What is ice wine? Features, popular manufacturers, reviews

What kind of association do you have when you hear the words “ice wine”? It will probably be a well-chilled drink made from grape juice. However, this is not quite true. You can cool any wine, although its taste and aroma can be properly tasted only if the drink is served at room temperature, in a wide glass. This means that a different meaning is embedded in this phrase. So what is ice wine? This is a gift that presents us with cold weather. Today we will consider in detail the technology of its preparation, so that you know what to expect if you are offered to try this delicacy. It really deserves attention.

ice wine

The breath of winter - ice wine

Imagine vineyards. Surely before my eyes there immediately appears a sunlit lawn, lush greenery and fragrant clusters. But there is another picture: a blackened vine on white snow and dark brown berries, very similar to raisins. It is they who are the raw materials from which ice wine is obtained. However, not all grapes are suitable for the production of an exotic drink. Winemakers throughout the growing season decide which berries to leave on the vine. Wine made from ice grapes is proudly called "liquid gold." And indeed, it is not easy to cook it. Winemakers must leave the berries on the branches until they are killed by frost. Moreover, too low temperatures are also detrimental to him. It is optimal to harvest when the thermometer has dropped to -8 degrees.

Features of frozen grape juice

I would like to emphasize once again the fact that the characteristics apply only to berries that are frozen on the vine. A more economical option - to freeze them in production - loses a lot in quality, therefore, only cheap fakes can be prepared in this way. Ice grape juice is very sweet. Sugar does not freeze, this allows you to squeeze a more concentrated and saturated grape must. The result is a small amount of a very sweet, dessert wine that gourmets appreciate. At the same time, early, severe frosts and other factors can lead to the fact that the number of berries suitable for production is collected quite small. As a result, the price of ice wine is several times higher than all other types of dessert wines. It is usually sold in small bottles, which further fuels consumer interest and stimulates demand.

ice grape wine

What do gourmets who have had occasion to taste ice wine say (reviews)

In fact, there are not so many connoisseurs who are interested in elite brands of wines, try and collect them. It is because of this feedback that there is a small number of online reviews. But those who have already tried it say that icy wine smells of frosty freshness. But the taste is a little more difficult to describe. This is an amazing balance of a gentle fruity taste and fresh sourness, which is generously flavored with rich sweetness.

Legends are already circulating about the origin of this drink, however, the more reliable version is that winemakers simply did not pick the grapes on time, because the autumn was very warm, and then the frost hit sharply. To save the harvest, the berries were picked at night and immediately put into production. At the same time, after the fermentation process, they realized that they received a completely new, unique wine. Until now, production technology has not changed much. It remains challenging, but gives an amazing result.

ice wine austria

Hungarian varieties

This is the historical homeland of elite wines. It is produced only in such wine regions as Eger, Vilannes, Tokaya, Sopron. At the same time, ice wine (Hungary) is valued very highly among lovers of this divine drink. It is amazing how trembling treasures the traditions of its production are kept here, and this is far from the easiest business. Winemakers every time risk that the berries will deteriorate in rainy weather. If the weather is clear, then frost can linger, and then birds will eat the grapes. And when the first frosts strike, the berries must be picked up in a frozen form, by hand, so as not to damage the ice shell. The harvest immediately goes under the press, while ice crystals remain in the press, and only thick juice flows out. Its quantity is small, from 50 tons of grapes you can get only 2 tons of wine. As you can see, real masterpieces are produced in Hungary. The most popular brands are Vylyan Pincészet Vylyan Jégbor, Varga Pincészet Jégbor, Ádám Pincészet SILENOS Jégbor. Experts call Hungarian wines special. Judging by the reviews, it is these varieties that have the most rich bouquet and pronounced fruit taste. Especially vivid in the bouquet are notes of peach and mango.

ice wine russia

German exclusive

In fact, not only Hungary produces ice wine. Germany does not lag behind her and also launches excellent varieties on the market. Moreover, it was here that for the first time the technology of its production was discovered, albeit randomly. In Franconia, in 1794, unexpected frosts hit, which served as the opening of such a way of producing dessert wine. Already after its neighbor, the recipe was quickly adopted and Austria also began to produce ice wine.

The subtleties of taste

In fact, all varieties, despite the unity of the technological process, differ from each other. Therefore, to find one that will really appeal to you, you will have to try more than one of them. German ice wine is a real classic, it is distinguished by seductive sweetness and light sophistication. The taste is slowly revealed, one by one bringing to the foreground notes of honey and apricot, peaches and mango, melon. The aftertaste reveals a train full of shades of nuts and floral aromas. At the same time, the wine is thicker, more like liquor, not for nothing that it is called "liquid gold". To date, the most famous is made from Vidal grapes, and it is called Eiswein. German wines are preferred by most of those who have tried ice at least once. Judging by the reviews, the taste of these drinks is really amazing, thick, rich and unforgettable.

