"Olympic calm": the meaning of phraseology. Why gods don't worry about anything

Endurance is a quality that always delights a person. Especially when everything seems to collapse around, and the alleged subject remains Olympic calm. The meaning of phraseologism, which we mentioned last, we will consider today with all possible care.


As you might guess, calm is called Olympic, because it originally belonged to the ancient Greek gods. They, according to legend, lived on Olympus - the highest mountain of Greece. And do not look for a specific myth on this subject, because it does not exist. Phraseologism has arisen due to the general way of life of the gods.

Of course, as in any noble family, intrigues, intrigues and all kinds of atrocities existed in the kindred circle of the gods, but in general, extraterrestrial beings had a rather prosperous and peaceful life, and they created problems for themselves. What for? That it was not boring.

We think it has already become clear that the Olympic calm (the phraseological meaning follows) is a persistence that, in principle, a person cannot possess in a certain situation and, nevertheless, for some unknown reason, he possesses it.

Probably a somewhat vague definition came out, but it will become clear when we reveal the meaning of the concept considered in this article. By the way, if anyone is interested, then the "Odyssey" of the legendary Homer is considered a formal source of expression.

Sources of Olympic calm - immortality and lack of domestic needs

Why don't the gods worry about anything? The answer is very simple: first of all, they are immortal. An obvious circumstance, it would seem, but there are plenty of consequences from it.

Olympic calm meaning of phraseology

But first we turn to our fellow man. His biggest worry is his fear of death. A person spends a lot of effort to drown out the call of his mortal anxiety, for example, invents a religion that promises a person otherworldly existence in one form or another, a culture arises, like a religion that promises a person a certain continuation.

Do not think that these considerations do not apply to the topic “Olympic calm: the meaning of phraseological units”. Just have a little patience, and everything will become clear in due time.

For some, all these tricks act, but for someone not. But most people, as far as possible, try not to think about death at all. And they even drive a shadow of thoughts about an aunt with a scythe.

Immediately after the fear of death, there is a fear of a poor life or of constant pain. Therefore, in order not to fall into the clutches of an unfortunate share, a person strives in every possible way forward, sets goals, attains them, as it is now fashionable to say, “realizes”, and in fact deep-seated fears lurking in his soul encourage it.

Now imagine that the gods are not interested in anything human, it is completely alien to them. Neither fear of death, nor fear of a life full of disease, nor even fear of poverty, is known to them. If the reader has a good imagination, now he understands what Olympic calm is, the meaning of phraseology does not need to be explained to him.

Unrighteous Olympic calm. Lieutenant Colombo and phraseological unit of Greek origin

Olympic calm meaning

Now we turn to the cases when a person remains completely serene, although, judging by the situation, he should have long lost his presence of mind. In other words, we describe the unrighteous Olympic calm. The detective series "Colombo" is suitable for this purpose as well as possible.

Whoever watched knows (and whoever did not look, let him get acquainted) that from the very first moment of meeting the alleged killer lieutenant Colombo knows that he is the main culprit! And why? The criminal gives out Olympic calmness (the importance of speech circulation in the process of thorough research), which is not typical for a situation of violent death of a friend or family member. Coldness and almost indifference - that is what is suspicious first of all.

Thus, we conclude: a person’s divine Olympic calm can stem from the fact that he simply knows more than he says and / or shows.

Righteous Olympic calm. The triumph of reason and will over feelings and emotions

We leave killers and detectives behind and give a positive example of Olympic calm. Imagine a student passing a very important exam. He learned everything, but it often happens that anxiety deprives a person of internal balance, and he forgets everything that he knew.

phraseologism olympic calm

The main thing here is not to get nervous and to calm down the trembling running through the psyche by force. If you do not worry, then the knowledge will remain with the dealer, and any test will be on his shoulder. Outwardly, it will look so that Olympic calmness has taken possession of man. We will clarify the meaning of the expression in the output that will be on the verge.


Olympic is understood as calm, which is surprising in certain tragic or any other circumstances exciting for a person.

When the protagonist of events does not appear to be a man at all, but an Olympic god who is not bothered by the vain, mundane reality of everyday existence, and traditional human fears do not prevail. Simply put, a person is unperturbed and unshakable, although the situation does not have this at all.

Phraseologism "Olympic calm" was considered by us in sufficient detail. We hope that the reader will forgive us for the excessive imagery and poetry of the language, but they were necessary as tools to comprehend the essence of expression.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C45264/

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