Breg is ... The meaning of the word

Sometimes in classical literature you can find the word "Breg." This seemingly unknown to many token is an outdated name for the coast. It is also the name of the river, which is located in Germany, the federal state (administrative unit) of Baden-Württemberg. About the word "Breg" and its meanings can be read in this essay.

Dictionary word

Before you begin to consider in detail the meaning of the word "Breg", you must turn to the explanatory dictionary. It provides the following definitions:

  • a boundary line located between land and water, as well as a part (strip) of land located directly next to this line;
  • “Marine” generalized name for sushi.
Sandy shore

The synonyms of the word “Breg” include terms such as “land” and “coast”. It can be described as a band of interaction between water and land, for example, (lake, sea, ocean, river, etc.). The land strip that adjoins the coastline also bears this name.

Examples of offers

Studying the meaning of the word "breg", we consider several sentences with the term in question in its modern use.

  1. He admired how waves ran smoothly from one shore of the lake to the other.
  2. The buildings located on the coast, were striking in their diversity.
  3. Of great importance for the northern coast, which was distinguished by its gentleness, was the rise in sea level.
  4. When the wind blows towards the shallow shore, the water becomes cloudy, and the pike goes here to feed without any fear.
  5. The river we went every morning flowed among the high rocky shores.
  6. Pouring sand and gravel into this place, trying to level the coastline, does not make sense, since they will be swept away by severe storms and powerful sea currents.

Next, we dwell in more detail about the object under study.

The intersection of land and water

Interestingly, the exact determination of the intersection of the surface of a reservoir and land is not possible due to the fact that tides and ebbs, as well as changes in water level, constantly occur. For this reason, the coastline is determined conditionally, according to the long-term average position of the reservoir level.

Swampy shore

The shore (Breg) is a zone consisting of the surface and underwater parts of the studied object. The underwater slope is a coastal strip of the bottom, along the entire length of which the waves move sediment and erode the bottom, changing it greatly.

It is formed due to wave-breaking and channel flow. In its development, the coast goes through several stages, during which its shape and appearance change dramatically. Depending on the nature of the waves, it is divided into accumulative, complex, abrasive and abrasion-accumulative.

Types of Sea Shores

Continuing to consider that it is a "breg" in modern use, it is necessary to talk about its marine types. Soviet scientists A.I. Ionin, V.S. Medvedev and P.A. Kaplin developed a classification of the coasts, which takes into account a number of factors affecting their formation and structure. According to this classification, the types of this relief are divided into the following types:

  • Dalmatian
  • bay;
  • Rias
  • discharge;
  • fjord;
  • thermal abrasion;
  • deltian;
  • biogenic;
  • tidal.

There are also steep banks that form under the influence of strong waves, and the main part of the land is located on a hill. As a result, the sea or ocean creates an entire system consisting of a torn relief with an unusual shape of capes and bays.

"Torn" coast with a diverse relief

When waves collide with low-lying plains, low shores are created. Among them are:

  • bar
  • lagoon;
  • waterlogged;
  • coral (formed only in warm seas).

The created classification made it possible to accurately distribute all types of coasts and to carry out the most accurate mapping.

As you can see from the above, “breg” is not an ordinary term. It is obsolete. Today, instead of it, “shore” is used, denoting a concept that has a great variety and even a whole classification, in which all its types are clearly indicated.


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