How many times do you need to wash your hair for a week?

In the days of the Soviet Union, the myth that the head should be washed no more than once every 7 days was widespread. This view was based on the fact that most detergents were too aggressive. They dried their hair very much and eventually spoiled it.

Modern women of fashion have different requirements. They often use varnishes, various foams and mousses for hairstyles that need to be washed off. In addition, many people are prone to oily hair and lose their attractive appearance the very next day after bath procedures.

So how many times do you need to wash your hair? The answer to this question depends on several factors. Let's try to understand this topic in more detail.

Dry and brittle hair

Dry hair in a person can be a hereditary factor or acquired. The second option is more about the fair sex. Women tend to abuse brightening dyes, hot styling products, and styling products. All this leads to the fact that curls rapidly lose collagen and become dehydrated, brittle and lifeless.

Shampoo on this type of hair also does not work in the best way. Foam washes away the remnants of the protective lipid film from curls and hair follicles, and the problem only worsens.

So the owners of "straw" hair are contraindicated in frequent washing. The frequency of bath procedures is once a week. In this case, it is necessary to actively use conditioners, moisturizing balms, regenerating serums and masks.

It is best to use hot water. It will spur the production of a natural lipid protective layer.

Drying this type of hair with a hot hairdryer is not recommended.

how many times do you need to wash your hair with shampoo


How many times a week do I need to wash my hair if my hair is normal? If the curls have a healthy appearance, shine, do not split, and do not instantly become greasy, then they must be cleaned as they become dirty.

How much should you wash your hair? A week no more than 2-3 times. The duration of each procedure is 5 minutes. You should not keep soap foam on your head longer. Repeated application of shampoo is rarely justified, as modern detergents do a good job of removing grease and dirt the first time. There are no other recommendations for caring for this type of hair.

The only thing that can be noted is the advice to still use nutritious masks and phyto-decoctions for rinsing. They will help to maintain the beauty and health of the strands for longer.


How many times do you need to wash your hair if the hair is prone to oily? In fact, even experts are at a loss to answer this question. On the one hand, excess sebum on the head causes the pores to clog, dandruff and a good environment for the development of other microorganisms appear. In addition, the hair itself looks untidy and smells bad. On the other hand, frequent washing provokes the production of sebum, and the problem takes the form of a vicious circle.

Most specialists are inclined to the fact that you need to clean your hair as necessary. And if it is required, then even daily.

Shampoo you need to choose a special, for oily hair. It should be marked: "for frequent" or "for daily use." Conditioners and balms should be used sparingly and only on the hair. Do not apply them to the skin.

You need to wash your head with barely warm water, then rinse with cool.

For degreasing, before washing, you can apply a herbal alcohol tincture on the head - based on chamomile, calendula or nettle.

It will also be nice to rinse the curls with herbal decoctions based on chamomile, birch and oak leaf, sage, drying strands and skin.


This is the most problematic type of hair. They are dry at the tips, and greasy near the roots. In general, they need to be looked after as fat, but with a little addition.

The ends of the hair before water procedures should be greased with olive or burdock oil and wait 10-15 minutes. After that, you can wash your hair.

After styling

How many times a day do you need to wash your hair? In fact, several bath procedures within one day will affect the hair is not the best way.

how many times does a man need to wash his hair

Daily washing is permissible for curls that are prone to greasy. And also for hairstyles coated with varnish, foam or mousse. All styling products must be washed off on the same day. Reconstruction of the hairstyle on top of the old is unacceptable. This will lead to rapid hair loss.


They often quickly lose their appearance and need to be washed every other day. However, experts recommend stretching this interval to three days. This can be achieved if you refuse styling tools and do not use devices for hot styling.


How many times do I need to wash my hair with shampoo if my hair is long? Long curls fatter less, especially if you wear them not loose, but collected in a hairstyle. Focus on the type of hair. The recommended interval is two days.

In order to maintain the elasticity and healthy appearance of long curls, you need to wash them carefully, with gentle massaging movements. The tips can be treated with balm, since the protective lipid film can protect only the first 30 cm from the roots.

Dry only naturally. Comb in a semi-dry form, unraveling the strands, and not pulling them out. Otherwise, hair follicles can be damaged.

How many times does a man need to wash his hair?

The stronger sex also wants to look tidy. And the frequency of bathing procedures in men will also depend on the type of hair. In general, you need to focus on the same time intervals as women. However, it is worth remembering that the representatives of the stronger sex have stiffer hair, and subcutaneous fat is produced a little more intensively.

So you need to wash your head as it gets dirty.

how many times does a child need to wash his head

The child has

How many times does a child need to wash their hair? It is more dependent on age. Babies wash their hair with shampoo or soap no more than once a week. This is enough to wash off the fat from the skin and hair. However, children are bathed daily, and at the same time they still water their heads with warm water or decoctions of chamomile and calendula.

how many times does a child need to wash his head

Children 5-7 years old can have full bath procedures with detergents twice a week.

Children older than seven years of age wash their hair as they become soiled, but at least twice a week.

From the moment puberty begins, adolescents usually clean their hair more often - daily or every other day. This is due to the fact that through the pores located including on the head, they secrete hormones with a specific aroma.


How many times do you need to wash your hair if your hair is gray? The appearance of gray hair is not the best moment in the life of every person. And when the whole head turns white, then this is a signal that a large part of the life path has been covered.

how much to wash your hair per week

But there are several positive points. Gray hair is most reminiscent of dry hair. Therefore, they are less fatty and should be washed no more than 2 times a week.

However, gray strands should not be forgotten to nourish with masks and moisturizing balms.


How many times do you need to wash your hair if the hair is dyed? You need to understand that any paint, including plant-based, dries hair well. Fatty ones will shine less, normal ones will become dry, and dry ones will turn into overdried ones. In addition, the woman is faced with the task of preserving color for the longest possible period.

how many times a day do you need to wash your hair

So it’s better to wash your hair with colored hair no more than twice a week. In this case, you must use special shampoos to preserve color. It is best to choose detergents from the same line or from the same manufacturer as the paint.


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