Haricot ordinary: description, photo

Beans - a plant from the legume family, which came to us from America. Currently, the culture is cultivated in all countries of the world and is able to adapt to any climatic conditions. Beans are demanding on fertile soils and loves to grow in well-lit areas. According to its nutritional properties, it is considered an analogue of meat.

general description

Description of common beans can be divided into two points, because there are two main types of this cultivated plant.

Undersized. A culture with a straight stalk about 60 cm high. It is surrounded on all sides by long cuttings, on each of which 3 leaves are attached. Inflorescence is formed in almost every sinus. The color palette of this plant is gradually replenished due to the breeding of new varieties of seed beans. It begins flowering in June and ends in August, depending on its classification.

Curly. During flowering, ordinary beans can turn a garden into a greenhouse. Especially beautiful are the rows of a tied winding culture. The stems wrap around ropes or trellis and reach a length of up to 4 meters. Hanging fruits, like a stunted plant. This type of bean is more rational, as it does not take up much space.

common beans

Detailed description

Ordinary bean organs: stem, root, leaves, flowers, pods and seeds. The detailed characteristics vary slightly due to the varieties and the large number of plant varieties.

Stem. A grassy stem that, after reaching a certain maturity of the bush, stiffens near the root system. It is green, purple, gray and pinkish. At bush beans, the stem branches.

Root. The root system of beans cannot be called powerful. Most of the main roots are located in the upper soil layer, and only a few reach its depths. Individual branches go deeper into the soil by about 1 meter.

Leaves. Very diverse, depending on the variety of beans. In crops with a dark color of seeds, petioles are purple and leaves are darker. The sheet itself is heart-shaped and covered with a barely noticeable fluff.

Flowers. They are arranged in pairs on peduncles forming separate brushes. Inflorescences are purple, pink, white, purple and bright orange. Individual flowers resemble the shape of a moth.

Pods. In the axils of the leaves, after the flowers have fallen, beans begin to be tied, mostly green. They can be either straight or oblong.

Seeds Oval fruit bodies sit in the recesses on the valves of 3-5 pieces.

Ordinary Bean Organs

Healthy fruits

The fruits of ordinary beans are interesting in that they are used as non-waste raw materials. Here are 2 areas of application of the fruits of an annual culture.

Nutrition. Many are used to the fact that only seeds are the edible part of beans . But few people know that plant wings can also be eaten. Some bean varieties are grown for this purpose. From young beans, dishes are prepared without taking out the inside. They are simply cut and then used to prepare various recipes. This allows the human body to replenish the supply of useful elements, both from the outer part of the beans, and from its internal contents.

Useful substances that are part of the valves: choline, betoin, lysine, leucine, tyrosine, tryptophan, flavones, asparagine, hemicellulose and a complex of macro- and micronutrients.

The medicine. Dried sashes are included in the herbal composition of pharmacy fees. Basically, these are blood purifying drugs.

As a folk remedy, sashes are used to treat diseases such as diabetes, rheumatism, dropsy, hypertension and some kidney diseases.

The use of bean flour for the treatment of eczema and other skin diseases is practiced.

common bean fruit

The benefits of bean seeds

The variety of bean seeds is simply amazing. This is both their size and their color. Seeds are white and black. There are beans with spots and all kinds of stains.

Plant seeds can be called a balanced product. Knowledgeable people rank them as meat dishes. The reason for this is the content of the amount of protein equal to meat. The presence of fats and carbohydrates characterizes the fruits of the plant as a necessary vital product. Saccharides, starch and dietary fiber give versatility to the benefits of seeds.

The composition of useful substances: iron, phosphorus, arginine, sulfur, magnesium, zinc, vitamins PP, E and group B.

The use of common beans in food strengthens the body as a whole, normalizes heart rate, and reduces the risk of respiratory diseases.

The presence of fiber has a positive effect on intestinal function.

Since beans have a good effect on the skin condition, it is part of some cosmetics.

common bean seeds

How to cook ordinary beans

The beans are pretty hard. Before cooking, they must first be soaked for 3-4 hours. Boil until soft over low heat.

To speed up the cooking process, periodically add cold water until the beans are ready. You can make mashed potatoes from it.

Plant seeds canned. They can also be fried and stewed, they are boiled before that until half-cooked.

beans ordinary description

Black Eyed Peas

Asparagus beans are similar in composition to ordinary beans. Due to the content of trace elements and vitamins, the plant brings tremendous benefits to human health. Some differences:

  • The quality showing the difference between asparagus and ordinary beans is the color of the pods. If the first they have green in different colors, the second has a wider range of colors. Asparagus beans are found in purple, black, yellow and green colors.
  • What color the pods will have depends on the inflorescences. White flowers give a yellow pod, yellow - green, purple - lilac, and red - with reddish stains.
  • Asparagus beans have a slightly different bean shape. They are narrow and small.
  • The difference between an asparagus bean bush and an ordinary bean lies in its abundant and dense greens. Beans hang in large numbers on strong stems 3 to 4 meters long.
  • If you remove the beans a little ahead of time, then this will be followed by another wave of inflorescences and the appearance of pods.
  • In case of delay in harvesting, you do not need to worry that the fruits will become coarser. They remain oily and delicate in taste and do not lose their beneficial qualities.
  • The difference between asparagus beans is that it can be eaten raw. Milk seeds come with food along with the leaves.

By their properties, asparagus beans are the owners of nutrients, but at the same time they contain few calories. This is in the hands of those who want to lose weight, but do not stay hungry.

In the photo with ordinary beans and asparagus, which are attached to this article, you can see the external differences of these crops.

common bean photo

How to prepare Asparagus Beans

Since mainly dishes are prepared from young pods, it is most often frozen. In such conditions, it retains its useful properties.

Some housewives before freezing cut young bean pods and boil them.

Beans are sometimes left on the bushes until fully ripened. Then the seeds are extracted, dried and stored until winter. They are prepared in the same way as ordinary beans.

what is the difference between asparagus and ordinary beans


A useful product can be harmful in diseases such as colitis, stomach ulcers, gastritis, pancreatitis and cholecystitis.

With an exacerbation of intestinal diseases, beans are especially undesirable. It contributes to the formation and accumulation of gases.

Of great importance is the amount of useful seeds to use in food. Perhaps, with some of the listed diseases in small portions, it will be acceptable. It is necessary to consult a doctor in such matters. Do not forget that beans are rich in useful substances and strengthens weakened immunity.


As part of the common bean there are all the necessary substances for human life. The use of such a product will help enrich the diet and increase its performance. People who do not really like the taste of beans should reconsider their preferences. There are many different recipes that can change its taste.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C4521/

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