What to do if hacked Vkontakte?

Question: β€œWhat should I do if I was hacked into Vkontakte?” Today is a very popular query on internet search engines. When you find out that your page has been maliciously hacked, this is very unpleasant, because your personal data can be used in dishonest purposes, for example, for spam mailings, and, first of all, to those people who are on your friends list .

What to do if they hacked Vkontakte: first things first, a little theory ...

One of the fairly common reasons for hacking your page is a Trojan that has settled on your computer. Such malware is designed to steal your passwords, even the most sophisticated ones, and send them to the hardened attacker. Another popular way to steal passwords is phishing. Its essence is that the attacker, preparing for the attack in advance, pre-creates pages whose addresses are very similar to the VKontakte login page. However, such links lead directly to the fraudster's den. Network worms, which are a type of malware, help in reconfiguring your browser to enter such phishing sites . Therefore, be extremely vigilant and always check the address of the social network that you visit until you make sure that you need this site, otherwise there is a high risk that you will send your cherished login with a password to the fraudster, and with your own hands.

Antiviruses are simple and very useful programs that you must install on your PC or laptop, and they must be constantly updated. However, one should not blindly hope that even a paid licensed antivirus will catch everything and safely eliminate the sources of the threat. At least once a week, you should perform a full computer scan for malware and viruses, and, accordingly, treat / delete detected ones.

What to do if they hacked Vkontakte: hope should die last ...

To begin with, try to try the password recovery function , which is usually called β€œForgot your password?”. Suddenly a real miracle will happen and you will be lucky? However, as practice shows, luck is noted in a negligible number of cases. But try it anyway. The "qualifications" of some juvenile crackers who imagined themselves to be great hackers leaves us hope that you will be able to save your account.

What to do if they hacked Vkontakte: a weak password is the reason for 70% of hacks!

If a miracle happened, and you are prompted to enter a new password to replace the old one, do not enter a nonsense combination, such as the date of your birth. Remember that a strong password is a guarantee of the security of your page from crackers. At least this secret word should contain 8 characters and a maximum of 14, while it is very desirable that the letters alternate with numbers and special characters. It will not be superfluous to change the register in places. Then even the most cunning hacker will sweat pretty much while trying to hack your page.

By the way, did you think about why people often come up with an easy password to log into your account? That's right, because they are afraid to forget it. But who prevents them (and you too) from writing down a fictitious complex alphanumeric combination on several pieces of paper and putting them in different places?

What to do if hacked Vkontakte: write a letter to the address of technical support

We are looking for the letter of technical support letter in the corresponding section of Vkontakte and briefly, competently fill out. Or we send an e-mail from our mailbox to which your account has been linked. It should look something like this:

Dear administration of such a network!

I ask you to close / delete my account (link to your page) or provide me with the ability to access the above account due to the fact that it was hacked and access to the profile was blocked by an attacker. The account was registered on (F. I., login). I hope for your understanding and prompt solution to my problem.

Practice shows that such letters are considered by the support service in a short time, and the procedure for restoring access to an account is very similar to the procedure for recovering a lost SIM card for a mobile phone. Be prepared that you will be asked to answer a number of questions from the tech support operator. And yes, be sure to keep a webcam or camera ready - you may be asked to take a picture against the background of the screen with a letter to the support team.

What to do if you were hacked into VKontakte: and finally ...

Call your friends or try to log into the network from one of their accounts and notify friends about the situation with hacking your page. You should not register similar accounts in your name, even with other mailboxes, until your hacked profile is deleted or restored.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C45200/

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