German ice wine

Tasting Icebergs from Austria

The Austrians were one of the first to adopt the technology for the production of ice wines. This is not surprising, since trade between the two neighboring countries was very well established. At the same time, the Kracher winery has been famous for its stunning sweet wines since its inception. Thanks to dessert wines, the whole world learned about this small wine-growing region. Ice wines from the Kracher collection are served in the most expensive restaurants and delight with their amazing tastes. In fact, there are very few reviews of this brand of wine, because the cost of wines is very high and not everyone can afford it. Judging by the reviews, the taste of the wines from this collection is very sweet, and therefore they are mostly liked by dessert wine lovers and are used after the main meal.


One of the largest wine companies in Russia. Its vineyards occupy about 3,000 hectares. The company carries out a full production cycle and spills a huge amount of alcoholic beverages, which is valued not only in the country but also abroad. The priority of the company is the highest quality. Thanks to this attitude to their business, such brands as Saperavi and Cabernet, Sauvignon, as well as many others are known around the world. However, a separate line in the list of excellent products is ice wine. Russia is not very suitable for winemaking, and early and severe frosts can easily destroy all labor, leaving gourmets without a drink. But experts do not give up, every year they delight us with their "liquid gold." Judging by the reviews, ice wines from this collection have a more delicate taste, which means that more buyers will like it.

fanagoria ice wine riesling

ICE WINE Riesling

This is another masterpiece from the famous winery Fanagoria. In 2010, production began immediately of three varieties of ice wine. This has given a new round of success. Ice wine "Riesling" has become a legend of Russian winemaking. The icy sparkle of golden color resembles the bright, winter sun, and the delicate, floral aroma recalls the hot summer, when bunches were filled with sweet juice. This variety has received a huge number of awards, including gold at the international competition in Bulgaria and at the 16th international exhibition “Vinorus, Vinoteh”. Judging by consumer reviews, Riesling is a true classic of the genre: the wine is bright, tasty, aromatic and not the most expensive, as it is produced in Russia.

ice wine germany

We continue to consider domestic manufacturers

Ice wine "Myskhako" - another great brand of Russian winemaking. If initially this variety was exclusively a Western invention, today in Russia no less tidy varieties are produced that give pleasure to gourmets. However, the manufacturer made minor adjustments that gave the variety other notes. This is a sweet table wine that is aged in oak barrels for at least 12 months. Essentially, this is a late-pick Riesling. The aroma is very delicate with tones of canned peach, pineapple and citrus. And taste is a real extravaganza. Pleasant and refreshing sourness keeps up with fruit sweetness. At the same time, the taste of pear, apricot and pineapple is revealed. Very tasty, but quite expensive. Judging by the reviews, this is one of the most delicious and aromatic wines.

How to drink this drink

It can be served both before the meal, and after, or even as a dessert. It is recommended to serve at room temperature 12-14 degrees. It is best to put small wine glasses or even glasses on the table. But if you drink wine with food, you must make sure that the dish is not sweeter than the drink. Ice wine perfectly combines with nuts and fruits, chocolate and cheese. It should be remembered that an open bottle is not stored for a long time, which means that after drinking it is necessary to reseal it and put it in the refrigerator. So the wine will stand up to two weeks. Given that this sort of wine is bottled in small bottles of 0.3 liters, it will not be difficult to drink a drink during this time. The bottle should be protected from sunlight and high temperature (over 20 degrees). Therefore, it is better, pouring into glasses, remove the bottle immediately back to the refrigerator.

ice wine reviews

To summarize

It was no coincidence that we told you about ice wines. Their exquisite bouquet is so fascinating that more and more people become fans of this drink. If you like dessert wines, then perhaps having got acquainted with the material presented here, also decide to try it. Compared with most wines on sale today, their cost is much higher. So a small bottle will cost you 100 rubles, and even that, if we are not talking about the most popular brands.

“Fanagoria” (ice wine “Riesling”) is a delicious and refined dessert, as well as a wonderful gift for any celebration. Therefore, if you are going to visit, especially if the Christmas holidays are ahead, then make sure that such a bottle is in the gift basket. Just imagine: a frosty evening, a blizzard outside the window, and you have ice wine in your glass ... It's time to imagine that you are in a fairy tale about the Snow Queen!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C45287/

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