SkyNet: provider reviews, features, tariffs and services

In the modern world, it is difficult to imagine life without the Internet, since every person spends at least several hours on a global network every day, even if he does not need to use it at work. Otherwise, the amount of time at the computer increases significantly, and no one will be surprised if they find out that you surf the Internet for more than ten hours a day.

However, to do this, you must have an Internet connection . Naturally, everyone would dream of connecting to the network at any time and in any imaginable point on the planet, but so far this is not possible. And so that you have a stable and unlimited Internet with high speed, you need to take care of the correct choice of provider.

Providers and the importance of choice

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An Internet Service Provider is a company that provides services to connect you to the network and provide a permanent Internet connection . That is why you should not take lightly the issue of choosing a provider, since your future will depend on this, and in a rather important aspect, considering the role that network access plays in the modern world.

That is why in this article one of the most interesting providers of St. Petersburg SkyNet will be examined in detail. Reviews about this company on the network can be found various, but it is immediately worth noting that most of them are positive, so this is already a big reserve. But as you read this article, you can make sure that user reviews are not just words, and they are all based on rich experience and knowledge about the high quality of SkyNet provider services. User reviews are just one of the items to help you make the right choice.

What kind of provider is this?

skynet reviews in St. Petersburg

So, it's time to figure out why you should choose SkyNet. Reviews about other providers can also be found positive, so why choose this one? There are a large number of reasons for making such a decision, and the main ones will be considered in this article. However, at first itโ€™s better to just talk about the provider and the quality of the services it provides. SkyNet appeared in St. Petersburg not so long ago, about ten years ago, but during this time it managed to gain incredible popularity. The high speed of the Internet, a variety of services, including not only a network connection, but also television and telephony, effective support and many other factors allowed the provider to not only stay afloat among industry veterans, but also to take one of the leading positions throughout to the city. Accordingly, there is every reason to choose SkyNet as the Internet provider . Reviews about him, as well as all his characteristic features, tariffs and plans you will find later in this material.


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Naturally, the first thing any potential Internet user wants to know is what kind of tariffs the provider offers. Based on the information received, it is already possible to make a choice regarding whose services to use. What tariffs does SkyNet offer in St. Petersburg? User reviews will inform you that there are only three main tariffs : Earth, Water, and Fire. Of course, you need to talk about each of them separately.

Earth is a basic tariff, thanks to which you will get access to the Internet at a speed of 50 megabits per second. This is all that this tariff provides, so it is ideal for people who are looking for exclusive access to the network with a pleasant speed and high quality communication. Accordingly, the price of this tariff is not so high, only 350 rubles per month.

If you are looking for something more, then you should consider the "Water" tariff, which can offer you much faster Internet. The connection speed will be not 50, but 100 megabits per second, but this is far from the only thing you will get.

It turns out that the kit also includes Internet TV , namely the Social package . About TV packages will be discussed in more detail later, but for now you should be content with this information. The monthly cost of this tariff is 450 rubles.

As for the tariff "Fire", it is the most expensive, but also the most comprehensive. You will have to pay 650 rubles per month, but in return you will get not only incredibly fast Internet (connection speed in this case is 200 megabits per second), but also Internet TV ( all the same โ€œSocialโ€ TV package ), as well domain name from the provider and the ability to change the IP address of your computer while on the network. In general, there are much more opportunities than you could imagine, and all this at a fairly affordable price.

Separately, it is worth talking about the "I want SkyNet" tariff, which today is promotional . This tariff can be used only by new subscribers who begin their cooperation with this provider. He offers all the same that the Water tariff can give you, but at the same time you will have to pay only 250 rubles a month. This is a very advantageous offer with which the provider seeks to attract the maximum number of potential customers from the city of St. Petersburg. Reviews of SkyNet can be found from users of various tariffs, and these reviews will allow you to make sure that this provider is trustworthy.

TV packages

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It has been mentioned above that some tariffs include TV packages that allow you to watch television channels without any problems and even without the need to purchase a TV. It's time to find out what packages this provider can offer.

