Folk remedies for infertility: common recipes

When you see a baby carriage, you have tears coming up, and is a completely harmless question about the presence of your children depressed? Obviously, you had to face the grave problem of infertility - the inability of a mature organism to produce offspring. Such a diagnosis is made when the woman’s pregnancy does not occur during sexual activity without contraception for 2 years or when the pregnancy has ended in miscarriage more than once.

Some statistics and causes of infertility

Infertile marriages occur in approximately 10-20 percent of cases. Infertility can be either female or male, and every fifth couple who has applied for help has combined infertility.

Before you begin treatment for infertility, you need to find out its cause. The reasons may be low quality of partner's sperm, obstruction of the fallopian tubes, as well as alcohol, smoking, and some antibacterial drugs. A violation of childbearing function can result in a woman's desire to comply with 90-60-90 standards. The cause of male infertility can be a pig transferred in childhood. One way or another, a thorough examination of the two spouses is required. To begin with, the childbearing function is checked and it is determined whether ovulation and egg maturation normally occur in a woman. In men, fertility (the ability to reproduce offspring) is checked, which is done using sperm analysis (spermatograms).

But it also happens that according to the results of all examinations, the couple is absolutely healthy, but pregnancy does not occur. In such a situation, the desire of a married couple to seek alternative methods is understandable. Alternative methods of treating infertility are effective assistants in solving this problem.

Of course, today there are a lot of ways to get rid of infertility, but at the same time, treatment of infertility with folk remedies is available to everyone and is not expensive, unlike the others. We will talk about this treatment method.

Infertility treatment folk remedies

1. In folk medicine, very often, knotweed is used for this problem: in addition to helping to treat infertility, it also has a therapeutic effect on the functioning of the uterus and ovaries, and also helps to conceive. At the same time, an interesting pattern can be observed: the likelihood of having a boy with this herb increases. Therefore, for families who want the birth of a son, this plant will come to the rescue.

To prepare the infusion, you need to take 6 tablespoons of fresh or dry knotweed and pour boiling water (1 l) in a thermos. Give 4 hours to infuse and strain. Drink like tea four times a day before meals, Β½ cup.

2. Treatment of male infertility with folk remedies includes taking a decoction from the seeds of plantain. It helps with sperm immobility. Moreover, such a decoction is used not only by folk, but also by Tibetan medicine (it is believed that if you drink a decoction from autumn to spring, you can soon become a father).

Women who have problems with heavy periods, accompanied by a bad mood, severe pain and depression, also need to drink this broth. It will help with female infertility associated with inflammatory processes in the tubes. For cooking, you need a tablespoon of plantain seed, pour 200 g of boiling water, boil over low heat for about 3 minutes, insist a little and strain. Take 4 times a day, 2 tablespoons in a warm form. You can store the broth in the refrigerator for 3 days. You need to be treated for 3 months (at the same time, take a 7-day break every 3 weeks).

With this treatment, therapeutic baths with plantain are also useful: pour 50 g of leaves and roots with boiling water (1 l), leave for 40 minutes. Strain and pour into the bathroom. The course of treatment is every season for 15 days (autumn, winter and spring).

3. With infertility in spouses, a bad spermatogram, decreased sexual function and for fertilization of a sterile woman, the mummy helps perfectly. Mix it with a calculation of 0.3-0.5 g / 250 g of carrot, sea buckthorn, blueberry or quince juice and take twice a day on an empty stomach in the morning and before bedtime. The treatment is 28 days. And for an even more powerful effect, the mummy is sometimes mixed with egg yolks or the juices of certain medicinal plants. Such treatment of infertility with folk remedies significantly enhances the sexual function of men (the effect is noticeable after a week) and contributes to fertilization.

4. Traditional medicine was not complete without sage for the treatment of infertility. In ancient times, it was considered sacred grass. And now it helps with many diseases, and is especially good at treating infertility. Moreover, in women taking it, the suction reflex of the cervix also increases, frigidity decreases or completely disappears. And since Since sage contains phytohormones similar to female hormones, it is recommended to use it for women after 35.

To make an infusion of sage, take a teaspoon of grass and pour 200 g of boiling water. Leave for about 40 minutes. and drink twice a day, a third of a glass before meals: in a row 11 days, starting immediately from the day the menstruation ends. For a greater effect, linden is also added, and for taste - honey or lemon. It is necessary to be treated in this way for 3 months, after each menstruation for 12 days. If pregnancy does not occur, repeat the course after a two-month break. According to the same scheme, slightly salted fresh sage juice is also taken, which you need to drink on a dessert spoon twice a day before meals. To keep it fresh, you can freeze it in cubes, and defrost it before use.

But keep in mind that eating sage can cause an allergy, and in large doses, it can cause poisoning.

5. Female diseases that lead to infertility (adhesions in the tubes, cysts and uterine fibroids, various inflammations, endometriosis, ovarian cysts and even used for polycystoses and polyps) are treated with a decoction of the uterus (another name - one-sided orthilium), which also has a resorbable and antitumor effect and helps with almost all gynecological diseases. You can find grass at any pharmacy. Method of preparation of broth: 10 g of powdered boron uterus dry, pour 200 g of boiling water and leave for an hour to warm, then strain. Take four times a day in a tablespoon before meals.

You can also prepare tincture: 50 g of herbs are finely chopped and 500 g of alcohol is added (40 degrees), for 2 weeks they are insisted in a dark place, 30 drops are taken and taken three times a day before meals, washed down with warm water. Treatment - 4 weeks. It is believed that this tincture acts many times stronger than a decoction.

6. Nettle seeds are used by many for infertility. It is necessary to collect and dry the unripened nettle seeds with panicles and pour 2 tablespoons of dried seeds with 500 grams of red wine (preferably port wine), boil for 40 minutes over low heat, insist and strain for an hour. Take twice a day in a warm form on a tablespoon to both spouses. Store in a dark glass container in the refrigerator.

7. Pink and white roses are the richest sources of vitamin E - vitamin of youth and high sexual ability, an excellent stimulator of ovarian functioning in women and spermatogenesis in men. You need to collect the petals and make water, syrup or oil from them. A syrup from a pink or white rose will facilitate conception, if the cause of infertility was in a woman, if in a man - you need to take a dark pink rose or red.

The people still have a great many methods of treatment with medicinal fees and herbs ( adonis , adam root, golden mustache, coltsfoot + calendula + sweet clover + chamomile pharmacy + centaury, hemlock, bird highlander, marin root, angelica, calamus tincture , oil infusion of aloe, etc.)

I hope that the treatment of infertility with folk remedies will help you find the long-awaited happiness, and the day when the stork knocks in your house will come very soon! Good health and children to you!


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