Exercises for the skier in the gym and at home. Skier expander

Despite the fact that skiing requires certain climatic conditions, training is carried out not only outdoors, but also indoors. They help maintain good physical shape, increase strength and stamina. The article presents a set of exercises for the skier, performed in the gym or at home.

Ski exercises

Training for skiers is divided into those for which no or equipment is required. In the first case, the exercises are performed in any conditions without special training, among them it is worth highlighting the following:

  1. Warm up. It includes stretching exercises, power load without sports equipment (squats, push-ups, pull-ups). They do it daily, for example, as a morning exercise.
  2. Cardio training. These are rope exercises, Nordic walking, short and long distance running.
  3. Special exercises for the development of coordination, balance, vestibular apparatus.
  4. A special set of roller skating exercises. They imitate skiing, classic running and skating. You can skate like on skates and develop similar muscle groups as with skiing. In addition, this is the achievement of balance and coordination of movements.
exercises for the skier

Balance, flexibility and stretching

Even for a child who comes to the skiers section for the first time, training begins with balance exercises. Initially, the trainee must acquire basic coordination skills. To do this, do squats on one leg, a swallow, lifting the legs to the sides. In the future, exercises are complicated and done using a special platform or hemisphere.

strength exercises for skiers

Any athlete skiing pays special attention to stretching and the development of flexibility. To perform such exercises, it is not necessary to purchase expensive equipment, it is enough to include basic elements in the training. Mainly, these are inclinations, swings, twine. In addition to stretching the legs, you should also engage in other muscle groups: the back, shoulder girdle, lower back, which makes it possible to reduce the risk of injuries and sprains, and increase joint flexibility.

Experts recommend that stretching exercises be included in the warm-up or hitch after each workout. You can do such gymnastics in the gym, at home or on the street.

skier training

Warm up: exercises

The following exercises are included in the warm-up for the skier:

  1. Exercise bike - 20 min.
  2. Implementation of elements for coordination - 20 min.
  3. Balancing on the medical ball. Starting position: legs shoulder-width apart, torso slightly tilt forward, arms extended in front of you, legs slightly bent in half-squat.
  4. Weight transfer from one leg to another on medballs. The same exercise as above, only the weight begins to slowly transfer from foot to foot.
  5. Medballs are staggered a meter away from each other. Having taken the starting position: legs shoulder-width apart with the body tilted forward, they begin walking along the medballs.
  6. Regular squats, standing on a platform with weighting, and squats with alternately extended legs.
  7. Double twists. Lying on your back, do twisting with the body while pulling the knees to the chest.
skier expander

Abdominal and Back Workout

An important role in training is played by exercises to strengthen the back and abs, as these muscle groups keep the body in balance and protect against possible injuries. You can perform items using sports equipment or solely with your own weight.

Special attention should be paid to such exercises for skiers in a set of trainings as:

  • Hyperesthesia An element for the development of the lower back, performed using a special simulator.
  • Slopes with weighting (barbell, dumbbells) to strengthen the lower back.
  • Deadlift. Element for strengthening the muscles of the back. It must be done carefully with a gradual increase in load, the only way to reduce the risk of spinal injury.
  • Traction exercises on simulators.
  • A standard set of exercises for the abdominal muscles. For example, strap, twisting and lifting legs lying on your back.

It is recommended to plan your workout in advance and stick to it. Thus, the effectiveness of classes will be higher.

training rubber

Leg training

The main part of the load of the skier falls on his feet. That is why it is very important to develop their muscle strength. Depending on the length of the distance, driving style and other nuances, a set of sports exercises is selected. But there are also basic exercises for skiers, due to their narrow specialization, they are almost never used in training other sports.

Twist. This element, designed specifically for skiers, contributes to the development of the legs. Make it as follows:

  • Starting position: legs are brought together, hands are along the body and slightly bent at the elbows.
  • The athlete does a deep sitting, while alternately directing his knees in one and then the other side. Hands at this moment point in the direction opposite to the legs.
  • Then the athlete takes the starting position, while the feet do not tear off the floor.

