, it is important to eat again. Or at least drink a protein shake for the upcoming dream.

Do not forget about protein shakes

protein shakes

Eating after a workout is important for gaining muscle mass. But just as important is drinking special nutritious drinks! We are talking about proteins necessary for muscle growth, accelerate fat burning. It should be said that not only athletes use them, but also people who lead an active lifestyle. It should be noted that protein shakes for muscle growth after training are more useful to prepare yourself. Since in their composition there are only natural ingredients, which are perfectly absorbed and have a higher calorie content. However, for maximum effectiveness, they should also be drunk strictly at a certain time.

Here are the basic rules for taking a protein shake after and before your workout:

  • you need to take a drink 40 minutes before a grueling workout and half an hour after;
  • a drink for quick absorption should have a certain temperature - 37 degrees;
  • It is recommended that you drink it before bedtime, but you need to make sure that there are few carbohydrates in it, otherwise there is a risk of simply gaining excess weight;
  • the optimal amount of drink is 300-400 ml, which corresponds to 500-600 kcal.

The composition of protein shakes

So, what is included in their composition:

  • Proteins - cottage cheese, dry infant formula, proteins of boiled eggs;
  • fats - vegetable oil (maximum 1 tsp);
  • carbohydrates - berries, fruits.

The basis of the cocktail (after training it is especially useful) is milk, kefir or juice in an amount of 200 ml. You can combine products at your own discretion.

Muscle Gain Sports Supplements

protein bars

Experts recommend using:

  1. A gainer is a fast-digesting mixture of carbohydrates that triggers muscle recovery and growth. It is released in powder form and is often added to protein shakes. It also provides the body with energy, which is especially important before training.
  2. Whey Protein (Whey Protein) is the main contributor to muscle gain. This is the most popular supplement among athletes. Various companies release it.
  3. Creatine - a vitamin-like supplement is extremely important for increasing muscle volume and increasing strength. Sold in the form of powder, capsules or tablets. However, it is worth considering that not all athletes increase creatine strength.
  4. BCAA amino acids are the most effective supplement for reducing fatigue during exercise. Contains isoleucine, leucine and valine.
  5. Carnitine facilitates the body's access to fat stores. Increases endurance and positively affects the work of the cardiovascular system.
  6. Glutamine should be consumed, because with constant intensive training, its reserves in the body are depleted. This adversely affects immunity and muscle regenerative ability.
  7. Power engineers experienced athletes recommend as well. However, it is worth considering that these products can only be found in sports nutrition stores. They do not contain sugar, but they contain substances that support the health of the cardiovascular system.
mass gain bars

What else to use after training for muscle growth? Protein bars are a convenient source of protein and carbohydrates that you can carry with you. Helps drown out hunger for several hours. It is not recommended to eat more than 2-3 per day. Experienced athletes recommend "Bombar" - bars that contain protein, fiber, carbohydrates, fats and vitamin C. They help get rid of hunger for 2-3 hours. Bombar - bars that also help fill the body with energy and nourish the muscles.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C45140/

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