Education Future Simple: the rules of education, pronunciation, features of speaking and writing

In English, as in almost any other language, there is a need to express and describe actions in three tenses: past, present and future. Each of these tenses in the English language can be described using four types of temporal forms: simple, long, perfect and perfect long. Thus, there are twelve kinds of temporary forms in total. Some of them are used almost constantly, others are used several times less.

Future tense in English

Future Simple, the formation of which is the subject of this article, can also be attributed to the category of the most commonly used types of temporary forms. However, before trying to form this time, it is necessary to understand why it is necessary at all, and what its actual meaning is.

General definition

Education Future Simple and the use of this kind of temporary form is necessary when it comes to action that should happen in the future. The phrase "future simple tense" itself translates to "simple future tense." Using it, you can express the following possible actions and events:

  • A simple single event in the future without indicating how long it will last: “I will buy a car”, “he will call a friend”, “friends will call a taxi”.
  • The action, which will be repeated in the future: "next week I will go to the city several times."
  • Assumption, hypothesis, subjective statement: "it seems to me it will rain," "I hope they come." Sentences with this or a similar meaning, as a rule, contain the words “I think,” “I believe,” “I hope,” “maybe,” and the like.
  • A quick decision, which was not considered before, but turned out to be improvised. For example, when ordering food in a restaurant, a person can immediately decide: "I will be a salad." This solution of his in English will be formed with Future Simple.
  • The promise to do something in the future, the provision of guarantees, certification, conviction: "I will definitely come to you."
  • Suggestion, invitation: "will you have a cup of coffee with me?"
  • Threat, warning: "you will have problems."

The formation of Future Simple in a particular sentence or the use of another type of temporary form is a question that is decided individually for each sentence.

Index words

As is the case with any other kind of temporary form in the English language, the formation of Future Simple and its use becomes easier if you know some pointer words. If the following adverbs are in the sentence, it is most likely necessary to use Future Simple in it:

  • Tomorrow - tomorrow.
  • Next day / week / month / year / century - the next day / week / month / year / century.
  • The day after tomorrow - the day after tomorrow.
  • After - after.
  • Later - then.
  • In a few days - in a few days.

All these words indicate that the action will happen in the future.


Affirmative sentence

An affirmative sentence is formed in Future Simple according to the following formula.

OrderProposal memberExampleTransfer
2Auxiliary verb willwillI will go
4All the restto Spain next Spain next year.

Here are some more examples of affirmative sentences.

We will meet in a few days.We will meet in a few days.
I will buy a new car.I will buy a new car.
She will ask her friends to join her birthday party.She will ask her friends to join her birthday party.

The rule of education Future Simple in the affirmative form is extremely simple, and the examples only once again prove this.


Negative sentence

To say in English about something that should not, cannot and / or will not happen, you must use an algorithm that is almost identical to the previous one. The Future Simple education form for negative sentences is as follows.

OrderPart of speechExampleTransfer
2Auxiliary verb willwillnot
3Particle notnot
4PredicategoI will go
5All the restto the party the party tomorrow.

Here are a few more examples of suggestions for reinforcing and better understanding of how this structure works.

We will not invite him, because he doesn't like noisy parties.We will not invite him because he does not like noisy parties.
People will not stand for such a cruel theory!People will not defend such a cruel theory!
I hope it will not rain tomorrow.I hope it won’t rain tomorrow.


Interrogative sentence

In order to formulate the question in English, some significant changes will have to be made to the Future Simple time education structure already known from the previous paragraphs. In fact, this metamorphosis does not differ from other English tenses - the auxiliary verb is placed at the beginning of the sentence, before the subject. For those who are already familiar with a simple present or past tense, mastering a simple future will not be absolutely no problem.

OrderProposal memberExampleTransfer
1Auxiliary verb willWillYou
4All the restthis cute little dress?is it a cute little dress?

Here are some more examples of questions in Future Simple in English.

Will it stop raining?Will the rain end?
Will you drink a cup of coffee with me next evening?Will you have a cup of coffee with me tomorrow night?
Will it be necessery to spend money, or everything is free?Will you need to spend money, or is it all free?

Exceptions to the Rules

At first glance, the simple future tense in English is really quite simple. In fact, if you look, the above rules in most cases work for simple, uncomplicated sentences, and much less often for some complex grammatical constructions.

Exception to the rule

For example, in conditional sentences the future tense is used only in the subordinate part. In the main sentence, instead of a simple future tense, a simple present is used. As, for example, in this sentence:

If he comes, I will not allow him to enter my room! “ If he comes, I will not allow him to enter my room!”

Despite the fact that in the Russian language in this case there is a very accurate indication of the future tense - “come” - the English version uses the present. To better remember this “exception”, or rather a completely new rule, you can take a look at other examples:

  • When I earn a lot of money, I will start traveling. - When I make a lot of money, I will start traveling.
  • If it starts raining, we will have to stay home and wait for in to finish. “ If it starts to rain, we will have to stay home and wait for it to end.”
  • If my friend ask me for some help, I will do anything for him! - If my friend asks for help, I will do anything for him!

To summarize

This is not to say that the formation of Future Simple in English is a complex topic. However, it cannot be called simple either. You can summarize all the proposed rules as follows:

  1. It is necessary to use a simple future tense when it comes to an action that will begin and end in the future, without indicating its duration.
  2. To formulate an affirmative sentence, it is necessary to arrange the words in the following order: subject, auxiliary verb will, predicate, everything else.
  3. To get negation, you must add not immediately after the auxiliary verb.
  4. To get the question, the auxiliary verb must be written before the subject.


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