The recipe for brew for moonshine. How to put brew on moonshine

If you decide to do distillation, then for a start it is worth learning the recipe for brew for moonshine, since this is the most important thing in this matter. There are many different options that allow you to get a drink with an original taste.

general information

First you need to understand the basic terms that are used in the preparation of moonshine.

Braga is a sugar-containing wort that is made from processed yeast. Due to the fermentation process, ethyl alcohol, gas and some by-products are formed.

brew recipe for moonshine

Wort is the liquid in which sugar is located. It appears due to the introduction of yeast into it. The wort can be completely different:

  • fruit - consists of water and fruits;
  • Grain - consists of water and special prepared grain;
  • sugar - water and sugar.

Of great importance in the preparation of mash is sugar, since its quality affects the drink. If it is of poor quality, then in the process of fermentation, the liquid will acquire an unpleasant smell and taste. In general, sugar is an excellent field for experimentation, since different options give their taste to moonshine.

As for water, it must be drinkable and of only high quality. In no case should you boil the liquid, since oxygen must remain in it.

Yeast selection

Yeast - microorganisms that multiply due to budding. Without this product, it is impossible to get high-quality mash, and, accordingly, moonshine. To prepare the drink, you can use completely different yeast, but it should be borne in mind that each of the options has its own unique features:

  1. The baking option is used mainly for sugar mash. The result is approximately 10% alcohol and a large number of by-products.
  2. The alcohol version allows you to get mash with a large percentage of alcohol - up to 18%, but at the same time quite a lot of side impurities are released.
  3. Yeast "Whiskey" is used for the preparation of grain wort.
  4. The wine version is intended for making fruit wort. The result is mash with a large percentage of alcohol and with a small amount of side impurities.

When choosing yeast, it is very important to take a quality product in order to get a good drink in the end.

how to put brew on moonshine


In order for the yeast to grow fast enough and well, in addition to sugar, it is necessary to use other mineral substances, for example nitrogen and phosphorus. An excellent combination is considered when 3 g of superphosphate falls per 1 kg of sugar. If you do not accept the use of chemicals, then you can get by with natural ingredients. You can add natural juice or chopped fruits and berries to the mash. Also, as a natural component, you can use boiled grain or brown bread. The proportion for high-quality moonshine is as follows: for 10-15 liters of mash, 1 kg of natural components should be taken.

Important aspects

Particular attention should be paid to the tank, which is designed for fermentation. Any deep container with a lid will do, but it should not be airtight so that carbon dioxide can escape. It is very important that all containers used are clean.

the best recipe for brew for moonshine

Proven classic

There is the best brew recipe for moonshine, which is the basis for other options:

  1. For starters, it’s worth doing yeast. To do this, combine half a liter of water with 100 g of sugar. After that, you need to put a little yeast into the resulting liquid so that 100 grams of pressed yeast falls per 1 kg of sugar, and if you take dry, 100 g corresponds to 6 kg of sugar. After that, you need to put everything in a warm place for a couple of hours. Yeast needs to be mixed from time to time. When the foam begins to actively form, this will indicate that this mixture can be added to the wort.
  2. Now we turn to the preparation of the wort. To begin with, it is worth dissolving 4 kg of sugar in 4 liters of water. It is not recommended to take less liquid, as there is a big risk that the wash will not have time to ferment. It is necessary to cook everything at room temperature, this is very important.
  3. We combine the cooked yeast and wort, mix and leave to ferment at a temperature not lower than 20, but not higher than 35 degrees. Remember that during the fermentation period heat is generated, so control this, since useful substances can die when overheated.
  4. Remember that some yeasts have the ability to release copious foam, so keep in mind that the container should not be filled to the very top. To extinguish it, you can use a little crushed cookies or dry bread. Depending on the feedstock, the fermentation process can last from 3 to 14 days. Consider the fact that the longer the mash is, the more impurities are formed in it. Therefore, on average, it will be suitable for distillation in a week.
  5. Braga for moonshine from sugar will be ready when the surface ceases to emit carbon dioxide. Another sign of readiness is the presence of a light layer and lowering the yeast down. It is also worth trying a drink - it should be bitter and sour without the presence of sweets.

What to do with sediment?

