Shampoo "Kerasis Healing": reviews, review, composition

Hair care is a basic cosmetic procedure that women should not lose sight of. Hair, like other parts of the body, needs daily nutrients, moisture and protection from negative environmental factors.

If you want to have a beautiful hairstyle every day and listen to enthusiastic responses about how beautiful your hair is, start correcting the situation today for the better. If you want to make your hair healthier, use the Kerasis series of hair care products. The healing shampoo of this brand is especially useful for problem curls.

Manufacturer of Kerasis funds

Kerasys is a series of Korean-made hair cosmetics. On the packaging of products is a distinctive sign in the form of letters KS. This moment allows you to immediately pay attention to the desired brand of hair care products on the shelves of goods in cosmetic stores.

Kerasis brand

The completeness of the Kerasis series

The developer of the cosmetic treatment line for hair care - the company "Kerasis" - is initially guided by the principle of creating natural cosmetics when releasing products. Only natural ingredients can maintain the beauty of hair created by nature. Therefore, the brand can fully trust their curls and count on an excellent result of care.

Shampoo Kerasis

The series of hair care products includes:

  • restorative shampoo;
  • restorative and firming shampoo;
  • moisturizing shampoo;
  • intensive recovery shampoo;
  • energy shampoo for normal and dry hair;
  • shampoo for problem scalp;
  • romantic shampoos and charm;
  • healing shampoo.
Kerasis Hair Care Series

The latter position is most in demand among middle-aged women (30-45 years old). It is this life phase that is saturated with hair problems that arise due to the lack of proper care, and due to the negative impact on the female body of stress, fatigue, professional affiliation, inability to understand hair care products.

romantic shampoo series Kerasis

The beneficial composition of shampoo

Of course, the Kerasis Series Keratin Care System hair shampoo is not a magic pill, after which all hair problems disappear. But among the most famous professional cosmetic lines designed to care, preserve and restore the health of hair, it occupies a worthy position in terms of effectiveness. And this means that the tool acts and has a beneficial effect on the processes of hair growth and their strengthening.

The composition of Kerasis shampoo includes the following ingredients:

  • keratin complex;
  • vitamins A, E.

The following composition of the product can be seen on the shampoo package: water, sodium laureth sulfate, glycol distearate, laureth-10, cocamidopropyl betaine, sodium lauryl sarcosinate, linoleamidopropyl PG-dimomium phosphate, cocamide monoethanolamide chloride, propylene glycol, cetyl alcohol, dimethicryl hydrochloride, dimethicryl hydrochloride, dimethicryl hydrochloride, dimethicryl hydrochloride, dimethicryl hydrochloride, dimethicryl hydrochloride, dimethicryl hydrochloride, dimethicryl hydrochloride, dimethimethyl hydrochloride wheat protein, ammonium chloride, stearyl alcohol, sodium hydroxide, citric acid, methylchloroisothiazolinone, methylisothiazolinone, methylparaben, octyldodecanol, stearic acid, glycerol acetate, aroma congestion.

It is unlikely that such a list of ingredients can tell the buyer something. Of course, industrial shampoos can not contain substances that allow the funds to well beat into a foaming substance.

In a clear example of the composition of shampoo, it is worth highlighting the following useful ingredients:

  • wheat protein - rich in proteins, which are part of the hair structure, allows you to fill in the damaged areas of the hairs - voids, thereby making the hair smooth and elastic, as well as strong;
  • carbomer - retains moisture, takes care to prevent dry scalp, is a conductor of nutrients in the hair follicles;
  • glycerin - retains moisture in the hair;
  • Dimethicone creates a protective shell on the hairs, protecting them from the effects of environmental factors.

Hair Detergent Properties

Shampoo for hair “Kerasis healing” in brief can be described as follows:

  • restores and strengthens the hair structure from the roots to the ends of the hair;
  • enriches hair with vital energy;
  • gives hair elasticity;
  • makes hair voluminous and obedient for styling;
  • has a therapeutic effect on the scalp, preventing dryness;
  • It is a source of moisture and structural elements.
hair structure improvement

What kind of hair is shampoo intended for?