The direction of the knees is done carefully, without using weights. This element partly simulates the load an athlete faces during a descent from a mountain.

Pistol. The technique for performing this exercise is similar to squatting on one leg. It provides an opportunity in the first place to develop leg strength and coordination. Do the element in the same way as standard squats, only stretching the leg forward. At first, the element is carried out, holding on to the wall.

rubber band

Kneeling This exercise not only develops leg strength, but also increases stamina. This is walking with a high lift of the knees and touching the body. Initially, the element is performed without burdening, over time, the task becomes more complicated, and weighting agents are used.

Hand training

During the ride, the skier uses not only the legs, but also the hands, muscles of the chest of the shoulder girdle. Training in the gym will be enough if at home to include push-ups, a dumbbell bench press or barbell in the set of exercises for the skier.

An important condition for home training is the regularity and availability of a given program. Only then will the process be effective with minimal risk of negative consequences.

The complex with connecting equipment includes exercises with an expander (elastic band). More will be described below.

Strength Training: Exercise

Strength and endurance training is of great importance to skiers. In order to be able to correctly distribute the load at a distance and pass it to the end, in the off-season and warm season, skiers spend a lot of time developing their physical abilities.

The program of strength exercises for skiers should include: running and jumping, elements with resistance. For the development of all muscle groups perform exercises with weights. The number of necessary repetitions and approaches depends on the weight of the inventory and its type. It is recommended to combine power load with cardio exercises.

An approximate set of exercises at home is as follows:

  • push-ups from the floor 3 sets of 20 times;
  • back push-ups using a chair or bench, 3 sets of 15 times;
  • squats with weighting, 3 sets of 15 times;
  • straight and side bar;
  • chest dumbbell press, 3 sets of 15 times;
  • twisting for the press 3 sets of 20 times;
  • lifting legs lying on the back 3 sets of 20 times.
set of exercises for skiers

The sequence of exercises in the hall

An exemplary set of strength exercises for skiers in the gym is as follows:

  • lying on a flat bench lifting the bar - 10 times;
  • push-ups with cotton - 20 times;
  • lifting of the upper block - 10 times;
  • squats with a barbell - 10 times;
  • jogging with high knees for 1 minute;
  • push-ups on the bars - 10 times;
  • bench press lying on an inclined bench - 10 times.

Training in the gym is carried out in a circular manner. That is, after each exercise, a pause for rest of 30-40 seconds is made, after passing the circle, the athlete rests for 2-3 minutes and proceeds to the next round. The number of repetitions 2-5 times.

exercises for skiers in the gym

Skier expander exercises

During training, the expander is able to replace many types of exercise equipment and sports equipment, providing similar muscle and physical activity.

Exercise exercises (training rubber) include:

  1. Bringing hands. Exercise helps to develop the muscles of the arms, chest, shoulders, back. The expander is pulled over a stationary object (pillar, tree trunk). They stand with their backs and, taking each end in their hand, move away, creating tension. Then, while inhaling, they bring their hands together, and while exhaling they are parted to the sides.
  2. Rotation Having risen to the position described in the previous exercise, perform circular movements of the hands in one direction and then in the other direction. This element effectively strengthens the joints and muscles of the shoulder girdle.
  3. Boxing movements. Having risen to the starting position, on the exhale with resistance, they make movements simulating blows in boxing.
  4. Craving for the shoulders. They turn their faces to the support, through which the expander will be pulled, and on inspiration they begin to carry out draft movements to the shoulders, slightly bending their knees.
  5. Swings. Remaining in the same position, on inhalation, the gum is lifted up to the height of the arms straightened above the head, on the exhale, the arms are lowered. During the exercise, muscle deltas are actively involved.

Exercise with the expander contributes to the development of strength, speed, performance. A tourniquet is a universal apparatus for effective training, which can be used at any time.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C45261/

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