What is added to minced meat for dumplings so that the filling is juicy and tasty? Stuffing Tips

What do you think is the most important thing in making delicious dumplings? Many housewives will answer that it is elastic tight dough. But in fact, the taste for the most part depends on the filling. Dry, coarse mincemeat cannot be fixed with even the best dough. At the same time, juicy filling is not bad even by itself. Today we are talking about what is added to the dumplings stuffing to make the dish perfect.

whether the egg is added to the meat for dumplings

Variety of flavors

And here are the first difficulties. In different countries, minced meat for dumplings is prepared in its own way. The filling can be classic or with some zest. Different types of meat are taken for her, including pork and bear meat. But they don’t argue about tastes. And it’s important for us to understand what is added to the meat dumplings so that the finished dish turns out juicy and tasty.

Most important secret

This is the right choice of meat. Buying minced meat is almost useless. Meat is used for its manufacture, which was frozen several times, and also a fair amount of time lay on the display case and lost most of its natural juices. Buy chilled products.

The classic proportion for dumplings minced meat is an equal amount of pork and beef. Please note that pork must be oily. On dumplings you can buy a neck, the upper part of the shoulder blade, a loin.

And one more nuance, which is worth mentioning before moving directly to the question of what is added to the meat for dumplings. It's about defrosting. This is important if there is only a piece of meat from the freezer. Do not put it in water or use a microwave. Put it on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator and wait a few hours. In this case, the structure of the fibers will not be broken.

what is added to minced meat for dumplings

Note to the hostesses

Universal recommendations will help you to get an excellent dish every time that your family members will like. They are very simple and can be used by novice housewives:

  • Beef and pork are a good tandem. But to combine the meat of different birds is not recommended. It’s better not to mix anything with rabbit meat.
  • You can add broth to beef.
  • Feel free to experiment with fatty components. Add olive or sesame oil. You can use butter.
  • Perfectly complement minced milk, cream, sour cream or even tomato juice. The shade of taste will be different each time.
  • For tenderness use ground cabbage, grated raw potatoes and even zucchini. Vegetables also reduce the calorie content of the finished dish, which can be very important for people on a diet.

From the wide assortment of what is added to the meat dumplings, you can choose the most suitable option. And you can regularly use different additives. Then relatives can guess what taste the dish will have today.

add an egg to the meat dumplings

Fragrant additives

Professional chefs recommend mixing minced meat properly. To do this, you need to knead it with your fingers, and then beat it off. That is, put it in a bag and throw it on the table 10-20 times. Many make the mistake of trying to grind the minced meat as small as possible. Practice shows that products are much better if you choose a large mesh for a meat grinder. And if you make meat dumplings from minced meat, you will surely hear many sincere compliments addressed to you.

And the final touch. What spices are added to minced meat for dumplings to make them especially tasty? The classic set is salt and black pepper. In principle, nothing more is required to emphasize the great taste of juicy envelopes. But no one forbids experiments. Fans of Indian cuisine can add curry to the stuffing. Cardamom, nutmeg and zira are not bad for these purposes. Focus on the tastes of your family members, there can be no ready-made solution.

add onion to the meat dumplings

Great minced pork

The best option, because dumplings in this case will definitely be tender and juicy. The main thing is not to deviate from the recommendations. Pork is so self-sufficient that you can put only salt in it and calmly get down to business. But more often, onions are added to the meat for dumplings. It gives the meat an extra spicy taste and juiciness. For 500 g of meat, in addition to the onion head, you can also add half a glass of cold water. Mix thoroughly and add liquid in portions, then the meat fibers will absorb it without residue. Minced pork is very juicy if you add cucumber pickle to it.

Minced beef

It features a rich, deep taste that will appeal to all family members. Moreover, beef is considered dietary and very healthy meat. We will prepare the necessary products:

  • Meat - 300 g.
  • Onions - 4 pcs.
  • Water - 100 ml.
  • Salt.

As you can see, here the amount of onion is greater. This is due to the fact that beef is more fibrous and drier. Instead of water, milk or sour cream is well suited, but the latter gives a characteristic aftertaste that not everyone likes. And then you can experiment. What can be added to minced meat for dumplings? Green onions, dill and parsley, coriander - all this will make the dish more savory.

what spices are added to the meat dumplings

Homemade Chicken Dumplings

Do not buy ready-made chicken mincemeat. Usually it is prepared from all the residues, and the pasty mass is not too suitable for making delicious dumplings. We take the carcass of the chicken, roll the meat from it and twist it in a meat grinder. Now you have an excellent basis for further creativity.

Onions should be put more - half the volume of meat or even more. In this case, the stuffing will be tender and juicy. By the way, fat and skin will not be superfluous at all. But if you want to get a diet product, then take the breast. Then in the chopped meat you will need to add a little water.

Additional tricks in cooking minced chicken

He is often reproached for excessive dryness. But it depends entirely on you. To give airiness to the filling, add an egg to the meat dumplings. It is in the case of the chicken, it will be especially in the subject. Otherwise, nothing unusual. You need to chop the meat, add salt, a little water and mix. Now beat the egg with a mixer and put it into the mass. Dumplings will be fantastically tender. Many doubt whether the egg is added to the meat for dumplings. But trying is not torture. For the first time, you can only try whipped protein. It is almost invisible in the finished dish, unlike the yolk.

If desired, green onions, parsley, dill can be added to the chicken mixture. An excellent culinary technique is adding cream to the mass. The amount is arbitrary, 100 g of cream per 500 g of meat can be taken as the basis.

Minced fish

Not the most popular filling option for dumplings. But believe me, you will definitely like the result. For the manufacture of minced meat you will need a hake filet or any other marine fish. Of course, he will be slightly dry. Correct the situation will help lard or butter. The second option will give the dish an unusual, creamy taste.

Original fillings

During fasting or just if you're tired of everything, you can please yourself with more refined fillings for dumplings, such as:

  • Mushroom. Any mushrooms need to be chopped and fried with onions. Stir with green onions - and you can begin to sculpt.
  • Sauerkraut. Pass it through a meat grinder with bacon and onion.
  • Cheese and tomato. Stir chopped tomatoes and grated cheese.
  • Greens with boiled eggs and melted butter.
  • Meat with vegetables. Any minced meat is mixed with fried grated carrots and onions.
  • Cottage cheese with herbs.
what can be added to minced meat for dumplings

As you can see, there are a lot of options for making minced meat for dumplings, and each of them differs in its original and unforgettable taste. Therefore, you can please your home each time with a special dish. Simple and affordable recipes given in the article will allow a novice housewife to go on an equal footing with a chef.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C4520/

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