What is bergamot. Beneficial features

Although its taste and aroma are familiar to many people today, what is bergamot, not everyone knows. This is a plant (the root family), artificially bred by crossing a lemon and an orange (bitter orange). He owes his name to the city of Bergamo (Italy), in which he was cultivated. Many people think that bergamot is an herb, but it is actually an evergreen tree. It blooms in mid-spring, and bears fruit in late autumn. It is not difficult to describe what bergamot is if you list its useful properties.

what is bergamot

Of course, the main source product for which this plant is grown is essential oil. It is obtained by processing the skin of fruits, flowers, foliage. It has a pleasant fresh aroma and has a light green color.

Processed into oil, bergamot has the widest application. This is a good antispasmodic and soothing substance, it increases resistance to viral infections, prevents the increase in cholesterol. In addition, describing what bergamot is, one should not forget that it is a good antiseptic, it increases the vitality of the body, reduces irritation from mosquito bites and midges.

In cosmetology, it is used to cleanse the skin, reduce inflammation, brighten and narrow pores, regulate sweat and fat secretion, fight dandruff, and treat skin diseases.

bergamot application

What is bergamot yet, what are its beneficial properties in addition to those listed above? It stimulates digestion, focuses, has antiparasitran and antifungal effects, helps with allergies, is a natural antidepressant, normalizes sleep, relieves stress, and can be used as an effective antipyretic. Oil is also useful for hair, as it contains the substance bergapten, which contributes to their growth. It is also an excellent aphrodisiac and can be used to stimulate and enhance sexual desire.

bergamot herb

Of great importance to humans is the use of this plant as an additive and flavoring for tea. Thus obtained drink promotes weight loss, helps maintain vitality. It has an exquisite taste and spicy aroma. Its consumption helps fight irritability and fatigue. Both black and green tea are produced with bergamot. Most of the beneficial properties characteristic of the oil of this plant are also found in the drink. The combination of bergamot with green tea helps to moderate its stimulating effect, due to the high content of caffeine. A drink prepared with this useful plant strengthens the immune system, gives strength, has a relaxing effect. Its daily consumption has a beneficial effect on appearance: the skin brightens, gets rid of acne and freckles, and acquires a healthy color.

True, excessive drinking of this tea in some people can cause negative consequences due to a number of substances contained in it (bergapten, thymol). In particular, vomiting, stomach pain, rash, nausea, and phototoxicity may begin. It should also be avoided during pregnancy.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C45148/

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