Of this, there are two: โ€œSocialโ€ and โ€œBasicโ€. These packages are very similar to each other, and the main difference is that the first one includes 69 channels, and the second one 119. So if you want to access more TV channels, you should consider making a choice in favor of the second package. However, as you may have noticed, the second package has not yet been featured in any of the tariffs. So how can you get it? You will even want to know more about this when you realize that the reviews about the SkyNet provider, namely about this extended television package, are extremely positive. It turns out that there are special extended television tariffs, which will be discussed now.

TV rates

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In this section there are only two tariffs: "Water HD" and "Fire HD", which you should consider more carefully. How do they differ from the main tariffs with a similar name, which were already described earlier? The fact is that it is within these tariffs that you can access an expanded TV package that includes as many as 119 channels. Otherwise, these tariffs remain exactly the same as the main ones. Only prices differ, which naturally rose. The first tariff with an expanded package of channels costs not 450, but 650 rubles a month, and the second, respectively, not 650, but 800 rubles a month. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that under the Water HD tariff, you also get the opportunity to choose an IP address and become the owner of your own domain name, which is not available in the basic Water tariff.

This section also has a promotional rate designed for new customers, which is called the "T-400". For only 400 rubles a month, you can get a profitable combination of 119 television channels and Internet access at a speed of 100 megabits per second.


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It is worth noting that reviews of the Skynet provider also often mention the high quality of not only the Internet, but also telephone communications . Also, many users note the installation speed of the telephone line in its absence. In this case, you need to pay three thousand rubles to get your own number. The employees will extend a cable to your apartment within five working days, and will also make you a telephone jack. After that, you can choose one of two tariffs: "Time-based" and "City". The first costs 250 rubles a month, while the second costs twice as much. The second is more suitable for those users who often call other city numbers.

For both tariffs, the specific cost of calls to mobile phones is set, a minute of such a connection will cost you 2.56 rubles per minute. If you choose the first option, then you will also have a fixed rate for connecting to other city numbers, which will be 0.54 rubles per minute. What is the difference between the different tariffs? The fact is that it offers you a thousand free minutes to connect to other city numbers within a month. You yourself can calculate and make sure that this is a very profitable deal if you often use this method of communication.

SkyNet Wi-Fi

skynet internet reviews

We should also talk about the innovative development of the company, which is used only in the provider's network. This development allows you to once and for all solve the problem with speed surges when using a wireless network. This is a very common problem, which is quite difficult to solve, as it continues to appear at the most unexpected moments. And far from always it can be solved even by replacing the router with a more expensive one. You should not go into the details of the problem to find a solution, as it has already been done for you.

SkyNet has all the necessary equipment, and the company is ready to provide it to you at the first request. To do this, you will only need to pay 500 rubles for the installation, as well as 4,500 rubles as collateral for the equipment. This means that you do not have to buy the device. While you are using SkyNet services, you can use the equipment you need, and if you return it as a result, you will receive the full amount of your deposit back. Reviews of SkyNet WiFi are surprising in their abundance and high ratings, from which we can conclude that this technology really works and is worth investing in if you use a wireless network from multiple devices at the same time.


SkyNet network covers almost the whole of St. Petersburg. But you still need to make sure on the official website of the company whether your area is in the coverage area.


As for the payment, there is absolutely no problem with this. You can pay in a variety of ways, including using the most common options, such as a bank card or electronic money.

In addition, automatic and deferred payment services are available: the first every month replenishes your account for a certain amount, while the second allows you to turn on the connection even when there are no funds left on the account.


Feedback on SkyNet Worldwide Express, one of the most attractive providers of Internet services in St. Petersburg, is positive. Almost fifty percent of users rate the quality of services and the work of the provider for the highest score, although there are also reviews in which users complain about problems, the low speed of the Internet, and so on. Fortunately, polite managers always respond immediately and try to do everything possible to correct the situation. Thus, as the reviews show, the Internet from SkyNet is one of the best options for residents of St. Petersburg.

Employee Reviews

One cannot but mention the feedback from SkyNet employees. Many of them report that they have to work in a comfortable environment, but at the same time they note a rather high staff turnover in some of the departments. In general, the opinions of employees are positive. Positive feedback about SkyNet employer from employees is another reason you should trust this provider.


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