What secrets does the underground river hide? Such different natural attractions ...

Natural springs flowing underground are always of great interest to tourists. The rivers hidden from the eyes of people have a special charm, but every year an increasing flow of visitors violates the pristine beauty of amazing corners.

Pride of the philippines

The world's largest underground river Puerto Princesa is considered the main pride of the Philippines. The natural miracle flowing in the karst cave is a huge maze, in which it is easy to get lost without the help of a guide. A walk along the multi-kilometer river will give everyone unforgettable emotions. Mysterious grottoes, cave dark arches, playing in different shades when lanterns hit them, quietly murmuring small waterfalls, a huge number of river canals - all this delight travelers who come here from all over the globe.

Moscow underground river

The underground river, admiring the unique landscape, has not yet been fully explored and holds secrets that make it especially attractive. Sailing in a boat among miraculous beauties, tourists feel themselves in a real natural temple, the fragile grandeur of which is not able to convey a single photograph.

Mexican river

Another amazing attraction is located in Mexico. In the labyrinths of underground caves of the tropical jungle, on the Yucatan Peninsula, an underground river formed over 65 million years ago after a meteorite falls. Just 27 years ago, it was discovered by divers and cavers, after which a large-scale study of this place began. Sak-Aktun, recognized as the longest river in the world, contains a lot of useful minerals. Tourists plunge into the wonderfully clear water to experience the beauty of this natural corner.

underground river

The river, stretching for 317 kilometers, connects underground passages that are considered by locals to be the real world of the dead. From the seen beauty, about which many legends are composed, it is easy to be speechless.

Capital Attraction

Russia also has its own attraction, which can be called a unique phenomenon: many have heard of it, but few have seen. Many do not even suspect that to this day there is an underground river in Moscow.

The name of it, according to most historians, comes from the word “neglink”, which means “swamp”. True, some researchers consider this statement false. The river interfering with the comfortable life of people was hidden in a concrete collector.

The story of a river trapped underground

Neglinka was first mentioned in the city's ancient chronicles at the beginning of the 15th century. Deep, up to 25 meters, it was of crucial importance for Moscow. Water was taken from the source passing through the central part of the city to extinguish fires, and it was also filled with a moat that ran along the Kremlin.

underground river in Moscow name

However, by the middle of the 18th century, with the growth of industry, Neglinka was seriously polluted, which exuded an unbearable stench. It was decided to enclose the river in a pipe, but the collectors could not cope, and in heavy floods the river flooded the streets. Special pipes led by city services for rainwater led to the underground cesspool, but wealthy merchants lowered sewage into secret drains, and did not take them out in barrels, as was customary. After flooding, the water left, leaving a foul-smelling silt.

In 1966, a second collector with concrete arches appeared, and water from the Neglinka now flows into the Moscow River.

Dark Traditions

Since ancient times, it is believed that the underground river of Moscow that has accumulated black energy returns it to people. It is said that during the reign of Catherine, a secret organization was located near Neglinka. In the casemates of the institution, they brutally tortured people, and their corpses disappeared without a trace in the dark waters.

Another legend tells of the brutal Saltychikha with an ugly appearance, who hated all women. The landowner, who killed more than a hundred serf girls, believed that the underground river had magical powers that would help her fulfill her main dream. At midnight, she washed her face with water, whispering witchcraft conspiracies and believing that in the morning she would find the long-awaited beauty. Not receiving the desired Saltychikha again created bloody atrocities.

Moscow underground river photo

This is only a small part of the legends about the river and its curse. In Moscow, to this day, soil is failing, and hydrologists say that Neglinka’s water has terrible power: it corrodes concrete and even strong steel. In the area of ​​the Kuznetsk bridge, under which the fetid river, which has turned into a source of evil, runs often see ghosts and hear a strange whisper.

Fashionable Extreme Tours

The underground river of Moscow, whose photo conveys an eerie atmosphere, has left its mark in the names of Moscow streets and alleys, and it has many mysteries. Recently, the study of underground collectors has become an incredibly fashionable hobby, and local diggers help get into a special world that attracts mysterious beauty.

Want to know what the asphalt hides under your feet? You can go on an extreme journey along the underground riverbed, about which many legends are composed. However, experts warn that this can be deadly, because during rain the water level in the collector rises rapidly, and such a walk can end tragically.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C45268/

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