Ten programs claiming the title "The most dangerous virus in the history of the Internet"

Computer viruses can not only turn out to be an excessively dangerous thing - they can do such things that nobody sees it. Of course, even the most dangerous virus for a computer will not launch a nuclear missile, but disconnecting from a network any small country, for example, South Korea, is within its power.

Below we present a kind of "catastrophe history", which collects the negative consequences from the effects of viruses from "ancient times" to the present day. So, we read about the most dangerous viruses!

1. Commwarrior-A. This virus began to make its attacks on iPhone users in the summer. Yes, Commwarrior-A, without a doubt, can be christened as the most dangerous virus for cell phones, spreading through text messages. He, by the way, is the very first.

2. Welchia was and continues to be the most unusual worm in the history of the Internet, since it was originally developed not for harm, but, on the contrary, for help. It is noteworthy that with the help of Welchia it was supposed to detect such a virus program as Blaster. However, the worm behaved extremely unpredictably - it infected all computers, killed the virus, and then destroyed itself.

3. And here is the very dangerous Blaster virus, which was not so scary at all, just the media paid much attention to its existence in due time. The worm was created by an 18-year-old boy, Jeffrey Lee Parson, who managed to detect a gap in the Windows (Windows XP) protection. The worm wrote a funny phrase on the screen: "Billy, as much as possible, stop making money, better refine your software." For such a mockery of Bill Gates, the court sentenced Jeffrey to one and a half years imprisonment.

4. Slammer ("Prison") is a super-fast spreading computer worm, which in some ten minutes managed to infect 75 thousand computers. It is noteworthy that the creator of the virus shoved only about two hundred bytes into his code, nothing more.

5. Nimda is a complex and surprisingly rare combination of virus, worm and trojan. Among other things, he used various infection methods to infect Windows - email, various types of contacts, and a web server. In this regard, Nimda became famous as the most common and most dangerous virus in the whole world, because already an hour after the introduction, it managed to infect a huge number of computers.

6. Creeper ("Escape"). This is the very first virus for a computer that was written back in 1971. He is known for infecting a PDP-11 computer belonging to the Ministry of Defense. After the computer was infected, a funny message appeared on the monitor screen: "I escaped, you can catch me, if, of course, you can."

7. Elc Cloner. This old (1982 year) virus is the work of Elk Cloner, just a high school student. Elc Cloner infected computers through floppy disks - after every fiftieth download, the virus forced the screen to display a rhyme written by its talented young creator.

8. Moris Worm was written by Robert Morris when he was a student. This was the first young man to get a prison sentence for abuse and computer fraud. Today, in Morris's life, everything seems quiet and smooth - he works at a university as a computer science teacher and, possibly, brings up a new generation of hackers.

9. ILoveYou. This mail virus is very original. And since it caused huge damage to millions of computers, ILoveYou is called the most dangerous virus in the history of the Internet, because since 2000 it managed to infect more than 50 million computers, and in just nine days, it also forced the Pentagon and the CIA to close their computers.

10. Code Red. This worm is known for being able to infect 360 thousand computers in one fine July day and attack Microsoft IS servers, which caused a huge number of service problems.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C4526/

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