What to do if the file is not downloaded from the Internet? Causes of failures and methods for their correction.

It so happens that the user suddenly faces the problem of the inability to download files from the World Wide Web. Automatic Internet settings seem to allow you to do this, but for some reason the process does not start. What can be the reason for the appearance of such situations and how to eliminate the occurrence of these problems, read on.

The file does not download from the Internet: possible reasons

To begin with, there can be many reasons for the appearance of such failures. One of the most common is to protect files from downloading. Such problems will not be addressed. Let us dwell exclusively on everyday situations and methods for their correction.

the file does not download from the Internet

Among all that can be attributed to the root causes of failures, we can name the following:

  • lack of disk space;
  • traffic limit;
  • exposure to viruses;
  • interruptions in communication;
  • Incorrect connection settings and browser settings;
  • blocking downloads from the Windows security system and antivirus software.

The simplest troubleshooting tips

So, the file does not download from the Internet. What to do and what to do? No matter how trite it sounds, the usual lack of disk space can lead to the appearance of such problems.

Kaspersky Internet Security

Therefore, initially you need to make sure that it is, using for this menu the properties of the disk partition or the information in the status bar of the "Explorer".

For torrent clients, the problem may also lie in the fact that the file cannot be downloaded from the Internet just because the incorrect download location is indicated due to a change in settings (for example, the last time the download was made directly to a flash drive, and after removing it, the program reports the absence of a volume). In this case, you just need to specify another folder into which the download will be performed automatically.

how to download files from the internet

Almost everyone knows how to download files from the Internet using torrent applications. It is quite simple (a torrent file is launched, and the download starts automatically). But if the process does not start due to the fact that at the moment there are no distributing computers, in some cases installing a forced download will help.

In the case when a limit connection is used, for a start it is worth checking the presence of traffic in the "My Account". Perhaps the sites are opening up (there is still enough traffic for this), but the size of the uploaded file exceeds the remaining limit.

Viruses can also cause the appearance of similar problems (most often this is due to browser hijackers when redirecting to other resources occurs). In such a situation, you should perform a full system scan with in-depth scanning, and it is better to use threat-eliminating tools such as Adware and Malware.

The presence of an active connection can be checked from the “Control Panel” in the network connection settings, but the easiest way is to use the parameters call via the right-click on the Wi-Fi or network connection icon. You can also go into the network adapter settings and use the status view. Here you should make sure that at the moment there is an exchange of packets.

automatic internet settings

In the case of a “gathering” of connection settings, you can try to enter the required parameters again using the IPv4 protocol properties for this. But for starters, you should set up automatic receipt of addresses. If this does not help, you can experiment with DNS addresses, disable proxies, etc. There are many options.

the file does not download from the Internet

In the browser, go to "Settings" and make sure that the security settings opposite the permission to download files are checked. If the terminal is part of the corporate network, it is possible that the blocking is on the part of the system administrator using the appropriate group policy settings. Sometimes you can just use a different browser. It may well be that the download will go without problems.

Kaspersky Internet Security

Another unpleasant situation is that the file cannot be downloaded from the Internet because the Windows security system considers it potentially dangerous. In this case, you need to disable the firewall and Windows Defender for a few minutes and try to download again. If the download goes smoothly, you will need to use the inclusion of the resource or the loading program in the exception lists.

Problems with antivirus software using the example of the package “Kaspersky Internet Security”

Finally, antiviruses can also care too hard about system security. A vivid example of this is Kaspersky Internet Security. The program is able to block even the most harmless files.

how to download files from the internet

To fix the problem, you should use additional tools and configure exceptions. You may have to add the same torrent client or any other bootloader to the list.

In some cases, removing Norton Online Backup ARA, Norton Online Backup, and Ad-Aware Browsing Protection modules may help. Doing this manually is not recommended. Better to use programs like CCleaner. In extreme cases, you can delete the old version of the anti-virus package or simply install the latest update on top of the old version (for example, Kaspersky Total Security 2016), which will completely remove the obsolete modification.

Fix connection problems

In case of connection failures associated with software problems, you do not need to manually correct the situation.

automatic internet settings

It is enough to download the official Fix It utility from Microsoft, which will allow you to make corrections automatically (including problems with the Internet).


Naturally, it is impossible to foresee absolutely all situations. Therefore, only the most common problems and the simplest methods for eliminating them were mentioned above. But in each case, you will first have to find out the nature of the failure and only then make a decision on the use of a particular tool.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C4525/

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