Engels airbase. Russian Air Force Long-Range Aviation

After the 2009 reform, out of 245 Russian air force bases, only 70 remained operational. The rest were mothballed or used today, but only periodically. Engels airbase near Saratov is currently one of the largest of all functioning.

History of creation

The construction of this facility began in 1930 by order of the Council of People's Commissars. The base is located 1.5 km from the city of Engels, the satellite of Saratov. Initially, it was organized as a school of pilots. Over 10 thousand people were engaged in its construction. The first U-2 aircraft (developed by Polikarpov) took off from the new base in February 1932.

Engels airbase

Air Base History: Flight School

By 1936, the Engels military courses were almost the best in the country. At first, pilot training was conducted only on U-2 aircraft. Later, the R-5 and CSS models also began to be used. Many graduates of this school took part in hostilities in Spain and on Khalkhin Gol. Also, pilots of the Engels base fought in Finland in 1939-1940. Then seven graduates of the school were awarded the title of Hero of the USSR. By the beginning of the Second World War, thousands of highly qualified pilots had already been trained at the air base.

During the Second World War

During the war, the Russian air base Engels sent 14 air regiments to the front. Moreover, three of them were female, formed by M.M. Raskovoi. This Soviet navigator pilot was one of the first to be awarded the title of Hero of the USSR. In the late 30s, M. Raskova held the post of authorized special department of the GUGB NKVD, and later was transferred to the Aviation Administration of the NPO of the USSR. She received permission to organize female combat units from Stalin personally. Three regiments created by her — 586 fighter, 587 and 588 bomber — formed the Night Witches air group.

By the time the Second World War ended, nearly 200 pupils of the school had become the Heroes of the USSR. The pilots of the Engels base carried out combat sorties on PE-2, PO-2, SB, and others.

Mr. Engels

Base in the 50s

After the war, the Engels school was renamed the school and continued training of military pilots. Until 1951, flights were carried out on piston engines. Later, IL-28 jet bombers began to be used. In the 50s, the construction of the new Engels-2 airdrome with a runway 100 m wide and 3 km long began on the territory of the base. This GDP was put into operation in 1955. At the time of reconstruction, the Engels College was transferred to the city of Tambov. In 1954, a new aviation unit 201 was organized at the base. It included three regiments of heavy bombers (79, 1076, 1230).

In the winter of 1955, the Engels airbase received the first M-4 bomber (developed by Myasishchev), and in the spring of 1957 - several ZM aircraft. Later, these aircraft were converted into air refueling.

The collapse of the USSR

In 1985, the base was reconstructed of the runway built in 1955. In the same year, the facility’s management complied with a government decree on the destruction of all ZM bombers under an offensive arms reduction treaty. Only refueling tanks ZM-II and ZMN-II remained at the base. In 1993, they were replaced by improved IL-78.

that 160

After the collapse of the USSR, 201 (Tbap) was transformed into the 22th Donbass Guards Bomber Division. In 1995, the base had a Tu-160 squadron of 6 vehicles. Her pilots also flew on ZMD vehicles and ZMS-II tankers.

State of affairs today

Today, Engels airbase is in constant combat readiness. As already mentioned, today it is the only one on which the White Swan bombers are deployed. In August 2007, V. Putin made a statement that these vehicles will be on combat duty in remote areas all the time. Later, the commander of the 37th Air Army P. Androsov informed the public that there were no nuclear missiles aboard these aircraft.

To date, Tu-160 cruise mainly in the north and northwest of the Atlantic Ocean, off the coast of Canada and Alaska, as well as in other strategic directions.

In 2012, the base was reconstructed. At the same time, the 1st launch complex, taxiway network, treatment facilities and other facilities underwent modernization. New navigation tools were also installed. In 2014, the base was recognized as the best long-range aviation combination of the Russian Federation. In the winter of 2016, another new GDP was put into operation. Since November 2015, the pilots of the base have been participating in military operations in Syria.

Of course, the difficult economic situation in the country affects, among other things, the state of affairs at this important strategic object. For example, not so long ago, the media considered a case of theft of fuel from Engels airbase. In this regard, in the spring of 2016, several criminal proceedings were instituted, the defendants of which were representatives of the command staff. The total damage due to the theft of kerosene was then 131 million rubles.

Composition today

In 2009, the 22th Donbass Bomber Division was reorganized into the 6950th Guards Air Base of the first rank. To date, its composition includes:

  • airbase management;

  • aviation commandant's office.

  • 7 aviation squadrons (4 - Engels, and 3 - Shaikovka).

Russian air base


As of 2016, Engels airbase has 16 White Swan bombers and 20 Tu-95MS missile carriers. According to a tradition dating back to the 30s of the last century, almost every machine is given its own name. The Tu missile carriers are usually named after the Heroes of the USSR and the Russian Federation or people directly related to aviation. So, for example, on the basis of Engels there are machines “Valery Chkalov”, “Nikolay Kuznetsov”, “Andrey Tupolev”, etc.

Tu-95MS bombers are usually named after cities. Engels has such aircraft as Moscow, Saratov, Kaluga, etc.

