Home cooking: what can be made from sour milk

If you have a certain supply of milk that has turned sour, then do not rush to pour it. Consider what can be prepared from such a product.

Dairy rivers

What can be made from sour milk? In fact, a lot of delicious and healthy drinks and dishes! This is kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk, yogurt. Know how to make plain yogurt? When the milk has already thickened and can be drunk, put in a glass a handful of fresh berries available: seedless cherries, currants, raspberries, strawberries, etc. Squeeze with a spoon so that the berries let juice. Pour milk, add sugar to taste, you can have a little vanillin. Stir and drink. You can beat the milk and berry mass with a mixer until a homogeneous consistency. It will turn out no worse than factory yogurt. What can be made from sour milk if there are no fresh berries? Add a couple of tablespoons of jam or syrup. And a delicious refreshing drink is ready! As for food, the main one from sour milk is cottage cheese. Make it your choice with a classic taste, spicy, with spices and herbs, sweet fruit. Choose whichever you prefer. Sour milk is poured into cast iron or a pot and put on a small fire. You can immediately salt, add cumin (for a piquant taste) or sugar, pieces of fruit, raisins (for a sweet taste). How simple, isn't it? Now you will know what to make from sour milk! So, you need to cook, without bringing to a boil. Try the temperature with your finger: if it’s so hot that it hurts, remove it from the fire. On a colander, lay cheesecloth in 2 rows and pour the contents.

what to make from sour milk
Add the crushed garlic, finely chopped greens to the spicy cottage cheese. Tie the cheesecloth into a knot and place it under the yoke so that the remaining serum drains. Here is what an excellent dish you got!

Fry parim and bake

What else can be made from sour milk? These are pancakes. The recipe is simple: pour flour into milk, add a pinch of salt, a couple of tablespoons of sugar, a little slaked soda. The mass in consistency should resemble good, thick sour cream. Fry over moderate heat in sunflower oil.

what can be made from sour milk
Serve with sweet syrup, sour cream, whipped with sugar, jam or jam, with sauce. By the way, to make the baking more tender, rub an apple in it. The taste will be much better. Another option that can be made from sour milk is cakes. We knead the yeast-free dough in milk, it should turn out to be soft, slightly even liquid. Choose the ratio of salt and sugar as you wish. For a better taste, you can add a small piece of margarine or butter to the dough.
what can be baked from sour milk
Let the dough stand a little after kneading. Then cut small pieces from it, roll them into flat cakes half a centimeter thick. At the same time, dip in flour so that your hands and rolling pin do not stick. Then fry in a pan until golden brown. To make the cakes better fried, pierce them in several places with a fork. What can you whip up from sour milk? Lovely tea cake. The ingredients for it will require very little. Pour sugar into a bowl - a glass or a little more. As much yogurt. We beat 2-3 eggs, add a spoonful of tea soda (extinguish with vinegar), flour - 1.5-2.5 cups (depending on the resulting consistency of the test: it should be creamy, but not very thick). There we add vanillin and fresh fruit, sliced , or berries. You can jam. Knead dough from all components. The baking dish (with sides) is greased with oil, the dough is poured into it. Distribute the fruits evenly or cut them into slices, put in a mold, then fill with a test mass.
sour milk pie
Place in a preheated oven and bake until cooked. In time, baking will take about half an hour. Sprinkle the finished cake with powdered sugar. Cook with taste and eat with pleasure!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C45177/

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