How to lower hemoglobin

Hemoglobin is one of the most important proteins that are found in the human body. Its lack can lead to the most unpleasant

lower hemoglobin
the consequences - from fatigue to anemia. However, an elevated level of this substance also does not indicate anything good and is the same (if not more serious) problem as its lack. If the doctor considers that you need to lower hemoglobin, most likely, he will prescribe you special drugs. But the problem is that, as a rule, their cost is very high. Fortunately, there are a lot of alternative methods for this, which are in no way inferior to medicines.

How to lower hemoglobin

First of all, it should be understood that lowering the level of this substance and its increase are reciprocal processes. It is therefore easy to guess that those who are wondering how to lower hemoglobin need to know how to increase it and

how to lower hemoglobin
do exactly the opposite. The composition of the blood is largely determined by the diet of its owner, so first of all you will have to radically revise your diet.

First, exclude all types of meat from the diet. It is clear that this is not easy to do, but you are not required to abandon it for good. After a certain period of time, you can again enjoy juicy steaks and barbecue. In the meantime, switch to legumes.

Secondly, eat as few berries and red fruits as possible - their hemoglobin level is very high. Pomegranates, cranberries, red apples, currants, cherries - all this will have to be forgotten for a while.

Thirdly, in order to lower hemoglobin, ideally, you should completely switch to a vegetarian menu. Cereals, vegetables, fish, greens - all these products must be constantly present on your table. The only caveat - do not get involved in eating nettles.

Dairy products help reduce hemoglobin levels . If you like cottage cheese - great, you can eat it as much as you like. Milk, sour cream, cheeses, kefir, fermented baked milk - everything that is in the dairy department of the supermarket will do you good. However, you should not expect your hemoglobin to drop the next day after you give up meat. This process is quite lengthy and smooth; decline will occur gradually. But there are quick ways to lower hemoglobin.

increased hemoglobin treatment

Reduce hemoglobin quickly

Since increased hemoglobin usually causes blood viscosity, it can be reduced by diluting it. Do this through leeches and a procedure such as bloodletting. However, these funds are quite risky. Also in the pharmacy you can buy a substance called "mummy". However, if you decide to take it, you will have to give up smoking and drinking alcohol.

Mumiye perfectly works in conjunction with hardening, physical activity, the correct regime of the day - in general, it requires a healthy lifestyle. Before using it, you must consult your doctor. You can make blood more fluid with regular aspirin, but it should not be consumed regularly - it can harm your health. In general, if you have increased hemoglobin, treatment should be carried out under the constant supervision of a specialist. It is better not to self-medicate; just drink as much liquid as possible and refuse to take multivitamin complexes.


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