Upgraded Tu-160M

Strategic missile carrier "White Swan" was adopted in 1984. For its time, this car was truly a miracle of military equipment. Until today, this aircraft remains the most powerful, high-speed and heavy bomber in the world.

The Tu-160 was developed as a response to the American Advanced Manned Strategic Aircraft program, under which the B-1 missile carrier was created. At the same time, our machine ultimately surpassed the one built in the USA in all respects.

engels 2

In 2015, the General Director of PJSC Tupolev announced that soon the modernization of the Tu-160 would begin at the enterprise. In fact, the new aircraft will look like the old model only externally. The designers intend to replace the on-board electronic equipment with the Tu, upgrade the engines, improve the defense complex, etc. The first modernized Tu will be put into service presumably in 2021.

History of Russian Long-Range Aviation

The main striking force of the country's air force is what long-range aviation is today. Engels is a base whose planes fly over the waters of the Arctic and Atlantic oceans, off the coast of Alaska, etc. This modern strategic reserve is capable of solving problems practically anywhere in the world. Long- range aviation takes its start from the Ilya Muromets aircraft squadron created in 1914 by order of Nicholas II. During the years of World War I, pilots of this formation completed about 400 sorties.

In September 1917, German troops approached Vinnitsa, in which the squadron was stationed at that time. In order for the enemy not to get the equipment, they burned the military airfield along with the planes. Russian long-range aviation began to revive only a few months after the start of the October Revolution. March 22, 1918 by decree of the Council of People's Commissars was formed Northern Group "Ilya Muromets", consisting of 3 cars.

A new stage in the development of long-range aviation in Russia began after the designer Tupolev developed the TB-3 aircraft. Since these machines were produced in large batches, in Russia it became possible to form (in 1933) the first heavy bomber aircraft corps. By 1938, they were combined into three special-purpose aviation armies. During the war years, their air crews took part in all significant operations of the Red Army.

Officially, long-range aircraft of the Armed Forces were created on the basis of the 18th Air Army after the Second World War in 1946. A new qualitative leap in its development was associated with the adoption of the Tu-16, Tu-95 and ZM bombers. Tu-22MZ, Tu-95MS, like Tu-160, long-range aviation replenished in the 80s of the last century. All these vehicles are armed with missiles capable of hitting targets anywhere in the world.

Interesting Facts

Over the years the base has existed there have been several noteworthy events that have been mentioned. So, for example, in 2003, a Tu-160 aircraft took off from Engels airfield, which was decided by Minister of Defense S. Ivanov to fly. Some pilots believe that with his presence in the pilot's seat, he posed a certain threat to flight safety.

long-range aviation engels

In August 2016, V. Putin made a “walk” on the White Swan airplane. This time, the crew performed tasks such as launching cruise missiles, refueling and reaching supersonic speed.

In 2005, the documentary film "White Swan" was shot at the base. This tape tells about the difficult fate of the Tu-160. In 2008, some episodes of the film “7th Changes Course” were filmed here.

Accidents and disasters

Of course, like on any other base, Engels’s base during its entire existence was not without accidents. So, for example, in the summer of 1955, when taking off, the M-4 bomber fell and exploded here. All eight crew members died. Exactly one year later, a similar tragedy occurred. M-4 crashed on takeoff. This time 6 people died.

The next accident occurred in 1975. The 3M bomber smoked and exploded at an altitude of 5000 meters. Killed 6 crew members. Another 3M crashed in the summer of 1984. In an airplane climb mode, the engine caught fire. This time, the air base lost 5 people. In the spring of 1992, two 3MS-II aircraft collided over the Oktyabrsky settlement, slightly east of Saratov. One of the cars fell apart in the air. The pilots of the second refueler managed to eject. The entire crew died in the first plane, and only the captain in the second, whose compartment from the seat did not work.

The last accident at the base occurred in the fall of 2003. Tu-160 bomber "Mikhail Gromov" crashed 40 km from Saratov. The cause of the disaster was a fire on board. All crew members died in this accident.

Museum of Long-Range Aviation

At the base today, anyone can inspect aircraft, air bombs, cruise missiles, etc. For this, you just need to purchase a ticket to the Long-Range Aviation Museum. This exposition was organized in 2000 at the initiative of the unit commander. By that time, a huge amount of spent equipment had accumulated at the base. Throwing her was a pity. Therefore, the facility management came to the decision to organize an exhibition. The museum’s exhibition alone today includes 14 pieces. You can look at them by buying an excursion to Engels for about 600 rubles. In addition to ordinary curiosities, military delegations from all over the world often come to the museum.

military airfield

The most notable exhibit, according to many visitors, is the ZMS-2 aircraft tanker. This car was often called royal because of its very large size. Next to this aircraft is the Tsar bomb - a cruise missile that was once used to deliver nuclear warheads. All military vehicles in the museum are located on one side of the concrete strip. On another placed training and transport aircraft. At the end of the tour, its participants have the opportunity to take pictures in the cab of the An-2. In the spring of 1960, future cosmonauts made jumps from this aircraft, including Y. Gagarin.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C45142/

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