In this case, the recipe for making mash for moonshine can change and develop according to two scenarios:

  1. Do not drain sediment. In addition to yeast and various other substances, it contains alcohol, so if you remove it, it will significantly reduce the yield of alcohol. In this case, the final product may have a small amount of impurities.
  2. Drain the precipitate. In this case, you will significantly reduce the percentage of impurities in the final product. If the recipe for brew for moonshine implied the use of fruits, then lightening the drink is simply necessary.

In general, it's up to you to decide whether to remove the sediment or leave it anyway.

recipe for brew for moonshine

Possible difficulties

In the cooking process, some difficulties may arise that will negatively affect the final product:

  1. Mash fermentation time is quite large. This is possible if you did not observe the temperature regime, used low-quality yeast or a small amount of them. This also applies to nutrients.
  2. Fermentation has stopped, but the taste of the drink remains sweet. Most likely, you have violated the initial proportions of sugar and water, or the yeast has developed such an amount of alcohol that they simply cannot work any further. This is easy to fix by simply adding more yeast.
  3. Braga is already ready, but you have no way to overtake it now. This is undesirable, since the liquid can simply turn sour, but if there is no way out, then the mash can be stored in the refrigerator for several weeks. To do this, it is worth pouring it into a sealed container in order to reduce infection by harmful microbes.
    how much moonshine from mash

Many are interested in the question of how much moonshine from the mash is obtained. The amount of the final product directly depends on the feedstock. So, from 1 kg of sugar, 1 liter of the drink is obtained, while its strength will be 50%. An excellent result will be considered if you end up with 1.2 liters.

Braga for moonshine from wheat

Such a basis helps to get an easily drinkable and quite gentle final product. The main feature of such moonshine is the absence of yeast, which is replaced by cereal malt. It is very important to take only high-quality raw materials. So, the grain should be well dried and stored no more than a year. In addition, make sure that it is not refractory and damaged.

The recipe for brew for moonshine is as follows. Take 4 kg of wheat and as much sugar. The amount of water depends on the capacity that you have chosen for fermentation. Preparing a drink is not difficult, so almost anyone can cope with it.

moonshine mash

Cooking process

Now we will figure out how to put mash on the moonshine made of grain:

  1. First, wheat should be poured into a container, distributed in an even layer and filled with water so that it is 6 cm higher. Cover with a lid and leave for a couple of days in a cool place.
  2. When you see sprouts appear, you can send half a kilogram of sugar to the grain. You need to mix everything very well and it is better to do it with your hands. If the mass is thick enough, then you can add a little water. Then the container needs to be wrapped with gauze and put in a warm place for 10 days.
  3. After the time you got a yeast, which will be a great substitute for yeast. Now you need to pour it into a glass bottle and send there 3.5 kg of sugar and 3 kg of wheat. The resulting mixture should be poured with warm water.
  4. On the neck of the bottle you need to wear a glove with a small hole on your finger or a special water seal. It should be placed in a place where the temperature does not fall below 18 degrees and does not rise above 24. The fermentation process will take you no more than 10 days.
  5. When the glove is deflated or the water seal stops letting bubbles, we can assume that the wash is ready. You just have to drain the precipitate and proceed to distill the moonshine.

The remaining wheat can be reused to make three more servings.

Braga from jam for moonshine

Thanks to the sweet base, the drink is very aromatic and quite fortified. It is very important to follow all the recommendations and not step back from the recipe. For this option, any jam, even candied or already started to roam, is suitable. Ideally, if you take already old blanks, as they will roam very well.

The recipe for brew for moonshine is as follows. You need to take 6 liters of any jam, about 30 liters of warm water, about 300 g of alcoholic yeast and 3 kg of sugar.

wheat brew

Cooking process

Now consider how to put mash on the moonshine from jam:

  1. You need to take a pot of 40 liters. Pour warm water into it, pour sugar and mix until completely dissolved. Then we send jam there and mix again.
  2. Yeast must be bred in a separate bowl and only then added to a large pot. The resulting mixture must be mixed well and put in a warm place. It is also recommended to wrap the pan with a blanket.
  3. The fermentation process will take you about 10 days. It is very important that the liquid ferment well, otherwise you will not succeed in moonshine.
  4. After this time, the mash should be poured into the moonshine still, and then additionally cleaned.


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