Marinators. Reviews about pickers

Kebab, baked meat, pickled cucumbers ... What could be tastier than these culinary delights? This is especially true during picnics, when you want to pamper and surprise the imagination of your friends or relatives. To prepare such dishes, which differ in exquisite taste and smell, preliminary marinating is required.

Marinators, reviews

What is a pickle and what are the rules for its use

Any gourmet knows that the secret of a delicious dish is, first and foremost, its proper processing. However, such a process, which can take from 4 hours, requires a lot of free time and considerable labor of the hostess. Naturally, not every person can even make a few hours for this crucial process.

To solve this difficult task in order to save time, useful and effective kitchen appliances - marinators have been developed. Reviews of these devices are characterized by a positive focus. Thanks to its compact size, the pickle can be used both at home and in the suburban area. He is constantly gaining popularity among gourmets, especially during the beginning of the summer season, which is impossible to imagine without aromatic barbecue or baked meat.

Pickle design

The device is a structure consisting of a cylindrical tank located horizontally. It is attached to a special stand. Standard units have a capacity of four to six liters. The container is closed using a sealed lid.

Marinator reviews

For operation, the pickle is equipped with a pump, which can be both vacuum and mechanical action. More modern models have a temperature controller. In addition, each device comes complete with a special plate or grill for preparing meat.

How the device works

The very principle of the operation of the pickle is based on the vacuum that is created in the working container. Thanks to this technology, marinade enters all the fibers of the processed product. During the operation, the motor constantly rotates the container to evenly distribute the components and penetrate the marinade into the fibers. Due to this, everything goes much faster than with traditional pickling. This will require from 9 to 30 minutes of operation of the pickle. After its completion, the container can be easily moved to the refrigerator for further storage.

mariner 9 minutes reviews

Sizes of picklers

Marinators by volume should be divided into the two most common groups. There is a device with a volume of 4 liters, which is designed to process 2.3 kg of meat for 9-20 minutes. A mariner with a volume of 6 liters marinates about 3 kg of meat for half an hour. Less common are 2 liter containers for pickling a small amount of food.

What to look for when buying a pickle

When choosing quality and productive marinators, reviews should be reviewed first. Then you need to check the effect of the vacuum, it must be in good condition. If it does not work, then the technique is unsuitable. Some models are equipped with a car adapter, which is very convenient in traveling conditions.

People who have purchased such a device, which is not considered an essential item, unanimously note the high cooking speed and ease of use. It will easily process, in addition to meat, also fish, mushrooms, vegetables and will delight the refined taste of cooked dishes.

Vacuum pickle

The most common type of this type of device is a vacuum pickle, reviews of which in most cases are positive. It is presented on the market by many models, can process the selected product in record time and will allow to save the time saved to its friends or relatives.

Marinator Marta, reviews

Among the entire variety of these devices, one should highlight the Marta MT 2091 marinator, reviews of which are written exclusively in a positive way. A characteristic feature of this model is the record short cooking time for pickled products - 9 minutes. All this was made possible thanks to the presence of a vacuum pump, which allows the marinade to quickly get inside the product and make it much tastier and softer. The device is designed to handle all types of components. With it, you can pickle meat and mushrooms, salad and cucumbers.

Reviews about the vacuum pickle and the principle of its work

Each user who did not spare money and bought a mariner for his daily use was pleased with him. The products prepared in it are soft, juicy and with a bright rich taste of marinade, which under normal conditions is achieved by hard efforts and huge time costs.

Vacuum pickle reviews

Products processed in the mariner bake faster, more saturated to their taste. Separately, I want to note pickled cucumbers, passed through the pickle. Reviews about them are above all praise. They turn out amazing. All you need is crispy, spicy with an amazing aroma. It should be said that, choosing a device, it is imperative to look at a lot of recommendations and tips from experienced users.

To get amazing meat, just load it into a 9-minute pickle. Reviews simply can not be negative, because the device is really useful. He got his name for the speed of processing products - in just 9 minutes.

Mariner marta mt 2091 reviews

Convenient and simple marinator "Marta", reviews about which are pleasing to the eye, will become your indispensable assistant. It is obscene to use the device. Place meat or vegetables in a container, add spices and sauces to taste, cover with a lid. Then turn on the pickle and take out a tube to suck in air. Insert it into the hole on the lid, fix it and wait until all the air has been removed and the lid is firmly attached to the container.

Almost ready. It remains to carefully place the container with the products on the wheels of the pickle and select the mode. Rotating slowly, meat or any other product is soaked in marinade. When the process is finished, the appliance will emit a characteristic sign, meaning that the components are ready for further preparation.

Advantages and disadvantages

Analyzing all the marinators viewed, reviews of which are summarized above, it is necessary to highlight the advantages and formulate the disadvantages of such devices.

The advantages of using a marinator include the small area occupied by the device. Thanks to this, the device fits perfectly in any kitchen, without restricting other kitchen appliances. An important advantage is the ability to store the remainder of the products, since the vacuum will allow them to remain fresh for a long time. Also pleased with the speed of preparation of the marinade, which is achieved thanks to vacuum technology. The cost of the pickle is quite democratic. Therefore, this parameter also applies to the advantages of using this device.

When analyzing marinators, reviews of which are exclusively positive in color, the disadvantages of such a device should also be identified. The device consumes electricity, albeit a little, takes up a certain space, that is, it needs to take a little space for it, and is not a commonly used technique, although this is individual.


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