Before using the Korean brand healing shampoo, please note that the product is intended only for hair characterized by:

  • fine structure;
  • weakened view;
  • medium density;
  • fragility and cross-section of the ends;
  • naughty styling.

How much does a shampoo cost?

On average, in Russia you can buy the healing KS shampoo for 400-600 rubles. Users in the reviews note that the Keratin Care System series of hair care products is not expensive and affordable for every woman who wants to have beautiful and strong hair.

Shampoo “Kerasis Healing”: consumer reviews

Professional hair improvement at home is not a wonder today. Using the funds as prescribed, you can bring the hairstyle in order and forget about the problems for a long time, of course, subject to constant proper care.

easy hair combing

Every day painstaking care for your hair pays off in full, in particular, it is about the use of the healing Kerasis shampoo. Reviews about this tool of the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity are ambiguous.

  • First of all, women expect a quick effect from this remedy. Alas, full hair restoration is possible only after passing a certain course. This means that one or two procedures for washing hair with this shampoo will not bring your hair in order. It takes time for the hair to gain strength. However, improvements are already noticeable after the first application. Therefore, it is worth continuing to use this tool for several weeks.
  • Shampoo “Kerasis healing”, in the reviews of women also pay attention to this moment, is not a means for daily use. This remedy is not particularly recommended if too rapid formation of oily gloss on the hair is observed.
  • Many women note in their reviews about this detergent economical consumption. The shampoo foams well and has a pleasant aroma.
  • The lightness and softness of hair became the main criteria for many women why they use Kerasis Healing Shampoo regularly.
  • Many note that with the use of such a detergent, the KS series, the hair really becomes obedient, has a decent volume, but it does not get confused, and after drying, it is combed much easier.
  • Some, evaluating the properties of shampoo, note the reasonable price and high quality of the product of the Korean manufacturer of a series of hair care products. Practical, inexpensive and healthy!
  • There are reviews and reflecting dissatisfaction with this tool. Often they are unreasonable, since the shampoo was used for too oily hair, thick or daily.

Shampoo “Kerasis” is healthy: reviews of specialists

The manufactured products of the Kerasis brand undergo mandatory testing before the release of a large series. The results of studies by European and Japanese authorities prove that KS shampoos are safe and most effective detergents belonging to the class of medicinal products. Products, of course, are certified.

Specialists put this tool and specialists of women's salons. In reviews of Kerasis shampoo, hairdressing professionals recommend using this product even on dyed hair, which allows you to revitalize your hair after exposure to fairly aggressive coloring pigments.

The healing shampoo “KS” is recommended to many women by professional trichologists, if, based on the results of examinations, serious imbalances in the female body have not been identified. But they note that this tool does not affect the acceleration of hair growth. This product allows you to preserve existing hair, make the roots stronger, and the structure more elastic.

Proper Use of Shampoo

Many women's reviews of the tool focus on the fact that it effectively helps to restore health to the hair only if used correctly:

  • apply shampoo starting from the roots;
  • it is necessary to wash your hair with massaging movements, gently rubbing the product into the hair follicles;
  • no need to rush to wash the shampoo from the hair, for ten minutes you need to let the hair come into contact with a detergent, only then rinse with warm water;
  • the best effect is observed after the application of the healing agent with conditioner balms of the same brand.
proper shampooing


Having learned the main characteristics and having reviewed the reviews about Kerasis Healing Shampoo, now you have an idea of ​​the best remedy from the problem hair care series. If you still cannot find an effective shampoo for your hair - try the products of the above brand. Just do not forget about the main features of Kerasis shampoo, its purpose.

Before using the Kerasis series products, you can get expert advice in the salon where the products of this manufacturer are used. Then certainly their use will be justified and purposeful. A specialist will help to understand how damaged the hair is, determine the type of hair and recommend the frequency of use of healing shampoo.

Do not forget that the best effect is always observed if you use shampoos along with conditioners, balms and masks of the same brand.

What shampoo do you use?


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