Phraseologism with the word "head": Russian language day after day

Let's imagine the main palette of colors: red, blue, green ... There are not so many. And now let's turn to shades, tones and midtones. There are hundreds of them ... Our language is also roughly structured. Words are the main "colors" that, when combined with each other, entering into complex semantic relationships, create amazing shades. With their help, we can convey the true beauty of the world, and what is hidden inside us is thoughts, feelings, emotions, experiences. From this point of view, such stable combinations as phraseological units make the language more vivid, colorful and rich.

phraseologism with the word head

What are phraseological units?

In linguistics, the science of language, there is a direction called phraseology. The world of phraseology of the modern Russian language is multifaceted and large. What is he studying? What explores? What is looking through a magnifying glass of knowledge? Of course, in phraseological units or phraseological units, which are stable combinations consisting of two or more words, with a fully or partially rethought meaning. For example, in the phrase “wind in the head” the words “wind” and “head” lose their primary meanings “air flow” and “mind, reason, part of the body”, and surprisingly transform into figurative, allegorical - “frivolity, carelessness, surface ". How does this happen? On the one hand, scientists seem to give a description of such mental processes of a person, and on the other hand, it is impossible to fully understand how human thinking works, there is a great mystery, and we only deal with its final result.

Phraseologism with the word "head"

It is so arranged by nature that a person, observing what is happening around him and himself, seeks to “breathe life”, to humanize both the living world and inanimate objects. In other words, we strive to spiritualize everything that surrounds us, we strive to ascribe to our subjects character traits, aspirations that are characteristic of ourselves. From this point of view, phraseological unit with the word “head” is interesting, and in scientific terms, somatic phraseological units with the “head” component. Somatic phraseological units - in phraseology a group of figurative expressions, one of the “ingredients” of which is the name of a particular part of the body, in this case the name of the upper body - the head. By the way, this group is one of the most numerous.

head is spinning

What are phraseological units-somatisms with the “head” component

What is a head? First and foremost, this is the upper part of the body of a person or animal, the "receptacle" of the brain, organs of vision, taste, and smell. Hence the secondary values. The head is one of the most ancient symbols of life, a definition of the mind, intellectual abilities, some internal qualities, by which a person is evaluated. Perhaps that is why both in Russian and in many other languages ​​and cultures there is a huge layer of figurative expressions with this word.

Phraseologisms, which include the word "head", are mostly figurative, so-called metaphorical turns. At the heart of many, there are traces of the features of human or animal behavior. For example, the expression “hide your head in the sand” (to run away from problems, pretend that you don’t notice problems) is based on the well-known feature of ostriches to hide their heads in the sand.

wind in my head

Phraseologism with the word “head” can also express attitude, a person’s assessment of the objects surrounding him, other people, reflect the relationships of people: “sit on your head” - impose your opinion, dictate your conditions, make your own demands.

Often the described group of phraseological units with its inherent brightness and accuracy conveys the subtle emotional and physical states of a person or gives his general characteristic: “the head goes round” - lose the ability to think sensibly, “hold / bear the head high” - be reputed to be proud, to be independent. This category also includes stable expressions, the meanings of which are associated with the emotional and mental life of a person: “the head swells”, “flew out of the head”, “lose your head”, “leave with your head”.

Quite often, phraseologism with the word “head” has the meaning of life, for this part of the body is truly a vital organ: “answer with the head” - assume full responsibility; “Pay with your head” - pay with your life; "Headlong" - desperately, recklessly.

flew out of my head

Other languages

It is interesting to note that in all languages ​​there are phraseological units-somatisms with the word “head”. In some of them more, in others - less. There are similar in composition and meaning, and there are - characteristic of only one language and culture. For example, in German there is the expression “ein Brett vor dem Kopf haben”, which literally means “have a board in front of your head”, and figuratively means “be known as a fool”. The origin of this turnover was the tradition of hanging a stubborn bull on the horns before the eyes of a plaque. Thus he was blinded, and the animal, having lost orientation, moved in the direction necessary for the farmer. The English figurative phrase “to wash an ass's head” means trying in vain, wasting energy, the literal translation sounds differently - “wash a donkey’s head”, and, accordingly, has no equivalents in Russian.


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