How to calculate an address by IP address - a proven way

In our age of information technology, the Internet has a serious place in the life of almost any person. And it so happened that the worldwide network has become a haven for all kinds of fraudsters, hooligans and other cyber criminals.

how to calculate ip address of a computer

Perhaps the reader received threats on social networks or via e-mail, which boil down to the fact that the opponent will calculate it by IP-address and apply various sanctions to it, starting with "stuffing" the person and ending with physical elimination.

Or another option, you are insulted on the Internet, taking advantage of the complete anonymity provided by the World Wide Web. And I really want to find the offender. Or you have become a victim of online fraud and may be wondering how to find a scammer. How to calculate the address by IP address? First, a little theory.

Network Protocol and IP Address

The term "IP" is of English origin. It stands for Internet Protocol , which literally means "Internet Protocol."

We introduce some terms and definitions.

how to calculate someone else's ip address
A network protocol is a specific set of rules, conditions and actions (sequence of actions) for connecting and exchanging data between two or more devices connected to a network.

And where is the "ah-pi"? It was he who combined computer networks (CS) into the world wide web. In "LANs", along with it, other protocols can be used.

IP-address - a unique identifier for a network node, which is built on the basis of the protocol in question. Moreover, the COP can be global (for example, the Internet) and local (within the company, institute, etc.). Of course, the uniqueness of the address on the Internet should be global, and in the case of a local network - only within it.

In general, a KS node is understood not only as a laptop or a stationary computer, but also as a pocket one, as well as a mobile phone and special devices (hub, router, etc.).

IP Version and Address Types

Information technology is constantly evolving. The most widely used version is currently the fourth (IPv4). The IP address in it is represented in the form of four numbers in the range from 0 to 255, separated by a period, for example But using a set of numbers is inconvenient, therefore, for example, for sites, the address is tied to a domain name. And the user types in the browser bar, not Although, if you enter these numbers, you can also get to the site Mail.Ru. The sixth version of the protocol (IPv6) is also in use, but we will not dwell on it.

IP addresses are of two types:

  • static (permanent, immutable) - assigned to a specific device in the CS and cannot be assigned to another;
  • dynamic (inconsistent, variable) - assigned automatically when the node is connected to the network and used by it for the time specified in the special service.

If you look at the contract with the provider, then most likely it says that your IP is dynamic. What does this give us? A user with this address goes to the Internet every time under a new IP. This can be verified on the resources below. With theory, let's move on.

Getting an IP Network Device

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Since each computer in the COP is assigned a unique address, the question arises as to whether the IP address can be calculated. The answer is simple: you can. And very simple, but only the address of your computer. For this, you can use, for example, two Internet resources: and SpeedTester.Info.

On the first you will see information about the current address, browser, operating system of your computer, whether you use a proxy or not, and some other data. On SpeedTester.Info - almost the same, as well as the location of this “IP” on the map. Hurrah! The problem of how to calculate the address by IP address has been resolved! However, not all so simple. The map shows the provider that provided you access to the Internet, rather than finding your computer.

So, with his understandable. How to calculate someone else's IP address?

Getting "IP" of another computer

how to calculate by ip address
To do this, you need to work a little. There is a special service on Speed-Tester.Info - “learn someone else's IP”. Just click on the menu item and go to the page with this service.

And now, in order to calculate the IP address of someone else's computer, we proceed simply: enter your email address and the name of the user we are interested in (instead of the name, there may be a nickname, e-mail). The service generates a short link, and we send it to the interlocutor. As soon as he crosses it, we receive his “IP” to the mail.

The accepted address can be checked on the mentioned resources or on any of the whois services, which are full on the Internet. If you have a UNIX-like operating system, and you need to get information, for example, about the address, then just type the command "~ $ whois" in the terminal and see everything on the screen about the provider that provided it.

So, how to calculate the IP address of the computer, figured out.

Proxies, Tor and more ...

To ensure anonymization on the Internet, proxy servers are often used, that is, servers that accept the client’s request receive the necessary information and transmit it to the user. In this case, you will get the IP address of this host, which can be located anywhere, even in Zimbabwe. There are also distorting proxies that transmit false information about the real user. Then everything is much worse.

calculate a person by ip address

Recently, however, the scope of use of proxies has shifted more from anonymization to providing access to legally limited resources that have an IP filter. For example, Russian computers cannot connect to them, and Zimbabwean ones easily.

Also quite good protection is provided by the so-called “onion routing” system Tor . It is a set of proxy servers for establishing an anonymous network connection, protected from listening by encrypting the transmitted information.

Thus, if your opponent works through a Tor browser, you will not receive his real IP address, not being a hacker or an employee of the technical department of special services.


There is such a commercial organization that provides Internet access. It is called an "Internet Service Provider" or simply "Provider". Such a company has a license to provide this type of service issued by Roskomnadzor (for Russia). Naturally, her database contains all the necessary information.

Each computer connected through the provider has a unique name, internal IP address, MAC address. Of course, the database also reflects exactly where the device is installed.

And even if you have a dynamic address, in special electronic journals ( log files) it is reflected to which computer this or that IP is assigned, which pages the user of this device visited, etc. That is, there is complete compromising information on everyone.

All this information is stored with the provider for three to five years.

Mobile operators

how to calculate ip address of a computer

As many people know, mobile operators (OSS) also provide access to the World Wide Web. Here we consider the use for access to a worldwide network of mobile communications technologies, such as, for example, EDGE or CDMA.

In this case, too, everything is quite simple. It doesn’t matter if the mobile phone is used as a modem to connect a stationary computer or laptop to the World Wide Web or is it a device for accessing the Internet. The main thing is that it also receives an IP address, which can be static or dynamic, depending on the connected services.

When a person buys a SIM card, in most cases it provides passport data that is stored at the OSS. And the operator’s servers also have log files where information about which SIM card was assigned this or that “IP” is stored.

And in the case of determining the subscriber's IP address by the above methods, we will get the address of the mobile operator.

User Definition by IP

So, we figured out how to calculate the address by IP address. But in this case, we get the location point of the provider or its unit. For example, if you check your IP, then, being in Moscow, you may find that you are somewhere near Krasnoyarsk.

It is clear that most readers are interested in another question: "How to calculate a person’s IP address?"

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In legal ways - no way. Internet providers and mobile operators are not allowed to disclose such information. And if you contact them and ask for such information under any pretext, you will be refused, most often polite.

If the reader has hacking skills sufficient to get the log files of providers or OSS, then you can try. Just do not be surprised if officers of the Office “K” of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs or their colleagues in another country knock on his door.

There may also be such an option when, having the skills of social programming, you still managed to convince an employee of the provider company to share valuable information. But to say that you managed to calculate a person by IP address is hardly appropriate. You did not determine the user's location using computer technology, but merely received information about him and moreover, illegally.


We figured out how to calculate the address by IP address. An ordinary person, using various services, including online, can only find out the location of the provider. So if you are threatened that they will find by IP and apply various punitive measures, all this is nonsense. Provider, if he does not want to lose his license, will not provide such information. But in any case, while online, be polite and correct. Good luck.


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