Podolsk: city population, employment and leisure centers

For several hundred years, the population of the city of Podolsk grew, grew and expanded the city itself. What does the situation with its development and employment look like now? Consider this article.

A bit about the city

Podolsk is located in the Moscow region on the Pakhra River.

This is a city of monuments. Two famous religious buildings are located here: the Church of the Resurrection of the Slovusheviy and Trinity Cathedral, built at the beginning of the 19th century.

Podolsk population

In Podolsk there are large machine-building, chemical and other enterprises of the Moscow Region, there are medical institutions, hospitals, preschool, secondary and higher educational institutions. A drama theater has been built, there are stadiums and sports houses. There is a city employment center in the city.

Today it is a significant economic, cultural and industrial center of the Moscow region.

Population dynamics in Podolsk

Podolsk is the largest city in the suburbs by population.

The first written mention of it dates back to 1627, at that time the population consisted of 41 peasant households. The city was expanding, and in 1704 the number of inhabitants living in it doubled and amounted to about 300 people.

To date, the population of Podolsk fluctuates around 200 thousand, of which about 1,200 are officially unemployed.

Employment Center

One of the main tasks of the Employment Center is assistance in finding a job. To this end, the administration of the labor exchange holds various events and job fairs for the population of Podolsk, and this gives its positive results. Thanks to the work of the center, many were able to find themselves: to find a new profession, find a job and even start a business.

employment center podolsk

Thanks to the Law on Employment in force in the Russian Federation in Podolsk, anyone can go through a retraining or advanced training program. The center cooperates with the personnel departments of various enterprises and institutions, so that employment is fast enough.

Also, the employment center can provide those who wish permanent or temporary community service where no qualifications are required. And also provide all the necessary information and legal framework.

The labor exchange spends a lot of work on the employment of disabled people. According to the results of the past (2016), 212 people with health restrictions applied to the employment center, of which 83 citizens found a job.

The employment center in Podolsk copes with one of the most important tasks today - it provides social protection for the population.


To register at the employment center of Podolsk, you must bring a certain list of documents:

  • passport;
  • copies of the pages of the passport, which indicate the name and registration;
  • work book;
  • copies of the labor pages where the name and last place of work are indicated;
  • TIN;
  • SNILS;
  • education document;
  • certificate of income from the last place of work.

It remains only to fill out an application. They are registered at the labor exchange immediately after submission of documents. Then the applicant is offered several suitable vacancies for him.

Podolsk population

Citizens registered at the employment center are officially considered unemployed, and to further confirm this status, they will need to come to the labor exchange at the appointed time by the inspector.

Each person registered on the labor exchange is entitled to the payment of unemployment benefits, the amount of which directly depends on the salary paid at the last job.


Address: Moscow region, Podolsk, st. February, house 2a.

Phone numbers and opening hours can be found on the official website of the Podolsk Employment Center.

Youth work

An information center for youth also works in Podolsk (MU CIM "Enthusiast"). This is a municipal institution where every young person can find information for himself on any issue.

The center offers employment for young people aged 14 to 16 years.

There are free interest clubs, there is a vocal group, a school of animators and a group interested in information technology.

There are also paid clubs for young people. These are various language courses, music and art studios.

the population of the city of Podolsk

The center "Enthusiast" has its own pretty attractive site where you can get more detailed information.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C45227/

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