The Absolute company is a reliable assistant in the real estate market (history, services and reviews)

Absolut LLC is a real estate agency operating on the market for more than 10 years. The company offers services for the sale and purchase of various properties. She has established herself over the years as a reliable organization.

history of the company

The company "Absolute" appeared in 2005. She began her activity in the secondary housing market, engaged in its rental. Now the agency is the largest real estate player in the Northwest region.

ohh absolute

3 years after the opening, Absolut Company was already involved in all kinds of real estate transactions, and a year later became a partner of almost all the largest banks that were involved in mortgage lending at that time (Sberbank, Deltacredit, VTB 24 and other).

In the same year, the organization’s online services began to work, greatly simplifying the interaction with the agency for customers.

The Absolute company is a full member of the Association of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region and the Russian Guild of Realtors. This fact provides customers with reliability, since all activities of the agency are certified, and users with its services are insured.

absolute reviews

In 2011, the organization opens two new directions at once. This is an urgent purchase of property and loans secured by property through banks.

A year later, the successful work of the agency was marked by a nomination for the KAISSA Prize from the Association of Realtors of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region.

The Absolute Company is an agency whose activities are focused on supporting real estate transactions of any complexity and even resolving property disputes.

Now, despite the economic difficulties in the country, the organization still holds a leading position in the market.

Company address and contacts

The agency has two offices in St. Petersburg. They are conditionally called the Kolpino office and the Proletarskaya office.

  • The first is located at: Obukhovskaya defense avenue , 116, Business Center "Troitsk Field", of. 206.
    Phones: 648-44-44, 929-44-34.
  • The second office is located in Kolpino, st. 5 Radchenko Brothers, of. 2a.
    Phones: 648-44-44, 929-44-34.

Agency service package

Absolut LLC is the oldest agency that provides almost all the services that a client may require in the modern real estate market.

absolute company

This complex includes the following areas:

  • buying and selling apartments, as well as rooms and shares;
  • purchase and sale of suburban real estate;
  • customer consultation on all emerging issues;
  • assistance in obtaining a mortgage;
  • support of sales transactions;
  • apartment exchange;
  • rental housing and non-residential premises;
  • property valuation;
  • urgent repurchase;
  • privatization
  • assistance in collecting the necessary documents;
  • property management;
  • representation in court.

Agency partners

Absolut LLC is a reliable real estate agency with partners such as:

  • Totfondbank;
  • Investtorgbank;
  • Intesa Bank;
  • "UniCredit Bank";
  • EnergoMashbank;
  • Promsvyazbank;
  • "Credit Europe Bank";
  • Uralsib;
  • Nordea Bank;
  • DeltaCredit Bank;
  • Svyaz-Bank;
  • ZAO CB Miraf Bank;
  • Bank "Petrocommerce";
  • Bank opening";
  • Soyuz Bank;
  • Rosbank;
  • MTS-Bank;
  • Raiffeisen Bank ;
  • Nomos Bank;
  • "Absolut Bank";
  • Gazprombank;
  • "VTB 24";
  • IC "ASK Insurance";
  • "Sberbank of Russia";
  • Bank "Saint-Petersburg";
  • AHML MO.

Making a mortgage with the help of the Absolut agency

To save time, it makes sense to seek help in obtaining a mortgage loan at Absolut LLC. The partner bank provides discounts for the company's customers who will pay for its services.

absolute company

Algorithm and features of the procedure:

  1. The manager of the agency helps to choose a bank with the most favorable loan conditions for the client.
  2. Assistance is provided in collecting the necessary documents.
  3. An employee of the agency may obtain preliminary approval of the bank for taking a mortgage.
  4. An apartment is selected that meets all the requirements of the client.
  5. An assessment of housing.
  6. Escort agency staff for the entire transaction period.

LLC "Absolute": reviews

Agency customer reviews are mostly positive. People praise the professionalism of the company employees, their attentiveness and efficiency. There are some nuances in the work of the company, but they are more likely related to the human factor.

The reviews of the organization’s employees are also mostly laudatory, but there are also sharply negative responses from former employees. Discontent is caused by the attitude of superiors to subordinates and failure to fulfill all obligations upon dismissal.

Absolut LLC has established itself as a reliable source of information on any real estate in today's market, as well as an indispensable assistant in the selection, evaluation, purchase and sale of property.


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