Wide grip vertical traction: types of exercises, rules of execution and results

Wide-grip vertical traction is one of the best exercises for back muscles. In fact, this movement imitates the classic pull-ups on the horizontal bar, but unlike the latter, it is much easier to perform, because the athlete has the ability to adjust the working weight. Despite the fact that from the outside this exercise seems simple and understandable, it has its own characteristics and nuances, which every visitor to the gym should know about. It is about them that we will tell today.

Wide grip pull for chest


Before you get acquainted with the technique of vertical traction with a wide grip and the varieties of this exercise, you need to understand which muscles work when performing this movement.

During vertical thrust, the main load is received by:

  • latissimus dorsi;
  • rhomboid muscles;
  • trapezius muscles;
  • big round muscle;
  • pectoralis major muscle;
  • rhomboid muscles;
  • trapezius muscle.

Indirectly included in the work:

  • biceps
  • forearm
  • brachioradialis muscle;
  • posterior bundle of the deltoid muscle.
Back muscle anatomy

Wide grip vertical chest pull: technique

We mentioned earlier that the exercise discussed in the article has several variations. We will definitely consider all of them, but for a start, let's take a look at the technique of performing classic vertical traction with a wide grip.

  1. Choose the weight you need. Grasp the bar of the simulator with a direct grip (palms forward). The grip width should be from 90 to 100 centimeters, it should be uniform. Sit on the simulator, place your hips tightly under the rollers, press your feet to the floor. Bend in the back and tilt the torso back. This is your starting position.
  2. As you exhale, pull the bar to the top of your chest, lowering your shoulder blades and feeling a contraction in your latissimus dorsi. At the bottom, pause for 1-2 seconds.
  3. Taking a breath, slowly return to the starting position.
  4. Repeat the movement as many times as necessary.
Wide grip for chest

Head block pull: a technique

Wide grip vertical traction for the head is performed as follows:

  1. Take the bar of the simulator with a straight wide grip. Sit on the seat, press your hips firmly against the special stops so as not to โ€œtake offโ€ during work, rest your feet on the floor. Keep your back straight, tilt your head forward a little. This is your starting position.
  2. As you exhale, lower the bar down behind your head until it touches the back of your neck. During operation, try to keep the blades as low as possible.
  3. After a short pause at the lower point, while breathing in, slowly, slowly and controlledly return to the starting position.
  4. Perform as many repetitions as you need.

Attention! Many fitness experts do not recommend this exercise, as it is very traumatic!

Wide grip head pull

Vertical traction reverse grip: execution technique

The technique of this exercise is not very different from the technique of traction of a vertical block with a wide grip to the chest:

  1. Choose your weight. Take the bar of the simulator back grip. Hands should be at shoulder level. Sit on the simulator seat, place your hips under the rollers, rest your feet on the floor. Having straightened a torso, slightly raise shoulders. Hands should be as straight and slightly bent forward. This is your original position.
  2. While exhaling, pull the bar to chest level. The elbows should go along the sides, down and behind the back. Tighten your lumbar muscles and make sure that your body remains upright all the time. At the lower point, bring the shoulder blades together and tighten the muscles as much as possible. While in this position, pause for 1-2 seconds.
  3. Taking a breath, slowly return to the original position.
  4. Do the planned number of repetitions.
Vertical thrust down to the widest reverse grip

Main mistakes

You already know about the technique of performing vertical thrust with a wide grip in front of you, as well as about variations of this exercise. Now we would like to tell you about the most common mistakes.

  1. Improper breathing. If you breathe incorrectly, then this may increase your pressure, which in turn will significantly lower your effectiveness. Remember once and for all: in the negative phase, a breath is taken, in the positive phase - a breath.
  2. Cheating. Very often, beginners try to simplify the implementation of an exercise using cheating (jerking, sudden movements, etc.). On the one hand, this allows you to do more repetitions, but, on the other hand, this implementation greatly violates the technique and at times increases the risk of injury.
  3. Lack of emphasis on the target muscle group. When doing vertical traction with a wide grip, try to work only with the back muscles. If you feel that the main load is performed by the hands, then you are doing this exercise incorrectly.
Wide grip vertical pull


In the end, we would like to share with you several useful recommendations that will make your workouts not only effective, but also safe.

  1. Always warm up before starting a training session. Unfortunately, many novice athletes neglect the warm-up, arguing that it takes away time and energy that can be spent on the training itself. As a rule, such neglect leads to serious injuries sooner or later. It should be understood that warm-up plays an important role in the training process. It warms up your body and prepares your muscles, joints, and tendons for subsequent exertion. Take our word for it, itโ€™s better to spend 5-10 minutes to warm up than to kill several months later for the treatment of injuries.
  2. Have enough rest. No need to train your back muscles too often. Like all the muscles in our body, they need time to recover. If you load them almost daily, then sooner or later this will lead to a decrease in strength indicators and overtraining. That is why experts recommend training one muscle group no more than 1-2 times a week.
  3. Eat right. Do not forget that a competent diet plays the same important role in the training process as the training itself. You can perfectly perform all the exercises and train according to the best program, but if your diet consists of flour, fat and sweet foods, then you can not even dream of any sports results.


We would like to finish our article with informative video lessons, which show in detail the technique for performing the exercises discussed today.

Wide grip upper link rod:

Vertical thrust down to the widest reverse grip:

Thrust of the upper block behind the head:

We can put an end to this. We hope that we were able to give answers to your questions. Perform the exercises technically, listen to our recommendations and then you will achieve good results in building a broad back. We wish you success in training!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C45163/

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